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هویت شهر

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The article aims at studying the Relationship between Citizens’ Territorial Behavior and the criteria and extent of Perception of Integration between Buildings and city in urban Public Spaces. Integration of buildings and city is an essential cause for unity and coherence and therefore qualification of urban public spaces. Territorial Behavior as a component of social aspect of urban spaces plays a pivotal role in Citizens’ perception of the unity and integrity of the spaces and determination of valuating criteria for quality of urban public spaces. The study claims that territorial behavior as a social act has co-variation extent of citizens’ perception of integrity of buildings and city, and there is always co- effective relationship among them. This explanatory claim is examined in there sequences of vali- e- Asr (Aj) street of Tehran.The study is done through a phenomenological approach in area of perception psychology in the framework of fuzzy methodology with a descriptive- explanatory research method in the theoretical level and survey research method in the experimental level applying analytic fuzzy quantitative and qualitative techniques. Data collection method is to refer to scientific literature and documents in the theoretical level and survey method through questioner and direct interview in experimental level. Units of observation are selected from those educated people residents and business in the neighboring blocks to the related sequences. There are four units of analysis in this study including: 1- city of Tehran, 2- Vali- e- Asr (Aj) street and three sequences of it, 3- people include inhabitances and business holders of the studied sequences, and 4- scientific documents and citation. Sample volume is 500 people include inhabitances and business holders of the studied sequences. Sampling method is target full. Validity of variations and concepts are derived from referring to theoretical literature, scientific consensus and authors’ knowledge.The results show that Citizens’ Territorial Behavior is one of the most important casual conditions in integrity of buildings and city. Territorial behaviors in order have the most extent in sequences of Tajrish Square to Zafaranieh, Rah Ahan square to Molavi junction and Vali-e-Asr (Aj) street to Vali-e-Asr (Aj) junction. Moreover, the extent of quality and desirability of space and the extent of citizens’ perception of the integrity of buildings and city is low depending on territorial behaviors’ extent in sequences.The high extent of Territorial behaviors communications in urban spaces of Tajrish Square to Zafaranieh reefer to the importance of identity and essence of district and social activity criteria and controlling of communications in urban spaces of this sequence.Access and sizes of blocks is one of the important criteria in integrity of buildings and city in citizens’ view. The most citizens prefer to have access in physical and visual aspect between buildings and street. In totally, results of paper don’t completely confirm Jacobs’s viewpoints about existence of Hierarchy in urban streets except in night and urban streets that play a transitional street.From citizens’ perspective, Vali-e-Asr (Aj) has a unique character and identity and so is the most memorial urban element in city of Tehran.

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With no doubt, all existing elements in the universe are subject to movement, transition, and change. All these changes should lead to perfection and elevation in a logical way. Cities, as the place of human life and activities are not an exception. Thus, responding to the following basic questions is the main aim of this article: - How does evolution of the city lead towards perfection.- Who are playing role in leading a city toward perfection.- What are the definitions and model of perfection? In other words, what are the attributes of the ideal model of a city.- Can a unique pattern be used for different cities?This article endeavors to compile the main attributes of the holy city of Mashhad (an outstanding example) considering these questions and issues without prejudice, and attempts to eliminate all current ideas on historical urban texture. Compilation of this city’s perfection features derived from the Islamic texts, will offer some strategies for developing the historical texture of this sacred city. These achievements can be a base for further studies of other cities of Iran.Indeed, attracting experts’ (including urban designers, planners and managers) attention to the following issues is the main goal and achievement of the research from which guidelines for the future of the city are derived from: - Introducing the main stages of the process from which human vestiges, as well as cities appear (are produced and developed). The first stage of the process is named thinking space, which is related to the human mind. The second one is act area and the last one is human products. “Philosophy of life” is the name selected for the thinking space, “Culture” is the space of man’s acts and activities from which the last one, “civilization”, as the collection of man-made products results from.- Explanation of the relationship and dependence between people’s identity and the identity of their products, as well as the identity of the city and its people.- Emphasizing the importance of compiling a specific theoretical foundation for every city.- Expression of distinct attributes and characteristics of sacred places as well as ceremonies performed in these places, in different religions and cultures. Based on these attributes and characteristics, every sacred place and its surrounding urban areas require a specific plan and design.- Considering this important fact that the people who come to Mashhad are mostly pilgrims, not tourists; and there is an essential difference between pilgrims and tourists, especially in Islamic culture. As facilities for these two groups (pilgrims and tourists) are different, Mashhad, and especially its central area (around the holy shrine of Imam RezaA) requires a specific design and plan in response to the pilgrims’ needs.- Paying serious attention to the priority of spiritual issues rather than material and corporeal ones;- Emphasizing the collection of theoretical bases for conservation, renovation, rehabilitation and development of sacred places and their surrounding urban texture based on the fundamental principles according to which the place has been recognized as a sacred place is the main conclusion of the article.

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In Architecture and Urban Planning theoretical discussion, because of the importance in “identity” and “tradition”, there have been major discussions by the experts. Contemporary architecture has always been a concern for providing communication between the architectural past and present, both in theory and in practice. Therefore, in the whole point of view, two different important ideas would be appeared. Some of the architects believe studying on these two mentioned ideas in the age globalization can be a waste of time, they also believe that, architects have to forget the whole idea and they have to follow the current idea of Architecture, which is the Western Architecture (ideas, concepts, materials, …). But the point is here, for these groups of architects the only point about Architecture which is shinny for them from the whole ideas is the Styles and Types of Western Architecture.But the second group has the obvious and different idea, as an example. We can mention Dr. Etesam (in 1384). He believes, Japanese Architecture was based on its valuable principles and traditions in Japan’s ancient architecture, and they could get a great place in world’s Architecture by reinterpreting and making requalification in concepts.And also their creative architects could create some unique high-value works, without imitating the elements, or any other principles from their important works in Architecture, but is a follow of moral reinterpreting of their traditional Architecture. In comparison, perhaps we can say Mir Miran is like them in Iran. In most of his projects, there had been moral, abstract and conceptual aspects of reinterpreted elements and traditions of Iranian Architecture.But here, in this paper, Mir Miran’s point of view in reusing tradition would not be compared by Japanese architects, that will be compared with founder of modern Architecture Corbusier. The kinds of reinterpreting of cultural and local traditions by Mir Miran and Corbusier is completely different –as we mentioned in essay-Le Corbusier was reinterpreting elements in touchable manifestation and materialistic customs of western classic Architecture’s point of view by western materialistic aspects, like in: Dimension, measurement, proportions and also reinterpreting the relations between existence elements in building, like: steps, structure and so on, in the format of new thoughts.But Mir Miran was looking for moral and meaningful atmosphere to reinterpret customs and elements of Iranian architecture in more abstract and non- materialistic way. He was trying to reinterpret the concepts like: “inside and outside difference, transparency, and lightness of Iran’s contemporary Architecture”.To show and compare Mir Miran’s and Le Corbusier’s point of view in reusing customs, compare villa Stain (designed by Corbusier), with villa Foss Kari (designed by Andrea Palladio, and then the Fat plan and Massia (designed by Le Corbusier), from the typology point of view. And then we will study and analyze Mir Miran’s point of view in reinterpreting and reusing customs and elements of Iranian Architecture in Frahangestan’s project, and also the hierarchy and proportion of the building in Iran’s embassies and consulates and 40 Soton palace in Isfahan.

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While cities are contexts of social interaction and presence of people in various areas of social life, the presence of women as half of the population is faced with limitations. These restrictions have limited satisfaction of women in terms of need for safety, communication and social interaction, enjoyment of natural beauties and their selfactualization. For easy and safe presence in the urban spaces and increasing the livability for women in some countries like Iran, special areas for women are suggested. The main aim of these areas not only is separating women from men, but also is providing facilities for women to take advantages of all of the capacity of a city. However, some critics believe that women parks are a kind of discrimination. Inattention to women’s needs has led to their isolation, dissatisfaction and serious physical and mental health problems. To reduce these problems, municipals and city councils have focused on the women park. Although the implementation of these parks is criticized by professional and lay people with controversial comments for and against them, this article investigates whether the women park is a suitable approach for providing freedom and comfort for women or it enclaves women behind the walls and is a mean for limitation and gender segregation.This paper investigates the criteria which are interested by many researchers in Iran and abroad in the field of genders and parks that is the basis of the theoretical model proposed in this paper. Women’s use of public space in Western countries is tied to issues such as security. In countries like Iran that the relations between men and women is based on cultural properties such as privacy, veil, etc., predefined separated spaces and women parks in addition to security, will bring comfort, more freedom of action, removing veil and exercising. This criterion will be satisfied in two different social contexts.In this paper the satisfaction level of 45 women in four sample parks, in Tabriz are compared and evaluated. Based on suggestions and perceived problems some criteria for designing future women park is extracted. The main research method employed is deep interview and the addressed group includes women using these parks selected randomly. The result of observations and interview show that women using the parks consider comfort ability for exercise and use, safety, closeness to nature and meeting familiar friends as positive aspects of these environments. Insufficient children and sport facilities and potential increase in some female crime activities however are reported as negative aspects. A revised model for evaluating the qualities of women parks in Iran is also proposed based on the reviewed models. Regards to the suggestions stated by the sample women we should focus on a number criteria such as health, sports infrastructures, and beauty of environment, green areas, benches and stores. In addition, the absence of men, being free and secure, closeness to nature and visiting friends are the positive aspects of these parks. We hope to pay attention to these criteria for future considerations in different cultures.

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With the transition of Iranian society from ancient to modern times, a new era has been started in the history of Iran, raising different criteria and new expectations than in the past. This transition has been continued gradually until the present time and has affected many disciplines especially architecture and urbanism and made many influential changes. In the course of Iranian history after events such as the rise of Islam and Mongol invasion, the creation of new intellectual trends and tendencies to the West late in the Qajar period (as the transition stage), is perhaps the most important event in Iran. Considering all the cases mentioned, the numbers of great works of contemporary Iranian architecture are little and increasing the number of universities and university graduates in architecture has not influenced this trend. This study is to identify the causes of these changes and to evaluate how these factors has influenced the contemporary architecture of Iran.The aim of this research is to study the factors that have shaped these changes and the consequent transition stages of Iranian contemporary architecture. This era is in fact a new era in architecture of Iran, that although is different with the traditional period before, but is significant in terms of the selection and development of architecture in contemporary society of Iran. Therefore study and understanding of the causes of these intellectual transformations becomes Important. In order to conclude the main criteria, the main factors including Internal and external, political, economical, socio-cultural causes, influential characters and basically fundamental factors as well as the important architectural features during the transformation of Iranian architecture from Qajar period till the present time are contemplated. Furthermore, In order to examine and weight the evaluation criteria gained from the initial study, a survey among specialists in the field of Iranian architecture by targeted questionnaires will be undertaken, and its result will be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively by use of SPSS software. Because any matter including architecture are formed as a result of policies and various attitudes, so in the course of this research identification of the roots of these attitudes is the most noticeable motive.According to the results of this study, the contemporary architecture of Iran rather than responding intelligently to variable conditions and expectations of contemporary society, is drowned in the expansion and diversity of facilities and attitudes imported mainly from western countries without enough consideration on their knowledge, ability and messages and above all without enough attention to the context of the society they are taken from. Moreover, Iranian contemporary architecture in most cases is the result of the simplest response to these conditions without considering the spirit of Iranian traditional architecture and its main theoretical framework. Consequently, the result in most cases is nothing unless imitation, simple childish thinking and mere scattering of Iranian cities. To achieve a great level in contemporary architecture, the situations should be provided by increasing the knowledge, skills and cultural level of the individual elements of contemporary society, too.

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Applying for participation and social capital in the process of sustainable development, review and analyze the social dimension of sustainable development is essential. Development process in a country relying on social structures and institutions will be deeper. To develop a process by which the initial conditions of backwardness and underdevelopment of the various communities through developmental stages more or less the same and sustain the quality and quantity changes will become developed societies, when it comes to concept development in economic phenomena, and the social sector as a key component of sustainable development, less attention will be. The social dimension of sustainable development in different regions, regardless of the scope of participation and social capital may not be. Social capital similarity and homology with the use community in various ways, because the spirit of mutual trust and serve the interests of sustainable development into national and local level be. And the substrate and creates an atmosphere that using the lower cost of manpower, interaction between them also increase. Development process in a country relying on social structures and institutions, will be deeper and more lasting, can develop with social interactions due to increased participation and social trust tend to be rich, building. This study looked at the concept of social capital will develop a sustainable community that try using the social capital in sustainable development of South Pars region and the effects on each other in both urban and rural areas at local level / area Be examined. On this basis, to review the status of social capital in South Pars Special Economic Energy Zone areas directly influences the amount of power and its effects on rural and urban settlements have been paid. Assess the role of social capital in local sustainable development of South Pars parameters such groups and networks, the trust level - group, information / communication and assimilation /social solidarity using analytical descriptive in rural settlements (4villages), and urban.Considering the various aspects of environmental, economic, social sustainable development, in order to operate and measure of social stability in the transition to sustainable development Parameters such as social capital, participation, security, health, education, equality, identity, cultural - entertainment is considered and examined, In this research using the study library of a documents, field visits with a descriptive approach - a survey of theoretical debates. Sustainable development and analysis of social and cultural capital in formation of social capital in rural and urban settlements and the city of Nakhl Taghi and Assaluyeh. Provincial company in South Pars, after a decade of work has been paid. research findings with regard to the direct relationship between sustainable development and social capita, Although the turnout is desirable in the industrial design But not the broader social, economic development in the region Social capital in rural and urban settlements at the local level, a lot of damage Disrupt the balance of social groups such as sex ratio and to separate social, cultural and historical discontinuity and destruction of social relationships are entered.

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Various surveys have been made in semantic, aesthetic and historical sphere of the Naghsh-e-Jahan square as a most successful urban space in Iran. Hereby, the article is emphasized on the recognition of public arts as critical elements to empower the triumph of Naghsh-e-Jahan sq. Hence, introducing, classification of public arts and the recognition of related factors which play essential role in successful urban spaces is proposed.Public art is a multifaceted field of inquiry; it encompasses a wide variety of creative expressions in the public realm. From memorials and historical monuments to contemporary installations and performance events, the possibilities are endless.As a conclusion the side effects of every pub art such as, team work games, fountains, lighting, urban furniture, monuments, graffiti, music rehearsals and street performances on promotion of successful urban spaces’ guidelines like, conform, relaxation, passive engagement with the environment and active engagement with the environment is illustrated.Moreover, rational relation between classified pub arts and their impacts on the prosperity of urban spaces and their positive affection of testing pub arts in enhancement of urban spaces is implied. Alongside the study on the different types of pub art implemented in the square’s historical background, throughout a comprehensive questionnaire as a technique, the audiences’ comments about the urban space and their preferences on the presence and continuity of pub arts in Naghsh-e-Jahan square are evaluated. Based on research hypothesis, 160 questionnaires have been surveyed in a matter that both residents and tourists from other regions are included in the study. On the other hand, the presence intervals in the square have been concerned.33 percent of interviewees were residents and other 67 percent were from other regions. Moreover, 26 percent of interviewees visited the square for the first time and other 74 percent has been visited the square more than once in advance.The results of processing methods applied by SPSS, depicts that large number of interviewees ascribe the constructive impact of public arts. Other conclusion would be the solidarity between public arts- as independent factor- and the success of urban space –Naghsh-e-Jahan square- as dependent one. Music performance enjoys solidarity with success of urban space. From this view point Naghsh-e-Jahan square is benefited from a great potential for music rehearsals. Apparently, urban furniture, fountains and lighting work as the most effective factors which influence the success of the urban space. As what the study shows, urban furniture suffers from low quality and people are reluctant to use the furniture. Enhancing design methods for furniture in the square would be an effective method To promote the people’s satisfaction. While many types of furniture could be mixed as well as matched, selecting styles of furniture that bring together a more unified design theme for this square is important. Therefore, it is clarified that pub arts have been varied and applied ever since the beginning of the creation of the square, and according to the users point of view, pub arts have great influence of the success of Naghsh-e-Jahan square.

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In this research common aspects of two Iranian traditional architecture and music have been studied from 8 viewpoints (space, rhythm, relation, culture, symmetry, hierarchy, holy numbers and contrast).Fatalistic aspect of environment make us believe that alterations in geographic, social and cultural environments or fabricated environments causes changes in behavior. Various climate conditions in Iran has also caused remarkable changes in structural architecture, materials, living, legends, worldview and even music in various regions of our country. The main reason to choose context of Yazd and Tabriz, two remarkable and main cities in two deeply different climate conditions of our country, has been the fact of consideration to the two factors of climate and culture in study of these comparisons.The spiritual principles in the traditional architecture of Iran have based on cultural principles.One of the goals of this essay is to analyze the differences in music and architecture in two various climates of Tabriz and Yazd. Certain aspects of environment control human behavior.Scientific comparison of two remarkable categories of traditional architecture and music, that are located in two regions of the country with different climate conditions, helps us to better understand Iranian native architecture and music and the philosophy behind them. It seems that in order to study the relationship between these two categories of Traditional Iranian music and architecture as the two major factors in the structure of Iranian culture, manner of formation of these two arts in two different cultures and outlooks shall be specifically heeded to. Study of these common aspects leads us to the point that creation of architecture has been based on the same principles that the art of music is restricted to.This research aims at re-identifying architectural concepts to the addressee by musical concepts and studying symmetry and common aspects of these two arts structurally in the two buildings with two different cultures, climate conditions and outlooks.It can be concluded in this research that the way the climate conditions in every region affect the architecture of that region, it shall also touch the culture and music of that region.Common aspects of music and architecture are, In fact, mixed with the essence of these two arts. The goal of the traditional architecture has not been creation of these common aspects; but nowadays these common aspects shall be useful inspirations for design in the essence of some architectural areas (such as urban areas, solidarity of urban walls and views, music centers).Cultural requirement of this research has been the need to engage in interdisciplinary issues that are very much lacked in today’s literary society. On the other hand, applied requirement of this research is the scientific comparison of two major categories of Iranian traditional architecture and music in two various climate conditions of our country that helps us to have better understanding of Iranian native architecture and music and will form these two fields.Research method in this essay is based on comparison and measurement, while method of study is laboratory-based.

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