The Kalibar І exploration district is located in the north of City Ahar, Azarbayejan Sharghi province as a part of the Alborz-Azarbayejan structural zone. Eocene-age acid to intermediate volcanic rocks together with less abundant granite to granodiorite intrusions comprise the major rocks in the Kalibar area with the latter hosting much of the mineralization. The Kalibar district was recognized as a prospect during regional geochemical survey of Ahar sheet (scale: 1.100000). A number of 801 stream-sediment samples were taken and analyzed in this research for their U and Th contents and such pathfinder elements as As, Nb, Bi, Mo, Pb, Cu, Fe, Co, Ni, and Sr employing the ICP analytical technique. The Kalibar district comprise a geochemical anomaly associated with samples of abnormally higher-than-background radioactive element contents. The "background" values for U and Th in the study area have been determined as 4.9 ppm and 22.4 ppm, respectively. The authenticity of the geochemical anomalies has been checked by field observations. The role of hydrothermal fluids in creating the geochemical anomalies and hence uranium mineralization is implied by the presence of mineralized quartz veins and extensive hydrothermal alterations in the host granitic rocks. The close relationship between mineralized quartz veins and the structural features in the area suggest that fractures probably acted as conduits to transport U-bearing hydrothermal fluids. The high correlation between U and Th, and such elements as Fe, Na, La, Nb, and Cd indicate that U and Th might have been derived from a common source. Noting the susceptibility of U to weathering and leaching processes and the permeability of the host rocks to mineralization, the search for the presence of supergene mineralization could be promising.