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SaadiShirazi is one of the most didacticpoets of Persian language who has assigned significant part of his works to education and morality. Besides Boostan and Golestan that are considered as his didactic works, Saadi has allotted some of his odes to expression the aphorism and maxim. He uses the rhetoric images to teaching the moral points. Simile is one of these rhetoric images which he has extremely used it to impart his didactic views. His literary Similes have different kinds and associate with elegances and tender points in his poems. Allegory as a kind of simile is abundant in his works and he uses it in different methods. He changes the place of likened with something is likened to it in his didactic allegories. Another feature of his similes is that he resembles the different bad and good personalities of man to the sensible things to explain them for audiences. Therefore, with regard to special place of simile in Saadi's didactic poems, in this paper we will survey different kinds of simile in his works.

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The Islamic mysticism is full of moral and ethical as well as divine doctrines which aside from the Quest and reaching to the transcendent goal, the perfection is considered as moral and behavioral regulation which offers comprehensive and effective plan for the development and modification of social relationships. It also enhances friendly ties and companion ship and proximity to the opportunity to reach perfection in the field of moral and humanitarian characteristics. The present paper reviews the mystical prose textsin the fifth to the seventh century AD, in order to explain the status and position of the of friendship in the Gnostics insights . Moreover, by the explanation and interpretations of friendship as a virtue, its position in the Quest of the mystics indicates that the Islamic mysticism and theoretical and practical approache store solving ethical problems in social relationships is necessary. What the modern in dustrial world needs today is ethics.

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Joy is one of the positive feelings of human beings that the spread of it in any period (of life)causes widespread satisfaction and greater solidarity amongst people. For this reason, researches of various times have attempted to explore factors, such as moral, social, and political elements that can play role in creating this feeling in humans. Poets are amongst those who have already expressed worthy words about the role of such forces in causing this feeling. Thus, exploring their ideas is influential despite of today's grief-stricken and alienated humans. This article aims to explore the role of moral and political principles in keeping people joyful especially by focusing on Persian classic poetry. Contentment, patience, confidence, satisfaction, honesty, modesty, good temper, sacrifice, mercy, greed, ill-wishing, jealousy, and reproaching are amongst the moral issues practice that avoidance of them can bring human beings joy. Justice-orientation, religiousness, tending the poor and caring for the weak, forgiving taxes, forbidding tyrants' oppression, fury and favor of rulers, ensuring security, prudence, attending to the oppressed and patience are amongst the forces through which kings and rulers can make people happy. From the perspectives of the poets under the present study, practicing moral issues brings humans serenity and, consequently, they feel joy and goodness, however, considering that moral vices constantly cause anxiety and depression, they have no results except for sadness and sorrow. Further, considering the political and social context of their society, those poets argue that whatever words or deeds by rulers and lords can make people joyful or sad.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2119

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Sheikh Mosleh al-Din Sa'diShirazi is one of the most influential characters of the Persian Literature whose works has been enthusiastically popular since life his time. For centuries, his Golestan and Bostan have been read after the Quran in Iran and outside of Iran in the traditional and modern educational centers. Besides his rhythmic, musical, expressive and effective language, the attention of Sheikh-E Ajal to the social issues and the ethical Dos and Don'ts hasn't been effective in impressing the educational centers and other Audiences. That should be the reason why Sheikh-E Shirazi is considered as a moralist from the viewpoints of many Farsi speakers. Considering that Saadi's piece of works, particularly Golestan&Boostan are greatly integrated and interconnected to the most central issues, arguments and principals of the ethical science which are “to persuade and encourage to the beauties and goodness’’ and “to prevent from the obscenities and evilness”, the objective of the present study is to evaluate which issues had been persuaded and warned for the audiences by the Sheikh-E Ajal in his valuable Golestan. It is attempted to determine which persuade and warning methods were applied by him to guide the audiences. The results of the present study will indicate that Saadi has invited his audiences to the ethical virtues in 47 different occasions and prevented them from the ethical iniquities in 73 cases. It is important to note that, Saadi has employed various methods for his concepts about “ to prevent & to encourage the audience’’, which will be focused in this research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mutanabi and Sanai are two great poets of Arabic and Persian literature, that both have a reputation for wisdom and advice. The frequency of wisdom in their poems is high, and is one of the basic contents of their poems. The main result of this study is that, Islamic culture and doctrines and religious books especially the Quran and Nahjul Balaghah, wisdom of ancient Iran and old Arabic wisdom, poetic inspiration and Greek philosophy, are sources of wisdom in poem of these two poets especially in Mutanabi poem. This article believed that Sanai because of Broad conscious ness of Arabic culture and literature, in some wisdom contents is influenced by the Mutanabi. In addition, there are some homogeneity in some wisdom contents of these two, which largely are due to confluence of thoughts and Poetic experience. Furthermore, some of these wisdom contents are rootedin Persian, Islamic and Greek cultures. This study is based on French doctrine of Comparative Literature that aimed to review similarities and differences of wisdom contents in poem of these two poets and sometimes effectiveness of Sanai from Mutanabi.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Didactic literature - as a valuable and important genre and as the best sign of reader centered type - along with other forms of literature such as epic literature, lyric literature and dramatic literature has a long history. This Persian literary genre is a treasure of the moral teachings of the changing audience behavior, inciting character of moral good thing, teaches philosophy and ethics training, explaining educational issues, philosophical, religious and moral concepts and awakens the conscience. Approach to the advice and wisdom of poets and writers began in the 10th century. Meanwhile, Noor Al-Din Rahman Jami, the poet of the 9th A.H. century, has a high position in the Persian literature especially in didactic one. Jami's Divan is important in terms of advising themes and concepts. The Ode of "Jala-Al- Rooh" known as "Shinieh " which has a attracted many readers, is full of legal doctrine and education and rich in its moral judgment like  Khaghani's poem. The purpose of this article, terefore, is to explain the legal doctrines and moral teachings in "Shinieh "ode.

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"Rozat al-anwarAbbasi" is one of the most outstanding ethical works that has been written about practical wisdom and in continuing the custom of Persian policy writing in Shah Abbas II period. Owner of this work is "Mulla Mohammad Bagher Sabzawari", Imam Jomeh and the great Sheikh al-Islam in Safavid period, who compiled his work in continuing historical series of created works in the field of practical philosophy. "Urban policy" as a part of practical philosophy and of course in conformity with Islamic law constitutes the main part of Rozat al-anwar. The main purpose of the present study is an introduction to Rozat al-anwar Abbasi as the most important book given some advices to kings in Safavid period and explaining the ethical position of "governor" as the most significant character in this valuable work. As governor and ethical government can be considered as one of the main themes of Persian didactic literature in each period, considering the particular position of governor and government in this valuable didactic work and its comparative investigation with some opinions of KhajeNizam al-mulkTousi and Farabi is important. The purpose of this study is the explanation of real position of Rozat al-anwarAbbasi in the custom of writing ethical works in Iran.

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