Background: Atherosclerosis is a common cardiovasclur disease and particularly in industrial societies, is the first cause of mortality. Since many factors and some molecular changes (like enzymes, lipids, lipoproteins, free radicals, peroxidation, of lipids and coagulation factors) have have a great influence on development of atherosclerosis, considering these factors is important in management of the mentioned disease. Since changes in coagulation factors are effective as well, this investigation was done to obtain more information about this concept, which may help us in identification, treatment and prevention. Materials and Methods: This investigation was carried out in cardiovascular ward of Taleghani hospital on 200 cases (94 males & 106 females) age between 35 and 70 years old, without the history of tromboembolic disease, OCP consumption, cancer and diabetus mellitus. We obtained 6cc of venous blood from each participant and in heparinized it in a test tube. After serum removal, the value of coagulation factors (II, VII & XIII) was measured by radioimmunoassay method. Results: According to our results, among females with mean age of 56.76 years old and mean weight of 68.91 Kg, the mean values of plasma coagulation factors (II, VII & XII) were 99.2, 136.9 and 109.7 Iu/dl, respectively. In male group who had the mean age of 55.2 years old and mean weight of 72.9 Kg, the mentioned values were as 101.8, 1040.3 and 110.6 Iu/dl, respectively. Conclusion: Based on above results, we may say that coagulation factors II, VII and XII, have no specific relationship with atherosclerosis and the levels of these factors do not change in atherosclerotic patients. In several previous reports, there has been a debateful controversy about the increase or decrease of the levels of these factors. However, some have reported no considerable changes. Nevertheless, in some cases, variation in the levels of these factors has been related to the polymorphism, the phenomenon which may affect Iranian people, as well.