Unity and sympathy as meaning to spread humanitarianism and deep human ties are among the topics that included the Persian language and literature. They have reflected in the poems of famous poets which has been expressed coherently and eloquently. Sa'eb is one of the poets that with respect to the importance of human dignity and value has examined one of the biggest needs of human, namely, The unity and solidarity. He acknowledged that the real comfort belongs to those who advocate the voice of kindness and helping others and think about love and friendship. the Poet for achieving this goal encouraged everyone to preserve ethical values such as love, philantropy tolerance and patient, tendency to the human nature, reason and foresight, humor, sympathy and companionship, kindness and generosity, service to fellow man, logical talking and avoid bad traits such as Greed and selfishness, haughtiness and arrogance, oppression and injustice, cramped mood, carp, luxury-oriented and obscene remarks and impermissible. He respcted all religions and envited them to the tolerance and respect their views and avoid any selfishness, coarse, double vision and distorted thinking. He and to And it also depends on what the world counts for unity, because respect considers it as a factor for global unity and solidarity because respecting religions on the one hand ends massacres and religious wars end on the other hand it causes friendship and collaboration for achieving humanitarian goals.