didacticl literature is one of the most important and oldest types of literary genre that its main goal is to teach. This term from very beginning has used in general and specific senses. In specific term, it includes instructions for teaching specific skill or art e.g. Abonasre Frahi’s Nasabolsabian in the meaning, Meysiri’s encyclopedia in pharmology and medicine. In general sense, it refers to works concerning issues like ethics, mysticism, advices, and philosophy etc….This poet was contemprory to king Soleyman Safavi in eleventh century (1077-1105 A.H.). Among poems of Saeeda Saida Naghshbandi Yzdi we find complex concept such as mysticism, unique expression, anecdote from mysticism and, invitation to asceticism and seclusion and retirement from inner word, signs of love and inner knowledge private feeling and affection, social and political criticism, ethical advice for escaping from worldly problems, irony, etc…. In this article six main concepts in his Divan have been studied that includes ethical, political, social, cultural, mystical, ironical concepts.