The dumping of solid waste in uncontrolled landfills can cause significant impacts on the environment and human health. The principal concern is focused on the pollution potential due to migration of the leachate generated from the landfill sites into the groundwater, the surface water or the sea. In this study, used of a technique that has been developed to quantify the landfill leachate pollution using an index known as Leachate Pollution Index (LPI). Also, monitoring of leachate quality was carried out at three dump sites as Talesh, Roudsar, and Ferydounkenar from cities of northern Iran. The leachates were monitored for changes in pH, TDS, COD, BOD, TKN, Ammonia-Nitrogen, and heavy metals. Leachate Pollution Index (LPI) for Talesh, Roudsar, and Frydunkenar leachate was 23.64, 27.51, and 17.96, respectively. These results showed that Roudsar leachate is more polluted than Talesh, and Frydunkenar leachate. Further, leachates of three dump sites showed that higher LPI value those than of 7.4 obtained for the treated leachate that can be disposed into inland surface water are more.