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One of the devices in reduction of herbicide toxin application is allopathy property which exists in some species of plants. Regarding the frequency of wild millet, amaranth, convolvulus, and dog's mercury on the fields and importance of safflower as an important oil plant, a research was carried out to assess the impact of allopathy extract, taken from the aerial and root organs, on germination and safflower growth with factorial experiment in complete random plots in three replications in 1389 in the laboratory and greenhouse of IAU in Khoy. The experimental treatments included solutions without extractions (control) 0.5%, 1 %, 2%, of the aerial organ extraction and the extraction of root in four types as wild millet, amaranth, convolvulus, and dog's mercury weeds. The analytical variance of the results attained from laboratory assessment showed that the impact of the kind of weed on the traits of the rootlet and stalklet was meaningful, so as the highest percentage of germination with the presence of convolvulus was with average of 90.01 % and the least percentage of germination was with dog's mercury with the mean percentage of 80.03 and also the impact of liquid extracts of weed on all assessed traits were significant except chlorophyll, the highest percentage of germination in concentration of 5% (control) was seen with the average of 91.60%. The variance analysis attained in greenhouse trait assessment showed that the impact of the type of weed was meaningful in relation to the number of bolls, number of seeds in the boll, weight of seed in plant, biomass, the harvest index and the weight of dry root. The highest weight of dry plant, the weight of seed on the stalk with the average of 20.5 and 30.52 was allocated to the presence of convolvulus. The impact of seed powder on the traits of number of bolls, number of seeds in the boll, weight of seed in the plant, biomass and weight of dry root in the probable level of one percent, were significant. The highest biomass and seed yield were obtained with the average of 18.84 and 3.12 in -6% concentration of the weight of vase soil.

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To assess the impact of the application of Urea Fertilizer on some traits of sunflower, Kanfta cultivar, an experiment was carried out in a farmland in the vicinity of Khoy. It was done in complete random blocks in three replications. In this research Urea Fertilizer was used in seven levels (nonconsumption of nitrogen fertilizer, application of 30kg less than recommended fertilizer, application of 20kg less than recommended fertilizer, application equal to the recommended fertilizer, and application of 40kg more than recommended one). The results showed that urea had significant impact on the traits of stalk height, number of filled seed, weight of 100 seeds, seed and biologic yield. The highest seed yield (232g per square meter) and the least seed yield (173g per square meter) were obtained respectively in the treatment of urea application30kg more than recommended fertilizer and lack of nitrogen fertilizer consumption. The application of nitrogen fertilizer, even more than recommended amount (20kg) had positive effect on the yield component.

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To study the impact of sulfur, vermin compost and thiobacillus on the yield of oil sunflower, an experiment was carried out with split plots on complete random designs with 10 treatments in three replications in Yaghmurali village, in the vicinity of Urmia. The experiment included vermin compost in two levels (with or without application of vermin compost) chosen as the main factor and the treatment of sulfur fertilizer in five levels: without the usage of sulfur, 200 kg sulfur per hectare, 400 kg sulfur per hectare, 200 kg sulfur per hectare, plus biofertilizer biosulfur (thiobacillus), 400 kg sulfur per hectare plus bio sulfur fertilizer (thiobacillus) chosen as the alternate factor. The results showed that the impact of vermin compost on the oil percentage, seed biologic yield was meaningful, so as the highest seed yield was related to the use of vermin compost with 425.30g per square meter, biologic yield of 976.89 per square meter and the percentage of oil was 47.67. The consumption of sulfur had significant impact on the cavity percentage of the seed, protein percentage of the seed, and their biological function. In this respect, the highest biological yield was 'the treatment of 400 kg sulfur per hectare + thiobacillus with 1004g per square meter and the treatment of non-usage sulfur had the least amount of yield. The highest percentage of protein in sunflower related to the treatment with non-usage of fertilizer but application of sulfur in 400 and 200kg per hectare. The functional treatment of 200 kg sulfur + thiobacillus and 400 kg sulfur + thiobacillus had the least amount and statistically they were classified in the same group. The general results of this experiment showed that the treatment of 400 kg sulfur and thiobacillus per hectare was more effective in the increase of biological yield than the other levels of sulfur, and non-usage of sulfur showed the percentage of hollowness and consumption of 400 kg sulfur per hectare caused an increase in the percentage of protein of the seed.

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This experiment was carried out to study the impacts of four dates of cultivation as the main factor (2nd - 12th - 22nd - and 1st of Mordad) and three density of com stalk as the subsidiary factor (67, 77, 87 thousand shrubs per hectare) on the commercial cultivar 704 KSc - in total with 12 treatments by split random complete blocks in the second planting condition in the tropical region of Sar Pole Zahab in 1391. The measurement traits included the number of seeds and the rows in the cob, weight of 1000 seeds, depth of the seed, percentage of wood in the cob, percentage of seed moisture, biomass and seed yield. The attained results showed that the impact of cultivation date on all the measured traits except the number of seed in the com cob with the probability of 5% was significant. The impact of interactive date factors in the density of planting for the trait of seed, row, weight of 1000 seeds in the probable level were meaningful and in other traits meaningless. The highest amount of the seed depth, number of seeds in a row of maize wood, 1000 seeds weight, biologic and seed yield were, respectively 11.55 ml, 38.7 seeds, 348.3g, 28980 and 6968kg per hectare which were allocated to the second phase of cultivation. The highest amount of traits were respectively 10.9 ml, 35.6 seeds, 329.9g, 25870.4 and 6073kg per hectare was specialized to the cultivation density of 77 thousand shrubs per hectare. Therefore, the treatment cultivation of 12th of Tir´density of 77 thousand stalks per hectare with the highest amount of maize production (6986kg per hectare) and biologic yield of 30690 kg per hectare is recommended as the best treatment for the region.

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To assess the impact of amount and time of urea fertilizer on the function of Dorum wheat, aria cultivar, an experiment was carried out in the fanning year of 1390-1 in the vicinity of Chaypareh, in factorial complete random blocks in three replications. The amount of urea fertilizer was taken as the first factor in three levels (188, 250, and 313kg per hectare) and the time of its application as the second factor in four levels b1 (1/3 planting stage+1/3 as shrub growth+ 1/3 as flowering stage), b2 (1/4 cultivation stage+1/2 shrub growth+1/4 flowering stage), b3 (1/4 planting stage+1/4 tillering + shrub growth+1/4 flowering stage). The results showed that the impact of the rate of fertilizer on the height of the shrub, number of spikes per square meter, number of seed in spike, weight of 1000 seeds, length of spike, number of spikelets in the spike, seed yielding and harvest index were meaningful. The highest seed yielding with 710.26g per square meter was obtained by the use of 313kg urea. The impact of the time of the usage of urea was meaningful to all traits except the weight of 1000 grains. The highest yield of seed with 693.88g per square meter with the division of nitrogen in four stages of growth (1/4 planting+1/4 tillering+1/4 shrub growth+1/4 flowering) were observed.

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To obtain better clones, a design of investigation and selection of 22 local mass about the Tarom garlic was carried out in the research station of Tarom for two years in 1390. This research was autumnal in a complete random blocks with three replications. Every plot included three lines in three meters with the distance of 35cm from each other. The distance of garlic plantation was 10cm. The studied traits included: height, number of stages, length of leaves, width of leaves, diameter of stalk, color of garlic, number of husks, diameter and length of garlic, and number of garlic bulbs, their weight, dry weight of garlic bulbs, weight of shrub, biomass and yield of garlic were chosen from each cluster regarding the shrub function to introduce better mass cultivation. The variance analysis was done by the application of SAS software and the means of the treatments were compared with Duncan Method. In the first year, there were significant difference between the function of height, number, and length of leaf; and the stalk diameter, number of husks, diameter of garlic and its bulbs, their dry and wet weight in the first year, but in the second year of experiment only the weight of one shrub was meaningful and the others didn't have significant traits in the level of 5%. Regarding the results of compound analysis of the local mass garlic it had priority towards the others through the yielding and other traits.

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To compare the workability of new herbicide of clethodium (select EC120%) with herbicides affecting on the thin-walled leaves, customary in sugar beet fields, an experiment was carried out for two years in the agricultural station of Miandoab. This study which was accomplished in complete random blocks in four replications and eight treatments, the affectability of the new herbicide of clethodium on the thin-walled leaves of setoxydim (EC 12.5%), haloxyfop-r-methylester (EC 108%), propaquizafop (EC 10%); qualizapop-p-ethyl (EC 5%) and the control without weed were assessed. The amount and type of the application of the registered herbicides were 40, 80, 120 cc based on the recommendations of research and amount of clethodium which were used in the growth stage of weed herbs thin- walled (6-4 leaves). The density and dry weight of weed in sugar beet were assigned in each treatment. The results showed that the treatments had meaningful impact on the reduction of density and dry weight of weed (Echinochloa crus - galli), long foxtail (Alopecurus myosuroides) and (sorghum halepense). Among the experimental treatments, 80cc clethodium herbicide per hectare was the best choice in controlling the weeds of alopecurus myosuroide and echinochloa crus - galli; this treatment reduced the density and weight of dry weed by more than 70% and 75% respectively. The most ideal treatment in the sugar beet yield were clethodium herbicide with 80cc (49.45 T per hectare), sethoxydim 3L (48.90 T per hectare).

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To assess the impact of azospirilium bacteria and jibberellin hormone on the morphologic traits, yielding components and maize yield component of cultivar 370, an experiment was carried out in the research farm in the vicinity of Miandoab. The experimental factors included azospirilium bacteria (control, as mere seed and mixed with soil ) and the application of jibberellin hormone in three levels control, 100mg, and 200mg per each liter) which was carried out in complete random blocks in factorial mold in three replications. The variant analysis of the data showed that the impact of azospirilium treatment was significant on the whole studied traits except the dry leaf weight. Among the different levels of jibberellin hormones which affected on the traits of shrub height, diameter of stalk, length of corn cob, the number of seeds in a row, weight of dry leaf, and biologic and seed function, there were meaningful differences. The mean comparison of azospirilium treatments showed that its application mixed with soil, increased the seed yield by 13.27 in comparison with control. Among the jibberellin levels, stage of 200mg per liter, increased the yield of seed by 16.60 percent in comparison with control. Among the compound treatment of azospirilium mixed with soil and 200mg per liter, jibberellin hormone, in comparison with other compound levels including the height of stalk, length of corn cob, the number of rows in corn cob, number of seeds in a row, weight of 1000 seeds, biologic yield and seed yield were in the higher rank. Consequently, in this study, the seed yield with the height of shrub, stalk diameter, corn cob weight, length of maize, number of rows in com cob, weight of dry leaf, number of seeds in a row, weight of 1000 seeds showed meaningful positive and negative coefficiency.

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To study the quality of seed and bakery value of eight wheat cultivars, a joint experiment was carried out in the research laboratory of agricultural college of IAU, Karaj branch and the laboratory of cereal in plant and seed breeding institute in 1393 in complete random split mold in three replications. The measurable traits included the weight of 1000 seeds, germination percentage, the speed of germination, dry weight of rootlet and stalklet, and electric conducting test. Also to assess the bakery value of wheat variety, bakery quality indexes including the falling number, percentage of protein and gluten were measured. The results showed that wheat varieties, in all above-mentioned traits, with one percent probability, had meaningful difference. The norstar variety, among the others, because of low level of percentage in germination, speed of germination, dry weight of rootlet and having electrical conductivity, had lower speed quality in relation to other varieties. And also the results of assessment of the bakery value showed that all varieties had desirable percentage of protein quality. However, the ideal result by wet gluten index, dry gluten index, percentage of protein was related to bezostaya variety. All varieties because of low rate of falling number, had higher alpha activity amylase. The coefficient results showed that among the percentage of germination and rate of germination, weight of 1000 seeds, the weight of dry rootlet there was positive and negative co-efficiency. But among the percentage of germination with the rate of electrical conductivity, number of falling, percentage of protein, wet gluten index, and dry gluten index, there was negative and positive co-efficiency.

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Pectin is an important structural component of cellular wall in plants and is extensively used as the stabilizer and jellifier factor in food industry. Pectin is a polysaccharide which is extensively applied in food and medicine industry. And has its own technological and therapeutical traits. In the present research, extraction of pectin from dry dreg powder of pumpkin taken from farmlands of Khoy with chlorhydric acid under the different conditions of PH between 5% to 2, and with 87c temperature in four time levels of 10, 15, 30 and 45 minutes created by microwave and heating with flame and deposit removal by ethanol 96% has been investigated. The highest pectin efficiency (9.86%) was attained by solution of chlorhydric acid with PH 1.5, in 87c, by implication of macrofer to create waves from microwave in 30 minutes. Using chlorhydric acid to extract pectin from pumpkin is more suitable than sulfuric and nitric acid. In a specific temperature of 87c the efficiency increases by lengthening the time of extraction. The percentage of methoxy or the grade of asterioration of pumpkin 49.7 and its galactonic acid percentage is 58.25 and can be used in food and medicine industry.

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