Joy is one of the positive feelings of human beings that the spread of it in any period (of life)causes widespread satisfaction and greater solidarity amongst people. For this reason, researches of various times have attempted to explore factors, such as moral, social, and political elements that can play role in creating this feeling in humans. Poets are amongst those who have already expressed worthy words about the role of such forces in causing this feeling. Thus, exploring their ideas is influential despite of today's grief-stricken and alienated humans. This article aims to explore the role of moral and political principles in keeping people joyful especially by focusing on Persian classic poetry. Contentment, patience, confidence, satisfaction, honesty, modesty, good temper, sacrifice, mercy, greed, ill-wishing, jealousy, and reproaching are amongst the moral issues practice that avoidance of them can bring human beings joy. Justice-orientation, religiousness, tending the poor and caring for the weak, forgiving taxes, forbidding tyrants' oppression, fury and favor of rulers, ensuring security, prudence, attending to the oppressed and patience are amongst the forces through which kings and rulers can make people happy. From the perspectives of the poets under the present study, practicing moral issues brings humans serenity and, consequently, they feel joy and goodness, however, considering that moral vices constantly cause anxiety and depression, they have no results except for sadness and sorrow. Further, considering the political and social context of their society, those poets argue that whatever words or deeds by rulers and lords can make people joyful or sad.