Background and Aim: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and its kinase insert domain receptor (KDR) are crucial for angiogenesis and embryonic development. However, limited information is available regarding the role of the VEGF system, especially its KDR receptor, in recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). This study aimed to investigate genetic association between VEGF and its receptor gene (KDR) polymorphisms with idiopathic RPL.Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 50 women who had experienced at least two consecutive spontaneous miscarriages and 50 controls with at least two live births without a miscarriage were included. 2578C/A polymorphism for VEGF gene and Q724H polymorphism for KDR gene, were genotyped using Tetra-Primer ARMS-PCR and PCR–RFLP methods respectively. Achieved results were analyzed statically by the SPSS-16 and chi square methods.Results: The frequency of AC, CC and AA genotypes of VEGF polymorphism in the control and case groups was computed 56, 20, 24% and 26, 46, 28%, respectively (p<0.003). Furthermore, for KDR polymorphism AA, AT and TT genotypes for control 42, 42, 16% and in the case group were detected 30, 68 and 2% (p<0.009).Conclusion: It seems that 2578C/A and Q472H polymorphisms in genes VEGF and its receptor gene (KDR) are associated with idiopathic RPL in Iranian women.