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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main idea of this research is social capital. Its definition comes back to bonds and relationships between members of a network as a valuable source which results in realization of the members' goals through creation of norms and mutual trust. The main goal of this research is to compare social captial and its aspects amongst studied groups. The method of research is survey and population involves all members of martyrs and devotees families and ordinary families settled in captial city of Golestan Province. Sample involves 388 persons who have been chosen in two groups of maryts and devotees families and ordinaly (194 persons in each one) through the random proportaional order. Age, Sex, Marital status, education, job, socio-economic status, mass media consuption, religion, and Ethnicity are independent variables and trust, participation, formal and informal relatiohships, and individaul and group social interactions have been chosen as dependent variable (socail capital), respectively? The results show that there is a significiant relathioship between social captial in martyrs and devotees families and ordinary families so that social capital in first group is much higher than the secon. Comparison of aspects of social capital shows that group membership, group participation, public trust, institutional trust, social interaction, and assisting actions are higher in the mart; yrs and devotees families group compared to the ordianly group. There is a high correlation between ages of the repondents of martyrs and devotees families group and social captial so that the older, the higher social treasure, But there is no correlation between the ages of respondents of ordinary group and social capital. There is significant difference between the sex of repondents of martyrs and devotees families group and social capital so that the average social is higher in women compared to men. But there isn't a significant difference between sex of ordianry gorup and social captial. There is significant difference between the material status of the repondents of martyrs and devotees families group and social capital so that the average social is higher in women compared to men. But there isn't a significant difference between sex of ordianry gorup and social captial. There is negative relationship between education of the respondents of martyrs and devotees families group and social capital so that the average social is higher in women compared to men. But there isn't a significant difference between sex of ordianry gorup and social captial. Mass media consumption, religion, Ethinicity, socio-economic status, and job as independent variables made no difference in social treasure of studied groups. On the basis of the results, it is suggested that Martyrs and Devotees affair of Organization makes some attempts in the case of development of group interaction, empowement of trust, increase of assisting actions and development of social relationship networks in order to promotion of the level of social caital and its aspects amongst martyes and devotees families.

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The presence rate of women in parliaments- as the main symbol of women s political participation- has become one of the social and political indicators of development in the world. Now we should consider whether the presence and the role of women in parliaments in the recent decades has increased. Our goal in this study is to recognize the rate and the process of the increased presence of women in different parliaments around the world, and make an assessment in this regard. The result of this assessment can demonstrate the rate of participation of women in political life. Therefore, at the outset, the rate of women s presence in parliaments in the world according to geographical division has been studied. Then the growth process of the presence of women in parliaments- during a period of 12 years - has been considered; and thereafter, the rate of the presence of women in parliaments has been studied according to the history of democracy and development. And also the role of women in world parliaments is another title which has been considered and studied. This research is a documentary research, and analysis the documents (Statistical data) have been considered quantitatively, therefore the information source (websites of different world parliaments and the website of the IPU) was studied and analyzed as numbers. The result of this study showed that the number of women parliamentarians has been increasing during the recent 12 years. This increase includes also the percentage of their presence. However the growth rate of their presence is less than the growth of the number of women parliamentarians. There is a big race between the geographical groups regarding the presence of women in parliaments. Generally the more developed countries and those with more ancient democracy history have won the superior position. A general study on the rate of women s role in parliaments shows that there is still a long way towards the required position. This situation can be generally noticed in all parts of the world.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main objective of this research is the analysis of the content of programs of M. B. C. Persian Satellite Network in order to achieve communication culture and techniques used in transmitting messages. In this respect, after reviewing the effects of satellite on the culture and features of Persian satellite network and M. B. C. the main research question was addressed. Then assumptions were set in the next step in the response to the research question. Afterwards, by determining communication techniques, content analysis is done to find the relationship between communication techniques associated with the foundations of Iranian cultural identity, western culture promotion, the concept of individual autonomy, cosmopolitan attitudes, weakening religion, promotion of lavish culture, cultural integration and the inter-generations relationship. After reviewing the films as a statistical sample, it was tried to prove or reject the research hypotheses. Research findings had suggested that the techniques used in Persian M.B.C Network programs inspire a particular culture among the audience.

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The purpose of the present research is to examine the relationship between knowledge management, organizational health and personnel entrepreneurship of social security organization in Tehran. This research is of functional, descriptive correlation class. Statistical population includes 1200 staff personnel of social security organization in central office. 320 out of 1200 personnel were selected as a sample by random sampling method. The research instruments include a standard questionnaire resulted from knowledge management, organizational health and organizational entrepreneurship components. The result of Pearson correlation coefficient, multivariable regression, one way analysis of variance and LSD pursuit test showed that:1- There is a meaningful relationship between knowledge management variable and personnel entrepreneurship variable.2- There is a meaningful relationship between organization health and personnel entrepreneurship.3- Knowledge management variables and organizational health variables, simultaneously, described 58% of changes in personnel entrepreneurship rate variable.4- There is a meaningful relationship between personnel entrepreneurship rate and duty years of them on the basis of education level.

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The present research is a description and explanation of the survey an into the relationship between the lifestyle and social identity of 250 samples of the youth between 15-29 years old in Babol city. This research is done using survey method and the required data is also collected, Extracted and analyzed through questionnaire. The present study is based on the theoretical framework derived from the theories of sociologists, psychologists and anthropologists about identity, and is on the base of Zimel's, Bordio's, Gidens', Max Weber's, Toresten Veblen's and Marx's theories about lifestyle. It should be mentioned that lifestyle as an independent variable consists of using cultural products, leisure activity, body management, nutrition pattern and shopping pattern. Social identity as a dependent variable includes religious, national, collaborative, family and individual identity, which is investigated beside the personal characteristics such as: age, gender and the respondent educational rate. In sociology, there is no explicit and clear understanding of the concept of identity. One of the noticeable axes in the last decades of the twentieth century's sociology was an effort to the modern social relations of the societies, which one of its important axes is to observe the analysis of the state of alteration to the social foundation of identity in modern societies. Contrary to traditional and pre-modern society in which the base of social identity is more relational characteristics, in modern society, "success in producing system" is crystallized into the concept of category and more recent than that, is the type and style of "consumer behaviors and actions" or "lifestyle" which forms the individual and social identities. Thus, if we consider social identity as a collection of different values, beliefs, viewpoints and patterns of social groups' behaviors, this collection is all inferred as a subordinate to a kind of consumer actions. Therefore, new forms of "social identity" appear which are formulated on the base of consuming goods. In this sense, lifestyle is a way of describing individuals' values, viewpoints and behavior (identity).

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Giddens's structuration theory is one of the most important synthetically theories in sociology. Giddens provides a rather comprehensive framework for description and analyzing social structure and practice of social agent with synthesizing micro and macro sociological theories. In this article we will explain different aspect of this synthetically theory, theoretical and methodological consequences and implications for sociology and advance a schematic model that derives from this theory. At the end, we will try to take first steps for using this theory in social research by practical examples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research with the title of "The Role Educational of Librarians in the Study Development of the Public Libraries membes in the Lorestan Province," is an applied study with descriptive-survey two parts and to gather information from library managers and members who had at least one year membership and their degrees were diploma and higher than it. method. So, to gathering information, we used from a questionnaire in From 300 distributed questionnaires, 132 questionnaires were returned. Method of sampling was performed randomly among the members who had above mentioned characteristics, and to analyze the data (responses to questionnaires, the main question and research hypothesis) we used descriptive and inferential statistics.Results show that most of public library collections of Lorestan province were established between 1368 to 1378, and majority of them have collection of 10000 to 15000 books. statistics showed that the status of above mentioned libraries not were weak from labour and facilities and related eases aspects.To verify the research hypothesis, we investigated many subjects in the form of research questions and the results showed that the members study method is based on a careful study and more understanding towards course information strengthening. Books were considered more than other information materials, and librarians have effective role to encourage and motivate the study, select the interested filed, preparation resources and create appropriate spaces using new tools and their professional expertise to attract members and form habit to study in them.The biggest obstacles causing members not to study are lackey of interest and the needed books. Finally, the performed statistical tests showed that the proposed hypothesis "the higher than medium role of the librarians in developing the members study was confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article has a cultural anthropological approach to changes in family and kinship relationship in passage of time. Thus, it reviews the ideas of Morgan, Tyalor, Malinovsky and others about family and kinship relationship in order to derive a relatively comprehensive typology of changes in family and kinship according to their ideas.Methodological strategy involves qualitative research. Research method is documentary study. The process of analyzing data is substantial coding, by which some distinct types of family and kinship relationship in terms of time periods is being created. The result of this methodic review of ideas of the cultural anthropologists is a typology in terms of socio-cultural evolutionary periods (Savageness, Barbarism and Civilization). Each period contains two different components: common (historical period, type of society, residency pattern and social organization) and particular (form of family, form of marriage, kinship relationships and division of labour between man and women). The outcome of combining of two components is a 24 cellular matrix of types of family and kinshiprelationship in passage of time.

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