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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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برای ارزیابی طول های مختلف قلمه و غلظت های متفاوت ایندول بوتیریک اسید بر ریشه زایی گل کاغذی، پژوهشی در شرایط فضای آزاد از اسفند ماه 1389 تا اردیبهشت 1390 در شهرستان خرمشهر اجرا گردید. آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با چهار سطح طول قلمه چوب سخت ( 5، 10، 15 و 20 سانتی متر) و هفت سطح هورمون ایندول بوتیریک اسید (صفر، 500، 1000، 1500، 2000، 2500 و 3000 میلی گرم در لیتر) در 4 تکرار (هر تکرار شامل 10 قلمه) انجام شد. فاکتورهای اندازه گیری شده شامل درصد ریشه زایی، تعداد ریشه، طول ریشه، وزن تر و خشک ریشه بود. آنالیز آماری توسط نرم افزار SPSS و مقایسه میانگین ها در سطح 5% آزمون دانکن انجام گردید. نتایج نشان داد که بیشترین درصد ریشه زایی در غلظت 2000 میلی گرم در لیتر ایندول بوتیریک اسید به مدت یک دقیقه بدست آمد و همچنین باعث افزایش طول و تعداد ریشه، وزن تر و خشک ریشه گردید. از میان طول های مختلف، طول قلمه 15 سانتی متر، بیشترین تاثیر را بر صفات درصد ریشه زایی، وزن تر و خشک ریشه و تعداد ریشه داشت. بنابراین غلظت 2000 میلی گرم در لیتر و طول 15 سانتی متر بیشترین تاثیر را در افزایش ریشه زایی قلمه های گل کاغذی نشان دادند.

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به منظور بررسی تاثیر قارچ های میکوریزا آربوسکولار بر شاخص های فیزیولوژیکی گیاه گندم، رقم چمران، تحت تنش شوری آزمایشی گلدانی در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز به صورت یک بار خرد شده فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در سال زراعی 91-1390 به اجرا در آمد. فاکتورهای مورد آزمایش شامل فاکتور اول، شوری آب (کیفیت آب) در چهار سطح آب تصفیه (dS m-1 1 ³EC)، آب شهری (dS m-1 3-7.1 EC =)، آب شهری به همراه نمک و آب تصفیه به همراه نمک (dS m-1 8EC = )، فاکتور دوم شامل استریلیزاسیون خاک شامل خاک استریل و خاک غیر استریل و فاکتور سوم کاربرد قارچ میکوریزا شامل 3 گونه eGlomus mossea،G. intraradices، G. geosporum، مخلوط سه گونه قارچ و شاهد (بدون تلقیح) اعمال گردید. نتایج نشان داد که اعمال شوری سبب کاهش محتوای نسبی آب برگ و هدایت روزنه ای و افزایش نشت الکترولیت در هر دو مرحله گرده افشانی و پر شدن دانه گردید ولی عدد SPAD و حداکثر عملکرد فتوسیستم II (Fv/Fm) و عملکرد کوانتومی فتوسیستم II(FPSII) فقط در مرحله پر شدن دانه با افزایش غلظت شوری کاهش معنی داری نشان داد. کاربرد قارچ میکوریزا سبب افزایش محتوای نسبی آب برگ، هدایت روزنه ای،Fv/Fm و FPSII و کاهش نشت الکترولیت در گیاه میزبان نسبت به شاهد گردید که این تغییرات بسته به گونه قارچی با افزایش سطح شوری به طور معنی داری بیشتر بود. هدایت روزنه ای بیشترین همبستگی مثبت (r=0.77) و نشت الکترولیت بیشترین همبستگی منفی (r=-0.85) را با شاخص تحمل به شوری نشان دادند. کاهش عدد SPAD در مرحله پر شدن دانه با افزایش شوری نشان دهنده تخریب کلروفیل می باشد. عدد SPAD، همبستگی مثبت و معنی داری با شاخص تحمل به شوری و FPSII نشان داد. با توجه به نتایج آزمایش می توان بیان نمود گونه های G. mosseae و G. geosporumبا افزایش محتوای نسبی آب برگ و کاهش نشت الکترولیت، منجر به بهبود تحمل گندم در شرایط شور گردیدند.

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Plant Productions

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In order to investigate the effect of shade, organic materials and planting time on characters of Lisianthus, a completely randomized design experiment was conducted in greenhouse of Isfahan University of Technology including 3 treatments, and each one consisted of 3 replications in 2012. Treatments consisted of two levels of 50% and 70% shade as the main factor, two planting times (April 28th and May 2nd) as sub-factor and three levels of organic material ( 0, 5 and10 kilograms of manure per square meter) as sub-factor in subsidiary. The results showed that 50% shade increased height, diameter of flower, the amount of chlorophyll and fresh and dry weight of the plant. The longest flowering period was observed in treatment of 50% shade. Plants in this treatment produced flower faster than those in 70% shade. The first planting time (April) fell behind in blooming but beared flowers for a longer time. Also, leaves showed less chlorophyll compared to those planted in May. Planting time had no significant effect on other characteristics. Organic material showed a significant effect only on wet and dry weight of plants. Interacting effect of shade and organic material showed a significant effect on Lisianthus’s fresh and dry weight and amount of relative chlorophyll. But the intraction between planting time, shade and organic matter effected dry weight and fresh weight respectively.

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Plant Productions

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In order to evaluate the allelopathic effects of decomposed walnut leaf extract on some physiological traits of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) an experiment was conducted in Shahrekord University in 2010. This experiment was arranged as a factorial experiment with randomized complete block design with three replications in the glasshouse. Factor A included, five treatments of 0, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 % of walnut decomposed leaf extraction and Factor B included three methods of soil applicant at the in time of planting and soil applicant and spray extraction at the two-leaf stage. In this study, some traits such as leaf area, chlorophyll a and b, crop temperature stability and Leaf protein were measured. The results showed that use of 50 and 100% of extract reduced leaf area and leaf chlorophyll content significantly while the leaf protein content increased. Moreover, soil application of extract, especially in two-leaf stage, reduced leaf area and leaf chlorophyll content significantly. In conclusion, walnuts potentially have the ability to be used in weed management. Furthermore, in compliance with principles of sustainable agriculture, putting this method to use has the least environmental impact.

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Plant Productions

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Limitation of high quality water made it necessary to find suitable methods of irrigating management. Reduce of water waste, increase of yield and even controlled water stresses are known as factors improving water use efficiency. Irrigation (fertigation) in hydroponic systems is much more important than in soil based cultivation and is highly depended to physical characteristics of medium used. This experiment was carried out to investigate the response of hydroponically cultured greenhouse tomato to deficit irrigation (DI), partial root zone drying (PRD) and incorporating in different media. A split- plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replicates and four observations in each experimental unit was used. Irrigation treatments were applied using 5 methods (normal irrigation using 100% of water need, deficit irrigation with 70 and 50% of water need and PRD treatments by 50 and 70% water need). Three types of media (perlite, perlite + 1% w/w hydrogel and perlite + 2% w/w hydrogel) were considered as secondary factor. Results showed that on average, full irrigation resulted in better values of fruit weight, number, diameter and yield than DI and PRD. Media had 2% hydrogel showed better results than the others on measured traits. Fruit dry matter and firmness were higher in deficit irrigation treatments. Other quality traits including juice pH, vitamin C, fruit color, firmness, titrable acidity (TA) and total soluble solids (TSS) were also statistically different among treatments. PRD obtained higher values in most cases. It seems using small amounts of hydrogel (e.g. 1% w/w) in media is not enough effective on perlite characteristics and can not affect fruit quality indices. For this purpose, higher proportions (e.g. 2% w/w) must be incorporated with coarse perlite.

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Plant Productions

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In order to study phenology, some growth indices and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of potato cultivars (Savalan, Sante and Cozima) an experiment was conducted for one year (2010-2011) at Behbahan Agriculture Research Station. The experimental design was randomized complete block design with three treatments and three replications. Tubers were planted at mid January 2010 and were harvested at mid May 2011. The results indicated that the yield of potato in Khouzestan province is lower than that in temperate regions due to the long sprout development stage and high temperature during the tuber bulking stage. The duration of the vegetative stage was short and the maturation stage was not observed. The haulm and tuber growth rate increased during the early season while reached a maximum value, following decline in the late season. The tuber and crop growth rate of Savalan cultivar (19.4 and 21.72 g m-2 day-1 respectively) was higher than other cultivars. Therefore, this cultivar produced the highest yield of tuber dry weight (4.20 t ha-1). The maximum of relative growth rate (0.598 g g-1 day-1) and maximum of tuber growth rate (0.320 g g-1 day-1) belong to Savalan and Cozima cultivars respectively. Cozima cultivar produced the highest total and marketable yield (19.91 and 18.38 t ha-1 respectively). In regard to, total and marketable yield the difference between Cozima and Savalan cultivars was not significant. Savalan cultivar produced the highest tuber dry weight percentage (22.38).

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Plant Productions

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Side transportation of storage carbohydrates is one of the most important physiological indices in yield formation. In order to study potassium variation levels (200, 300 and 400 mg kg-1) on side transportation and soluble carbohydrate contents in two wheat cultivars with different maturity period (Veerynak and Chamran as early and medium maturity types, respectively), a pot experiment was carried out in the glasshouse using a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The stem soluble carbohydrate in both cultivars was higher at 300 mg kg-1 from flowering to maturity stages at this potassium level. Total soluble carbohydrate was higher at 300 mg kg-1 than two other potassium levels. Leaf soluble carbohydrate in both cultivars was higher at 200 mg kg-1, although the potassium level was lower. Potassium was also caused to increase grain starch during the grain filling period. In general, due to lower leaf area duration in both cultivars, remobilization was lower at 200 mg kg-1 than other levels

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Plant Productions

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This research was conducted through a factorial experiment with two factors including culture media (DKW and WPM) and Benzyl Adenine (BA) at three concentrations (0: control, 0.5 and 1.0 µm) for establishment of single node explants of Persian walnut, selected genotype 305, based on a completely randomized design. Thus, the effect of two cytokinin hormones (BA and Kinetin) in three concentrations (4.4, 6.6 and 8.8 mm) with IBA in two concentrations (0.05 and 0.1 mm) were studied on the proliferation of explants established on the selected medium. The results obtained from the proliferation step were analyzed through unbalanced complete randomized design. The aim of the establishment test was to determine the most effective medium for transmission to the next step. The mean comparison of the data for number of nodes and leaves showed that DKW medium performed better than WPM. Also, no significant difference was observed between 0.5 and 1 µm of BA concentrations. But a significant difference was observed between treatments with 0.5 and 1 µm of BA concentrations. Based on these results, the DKW medium was continued to be used in the next experiments. Results of mean comparison of data showed that the higher rates of growth indices were observed with 8.8 mm BA which only had a significant difference with 4.4 mm of BA. Overall results at this stage showed that BA performed better than Kinetin, and the rate of all investigated traits increased when cytokinin concentration increased. All data were analyzed with SAS software and the means of data were compared using Duncan's multiple range test.

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Plant Productions

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In order to evaluate the effects of various lengths of cutting and different concentrations of indole butyric acid (IBA) on Bougainvillea spectabilis rooting, a research in outdoor conditions was conducted in Khorramshahr between march 2010 and may 2011. A factorial experiment was performed in a randomized complete blocks design with four different lengths of hardwood cuttings (5, 10, 15 and 20 cm) and seven IBA levels (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 mg/l) in 4 replicates (each replicate contained 10 cuttings). The Measured factors included rooting percent, root number, root length, fresh and dry weight of roots. SPSS software for statistical analysis and comparison of means was performed by Duncan's test at 5% level. The results showed that the highest rooting percentage belonged to 2000 mg/l of IBA, which led to increasing root length, root number, root fresh and dry weight at 5% level. Results also indicated that the highest rooting percent of cuttings, root fresh and dry weight and root number was obtained with 15 cm cutting. Therefore, the highest rooting percentage belonged to 2000 mg/l of IBA and 15 cm cutting.

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Plant Productions

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Growth regulators have important effects on improvement of quality and quantity of horticultural commodities. In this research, to study the effects of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on quantitative and qualitative traits of date fruit cv. Estaamaran, an experiment was conducted in the palm collection of date palm tropical fruits research institute of Iran Ahvaz in 2010. The experiment was split plot in block completely randomized design with four replications. Experimental factors included 2 times of hormone spraying (20 and 40 days after pollination) in main plots and 9 hormonal mixture (control: distilled water), 50 ppm BA, 100 ppm BA, 100 ppm GA3, 200 ppm GA3, 50 ppm BA+ 100 ppm GA3, 100 ppm BA+ 100 ppm GA3, 50 ppm BA+ 200 ppm GA3, 100 ppm BA+ 200 ppm GA3) in sub plots. Different parameters including fresh weight, length, diameter, L/D, firmness, dry weight and fruits water content, length and diameter of seed, pH, total acidity (TA) and total soluble solids (TSS) of fruits were measured. The results showed that direct effects of hormone spraying time and hormonal mixture had significant effects on parameters such as fruit firmness, yield, fruit's number in clusters, reducing, non reducing and total sugars. First time of hormone spraying had a significant effect on diameter, L/D, firmness, dry weight, fruits water content and seed weight, yield, fruit's number in clusters, reducing, non reducing and total sugars. Also, second hormone spraying time was significant on traits of seed weight and diameter, yield, fruit's number in a clusters, reducing, non reducing and total sugars. Mean comparisons showed that hormonal mixture of 100 ppm BA+ 200 ppm GA3 had the best affect on traits of palm date cv. Estaamaran and could be recommended.

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Plant Productions

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With expansion of hydroponic culture, demand for subsrate materials also has increased and necessity for more study to find the best substrate according to the plant characteristics seems to be necessary. For this purpose, a study was carried out on chrysanthemum cv puma using a factorial design with two factors, first a different substrate (cocopeat: perlite, 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, 100:0) and second, a culture system (aquaponic and hydroponic) with compeletly randomized design and three replicates for 5 months. Results of ANOVA showed that the culture system and substrate form and their interaction has a significant (p<0.01) effect on chrysanthemum quantity and quality characteristics. According to the results of this study, in hydroponic system, vegetative growth characteristics of plants were higher compared to aquaponic. In substrate with 100% pelite, fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots were the lowest, whereas plants in 25% perlite+75% cocopeat had the highest fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots. Thus, the substrate ratio of 25% perlite+75% cocopeat was the best substrate for vegetative growth. There was a significant difference between hydroponic and aquaponic in reproductive characteristics of plants e.g., flower number per plant, flower number on one shoot, flower bud number, quality index and length of king flower. Plants in hydroponic system had the highest flower in the substrate ratio of 50% perlite+50%cocopeat, although this increment in flower number caused the reduction of flowers quality compared to other cocopeat contained substrates, whereas, in aquaponic system the highest flower number of plants was observed in 100% perlite substrate. Generally, plants in the substrate with mixture of cocopeat and perlite especially in the higher ratios of cocopeat had the best growth which is related to good physical characteristics of perlite and good physicochemical characteristics of cocopeat especially higher water and nutrient maintenance of cocopeat.

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Plant Productions

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Breeding based on selection indices is an effective method for improving complex traits such as yield. To assess the efficiency of different selection indices 28 cultivars of canola (Brassica napus L.) were evaluated under two soil moisture conditions including full irrigation (normal environment) and deficit irrigation (stress environment). The experiment was conducted according to a randomized complete block design with three replications during 2009. Selection indices were computed based on Smith-Hazel and Pesek-Baker methods by seven traits including days to flowering, number of pod per plant, grain number in pod, 1000-grain weight, oil percentage, oil yield and grain yield under both conditions in two forms (with and without yield). Results of genetic correlation coefficients indicated that there was a significant and positive correlation between grain yield and oil yield. Also, the number of pod per plant positively correlated with grain yield and oil yield under both soil moisture conditions indicating that this trait can be useful to indirect improvement of grain and oil yield. In conclusion, results indicated that Smith-Hazel index (with oil yield or grain yield) had the most selection efficiency and can be used to increase oil yield and grain yield in canola breeding programs.

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