The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating role of retirement plan, retiring stage and retirement time in the relationship between reduction of income, health and job satisfaction before retirement AND psychological well-being after retirement. Research method is descriptivecorrelative, performed on the employees close to retirement in an industrial complex in Esfahan. To test the hypotheses, a sample of 893 people was gathered through Convenience method. Data gathering took place with measures including CES-D scale (Raulf, 1977), questions measuring reduction of income, health and job satisfaction before retirement extracted from health and retirement survey (HRS, 1992), and questions measuring retirement plan and retirement expectation extracted from Wolfgang(2014). For data analysis correlation coefficient and subgroups analysis (for moderating analysis) was used. Results indicated that there is a positive relationship between job satisfation and wellbeing before retirement AND psychological wellbeing after retirement, on the other hand, there is a negative relationship between expected time of retirement, self-reported reduction of health, expert-reported reduction of health AND psychological well-being (p<0. 01). Also, in the relationship between reduction of income, health and job satisfaction before retirement AND psychological well-being after retirement, there is a moderating effect by retirement plan, bridge job and expected time(earlier or later than expected) of retirement (p<0. 01).