The aim of this research is content analysis of general skills in marital and familial life in Boostan of Saadi. The study is descriptive, content analysis and qualitative. Boostan of Saadi is analyzed by check list of researcher that is made with marital and familial life in general skills. Then the data are analyzed by statistical indicator. The results showed that 302 times in Boostan of Saadi mentioned to marital and familial life in general skills totally. Boostan of Saadi has attended to skills such as deliberate speech, not verbosity, speak in fit opportunities, benefit of silence, importance of nonverbal rather than verbal communication, controlling anger, love, patience, not impulsive acts, forgive and overlook, censurable and good tempered. Study on marital and family life in general skills in Boostan of Saadi shown that how Saadi mentioned to skills of marital and familial skills in each his poem. Marital and familial skills drew the field of poetry with specific sweets. Saadi in compare with other Persian language poets has considered more the familial and social problems and religious attitudes and values. Several factors are linked with locution’s eloquence of Sheykh e Ajal. He is using from every opportunity to deliver his own language and to attract audiences. Although the main goal of Saadi didn’t story making his subtlety and delicacy in individuals selection and anecdote elements are effective on his rhetoric.