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In this article we study about style of Orfi e shirazi’s Velai poetry. who lived in tenth century. In sixteen odes he eulogize prophet Mohammad and imam ali. In one Couplet- poetry he compose about the ascension of prophet in Makhzan ol asrar rhythm and in different Couplet- poetry he eulogize prophet Mohammad. We investigate Orfi e shirazs Velai poetry in different point of view such style, form, content and etc. In investigate of poet form we inspect the literary, linguistic and prosody featureIn literary features studies we inspect the rhetoric, diction, elocution, new found. At the end we study about how Orfi used kalam e shiea belives in poetry and other aspect.

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When a dear one passes away, lamenting and weeping is the first reaction observed among their relatives. However, poets express their grief and sadness through composing elegies. Elegies are naturally different from each other in terms of structure in various eras since political, social, and economic conditions related to each era are consciously or unconsciously reflected in elegies. The current study aims to examine the structure of elegy in different eras of the Persian poetry and highlight its prominent features in each era. What is examined as the structure of elegy in this paper is in fact the general structure of this type of poem in various eras. Therefore, there is no need to say that sometimes certain features are observed in the poems of a certain poet that might not be found in the works of his contemporary colleagues. In such cases, we will consider the features of the whole era rather than considering the special features of that poet's works.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Getting to know the audience is one of the important issues addressed in writing and composition. Since fantasy is the most pivotal element of poem and simile is the most powerful and common tool of fantasizing, similes used in the poems addressed to children and adolescents by the active poets should be proportionate to the level of understanding and the age of their audience. It goes without saying that studying and describing the process of using simile in the poetry of successful poets of children can result in valuable findings. Regarding the significance of this subject, this research aims to have an overview of the theoretical foundations considering the status and purpose of poetry for children and adolescents and its relationship with the audience and figuring the capacity of their imagination. Eventually, the research analyses the process of using various similes in the poetry of five noted poets of children and adolescents, Rahmandoust Mustafa, Jafar Ebrahimi, Afsane Shabannejad, Keshavarz Nasser and Shabani Asadullah. The obtained findings are presented by charts and graphs.

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Jowaini’s Negarestan was written in the year 735 AH, i.e. 79 years after Saadi wrote Golestan, and in the same style of Golestan. So this book, after Majd Khafi’s Rowzah-e Khold written in 733 AH, is the second book which has imitated Golestan. Although this book has no merit in comparison with Saadi's eloquent speech, it is beautiful, simple and useful by itself.The author of the present paper attempts to examine the stylistic features of Jowaini’s Negarestan. So in the beginning, he provides the readers with some information about the author of the above mentioned book, viz. "Moein al-Din", and his pen name "Moeini".He then comes up with stylistic features of "Negarestan" in three levels of linguistic, literary, and intellectual. In linguistic level, he deals with morphological and syntactic properties. In literary level he explores the eloquence of this book through semantic and literal figurative and imagery. Moein al-Din’s views on moralism, Sufi thought and his love for the Prophet’s household, peace be upon him, forms the intellectual level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Jalal-Al-Din Hafiz Tabrizi,khown by his pen-name Sadollah, is a Persian poet of the 9th century Higira. His Divan is over 4700 lines. It includes 6 Odes, 426 Sonnets, one Tail- rhyme, one Mokamas, 26 fragment, 352 Quatranis and more than 611 logograph.  The odes of Divan except one, of them are composed in praise of Ghasem Anvar. The Sonnets and Quatrains of his Divan have mystical and love themes, the subject of most of his fragments are seeking the financial support of the person whom he praised. In his poetry he has been influenced by his predecessors and his contemprorary poets. Like many of the poets of his time, he was an imitating poet not having a genre and style of his own. The use of the term Qalandar in his poems is also an other witness to his style.The use of rhetorical figures is his genre has no special place except for pun which have a special and considerable place in his poetic style, and the use of it sometimes includes considerable innovations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A lot of poems which do not directly compose for children have been acceded to the world of children during the history of poetry. Because they were simple, folksy, full of affection and musical. The popular literature like songs to blandish children reveals the demands, view points and messages of adults. These songs reflect the mother’s wishes, ideas and feelings.In this research, the common content between 172 folkloric songs to blandish children which have been collected from 13 cities of Bushehr is investigated using analytic-inductive method. It was shown that the mothers of this region have tried to explain their worries, ideas and wishes simultaneously they have made their children happy. The result of this research shows that these songs not only reflect the social and cultural conditions but also indicate the women’s status and mother’s position at such a culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Epopee is one of the most valuable of iran national works in which Reader faces with many persons that everyone expresses today human’s state, act. And react against daily event. So, Epopee is a suitable floor for researchers which want to realize personalities analytically. Because by knowing past man we can solve difficulties and problems today. Also researcher wants to realize Afrasiyab personality which has an influencing and long role in the most of Epopee stories, so that he can realize some part of today man’s spirit and personality. In this research, at first an induction will be given about personality and antisocial personality disorder. Then Afrasiyab behavior will be compared with antisocial personalitiesNow the question arises that what Afrasiab with antisocial personality traits are consistent? Afrasiyab behavior expresses his antisocial personality in Epopee. He has a lot of properties which theorists recount for antisocial personalities, such as lack of loyalty to his promises and people, irritability, aggression, lack of experience for his past action, the ability of giving quick reasons, mistrust, inclemency, japery, flippancy, use others & lack of planning and thinking for doing his duties.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Short poem, also known as English Haikou, is a subgenre of free verse that expresses a poet’s strong feelings of the memorial experiences. The present study is a stylistic investigation of short and modern poetry since Nima to three decades after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The poet employs quotes, allusions, assonance, distortion of language structures and visual arts to create a new and influential atmosphere so as to craft a particular style in his poetry. The study undertakes to provide an analysis of linguistic features of these poems to reflect the great potentiality of Persian poetry. Results indicate that lexical, phonological, and rhythmic structures of short poem are played down and provide it with special prominence. It can be said that this defamiliarization is the basis for literariness in short poems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Structuralism, with emphasis on the aesthetic function of discourse in literary works, also in accentuating their syntagmatic axe, allows us to consider purely their external organization. In this approach, all the possible resemblances between the phonemes of a text & its parallel syntactic structures should be studied, in order to make show ambiguous its interpretation. Tzevetan Todorov, one of the theorists of this critical school, has studied the adjectives & adverbs of a narration, to explain eventually the evolution occurred in its deep & surface structure. According to this pattern, the first step to classifying the narrative utterances is to define its global sequence. An exhaustive sequence is usually inclusive of five macro- utterances which permit to demonstrate the different doses of its dynamism.This paper intend to achieve the secondary heterogeneous meanings of mentioned texts –such as: mystic, didactic & lyric meanings- which are implicitly present in text, with drawing a narrative syntax, through it, these texts will be considered in a higher linguistic level than the level of their separate utterances. The present article means to apply this pattern on Mathnavi’s narrations & this is because of the eminent narrative structure of these texts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mirza Ahmad Saboor-e Kashi is a poet who lived in the 13th century AH (anno Hejira), the era of literary resurgence. Saboor-e Kashi, who was a boon companion at Fathali Shah Qajar's court, was a man of great virtue and highly accomplished in calligraphy, rhetoric, prose, poetry, and composition.Of the Persian poetry styles, Saboor-e Kashi adopted the Khorasani style, showing great talent and ingenuity in writing odes and lyrics. In ode writing, he mostly followed Amir Mo'ezzi.Considering the importance of Saboor's odes, most of which are in praise of the Last Prophet, innocent imams (peace be on them), Fathali Shah-e Qajar, and Abbas Mirza, the present paper aims to investigate the stylistics and innovations which the poet used in his poems from linguistic, theoretical, and literary perspectives.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 978

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Statement or eloquence sciences form appearance of primitive Persian poem are important and attentive for poets, so we can search (survey ) multiple goals of it (them ) in poems of different poets. But the major debate (discussion ) of this research is about different subjects of statement science in poems of ten famous poets that hadn’t any poetical in fourth century of lunar Hegira (A.H) what’s statement science?With use of statement science we can state and express one meaning with different kind of method or ways. In this research we use poem of ten famous poet that hadn’t any poetical in fourth century and we induce concepts such as comparison (likening or simile or image ) and metaphor and (trope) or allegory that exist in these poems of poets.Finally we compare these discussion with statement forms of Ferdosi’s Poems.Hereby we can reach or gain primitive resources of Persian poems and we can estimate the level of tendency of these poet to statement science.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pictorial Figures of speech, also known as visual poetry, concrete poetry, pattern poems, shaped poems, altar poems, is the Figures that join painting and literature. The poet is going to have a pictorial communication with his audience in addition to verbal one. So he uses written aspects of the poem in order to make a painting not by the affinities of painting art, but by the language and its components, with his versification talent. The lines in such poem are written in a way that their printed shape is in the outline of the subject of the poem. The authors in this essay intend to describe lingual signs in a linguistic, especially semiotic point of view and then represent formalists view about poetic rule of the language. We study the phonetic and written deviations as the ways of pictorial versification and show that these figures has been used by Persian poets many years ago, and visual poetry is not completely a western phenomenon, although some recent kinds derived from the western literature. Unfortunately the authors of Persian rhetoric books didn’t pay much attention to visual figures of speech. So we try to represent a complete outline and division of these figures in this essay and the next part. The term image in this essay does not necessarily means in its terminological meaning of poetics but it means picture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Qiasodin-e-bne khaje homam-o-din famous to khwond mir is a great man of the last period of Taimouris and the beginnings period of safavi s.he is also one of the relif writers and historian of taimouris time. He has remaind valuable works in history and literature. Khwond mir is owner of several works especial in skill of composition.  Name name is a famous work of khwond mir that has been remaind in script recip until now.This book is a collection of letters and compositions that he has collected them as writing order for secretaries and also for writing of official and previous courtier writing.He has written these in 925 or 927 when he has been resident in Harat in 46 or 47 years old.  This work is formed of a preface and 9 chapter. Each hapter is formed of several parts that thay are propound in available recipes by the name of line and word. Correction of this work is very important because it is consist of historical events and for mention of characters like Soltan Hossein bayghara and his sons since they have importante services to culture and literary of Iran. Also great artists like Kamaledin Behzad are mention in this book.In addition,  this work is important for having information about social position of addresses for knowing the situation of the writers time.Present correction has done according four selected recipes.Also in introduction it is engaged in description life, introducetion of khwond mir works and analysis of his style.

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Analysis of the literature works whit emphasize on the relation between the different texts and their relation to each other in the process of Meaning-creation is of the great importance, so that the discover of the hidden layers of text leads to new reading of text. The most important relations among the text are the effects of the Quranic presence in the different works of literature that adib has used in the meanings and the words of the holy Quran in its word.Saadi is one of most great one of Persian literature who has used the contents of holy Quran throughout of its poems, as the pure meaning of the holy Quran is flowing in the arteries of its poem and prose. Arabic odes of Saadi has beautiful texture and is affected by Ayats (words of revelation), words, purports, characters, and the story of holy Quran that Poet in decoration of his odes with the meanings and words of revelations has not only focused on the repeating of words but also has employed the meanings in a new texture and space At the highest level of impact ability.

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For all of the structural principles of structuralism attempt the scientific basis for it to literary studies is planned. Narratology is new scientific and The result revolutionary structuralism. Structuralism group extension pattern- linguistics Levi-Strauss' for oral myths, another type of structuralism, as structural narratology laid the foundation. Grymas six role with the introduction of "identifiers /issue identification, sender /recipient and donor / disagree" to model their interaction and Genette with matter Scheme "mood" under " perspective" as narrative focus techniques narrative, in presenting characters to the audience will play an important role. In this study, characterization in stories Asrsr-al tawhid based structural narratology theory (genetic- and Grymas) are also studied. Methods The study is descriptive and analytical. The purpose of this research, discovery, recognition- and success of Mohammad Munawar characterization in the story and reveal the process of building their new grandeur Abu said Abu-al khyr are based the characterization techniques in Asrar-al tawhid. Story processing in Asrar-al tawhid Sufi ideas and practices for developing a tool to introduce and show the greatness of character- is Abu said Abu-al khyr.

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The story of Khavaran is a religious epic which was written by Ibn Hosam Khusfi in 9th century. The style and epic expression of this work has been used to express imaginative stories of Emam Ali and his fellowships' battles in Khavaran territory.This article aims to investigate the story of Arabs which is a valuable summary of the story of Khavaran, in terms of imagination and its tools. Investigation is done in two branches of expression and some frequent rhetorical tools.How is Ibn Hosam's rhetoric and imagination regarding association of meanings in this work? To expand and deepen the impact of his words and the power of speech, Ibn Hosam has used expressive arts and some imagery in the best way. In the research, after reviewing introduction and 1000 verses of the book, statistical methods and genre analysis are applied on the content. The results show that Ibn Hosam has frequently used simile in his text. Moreover, imagination is used to serve epic and express religious beliefs.

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BanaeeHeravi (857–918) was the famous poet, musician and calligrapher of his own time. Unfortunately, his poem collection hasn't been revised and edited so far. This prominent poet and artist of Teimuri epoch has been mentioned in books like Habibolsiyare,KholdeBarin, Tohfeye Sami, Riazol'arefin and AtashkadeyeAzar. This article is attempting to introduce Banaee's poems and have a look on his poem style based on a distinctuni-prescriptionof his poems, which the authors of this article possesses. The authors have completed the revision of Banaee's poem collection based on the mentioned version and is hopeful to be able to publish it in near future.Banaee has written poems in various poetic forms like sonnet, ode, fragment and monostich; however, the majority of his poem collection is composed by sonnets. In sonnet, he mainly follows Khorasani approach and takes the advantage of this rhetoric heritage, where he beautifully decorates his poems with the subtleties of Araghi style. Thus, despite the similarities to simplistic language of Khorasani style, regarding the theme, Banaee's poems aremore analogous to Araghi style.

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View 1543

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Psychology in particular in contemporary age has come to this conclusion that it has not been able to identify many healing powers and forces of thinking. So that, recently many books have been written on the findings of the western and eastern thinkers and psychologists. The findings which consider the treatment of many mental and physical diseases of an individual through purification of self and cleaning it from ethical evils.On the other hands, studying Masnavi, it is learned that in addition to the fact that this didactic work expresses the mystical issues and literary beauties, but also it can serve as a rich source in connection with the understanding of psychological topics, the infinite powers and forces of thought and inner conscience.Masnavi is a poetry anthology which in the light of ethical teachings also teaches how to utilize the lofty thought, to remove the superfluous thought and how to reach a human magnificence. It is a set of beliefs in harmony with the psychology of contemporary thought and it is possible to present top evidences from Masnavi for every scientific findings. The research methodology in these discussions is comparative- analytical method and the main question of this study is on two higher and effective forces in the lofty thinking, i.e. the power of love and the force of faith from the perspective of thinking psychology and Masnavi of Movlavi.Furthermore, the effects of these two forces along with conclusions have been compared.

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According to this point that the tradition of follow, reached a peak in the period of Indian style and With studeing one similar sonnet of VahshiBafqi, AsirShahrestani, Sa’ebTabrizi, SeyedaNasafi, BidelDehlavi, RahiMo’ayeri, that be contained the conditions of follow, two questions happened. First: is that random resemblance or the follow has an objective? Second: is the quality and method of recreation one subject by this poets that each of them have a specific style. For response to this questions, the sonnets were studied in 3 levels: language, literary and intellectual. The result was show that Sa’eb and Asirwas follow the Vahshi’s sonnet. Bidel and Seyeda was follow the Sa’eb,s sonnet that can be following of Vahshi. Rahi was follow the Vahshi and Asir‘s sonnet. We can say that the easy sonnet of Vahshi fall in fantasy and theme building of indian style and the various contents such as ethical, mystical, … was included in that sonnet. But after spending 3 centuries returned to same former method and old content again. While the fiction section poet, Asir, did not changed in the content and word and his sonnet is in simple langueg and telling the truth.

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Literary research has demonstrated that Persian prose has gone through double transformations: a move from simple writing to complex writing and again from complex writing back to simple writing. In all historical periods, however, one can find traces of both simple and complex writing styles, with one of them exerting dominance in each period.A comparison of the two books Nafthah al-Masdur and Dorah al- Naderah can unearth the developments in the field of technical prose as both these works are telling examples in this field with one emerging in the beginningand the other at the end of this era.This research is organized into two parts: theoretical and practical. The first part examines the characteristics of technical prose. It initiates the discussion by posing questions which are then answered with reference to the views of researchers.In the second part, the most prominent stylistic and linguistic features of Nafthah al-Masdur and Dorah al-Naderahare compared with regard to two general themes: “influence of Arabic language and literature and the intermingling of Persian and Arabic” as well as “the frequency of literary devices and poetical imagery”.

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Nezami is of the greatest poets of Persian Literature and his verses are of the Iran and world literary masterpieces. The climax of creativity and flowering of Nezami’s art has been manifested in the story of Khosrow and Shirin. Paying attention to form and meaning in the poetry is of Nezami’s noticeable characteristics. Love is the central theme of Khosrow and Shirin story. And the fact that Nezami has been able to draw passionate world of love so attractive and glorious is undoubtedly due to the use of the prominent language selected. What has been addressed as a stylistic feature in this research, is matter of repetition in the story of Khosrow and Shirin. The use of repetition must be regarded as one of the most original features of Nezami’s Poetic style. Because the high frequency of repetitions suggests that the poet has intentionally used them. Such repetitions found in both form and meanings are the result of association in his poetry. Association means that a concept associates a series of concepts to the mind through three principles, namely, proximity, similarity and opposition. Likewise, after discussing about repetition and association, their fine and artistic examples in Khosrow and Shirin story will be examined and analyzed in order to prove to what extent such a technique has been able to make Nezami’s poetry prominent. The poet calls artistically the readers to follow his words by the use of magic repetitions and associations, which finally causes surprise and pleasure for the addressees of Nezami’s poetry.

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We introduce one of the Khorasan's theologians and Sufi in 9th century H.A in this paper; besides his expertise in theology and Sufism, he was proficient in traditional and rational sciences and also in prose and verse, and despite his high position in knowledge, he is not a well-known man for Iranian people, and he is one of the lost chains in Iran literature history. We should be aware that Iran literature history can reach to perfection only through having recognized such persons carefully and discovering such chains and also through carrying out research on their works.This man is Moulana Shams-o-Din Mohammad Tabadkani Toosi ( 891 M ), and we introduce him and review his most important book, Tasnimol- gharbin.

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Letter-writing and composition is a type of prose which attracts a great importance and prevalence in the history of Persian literature. There have been numerous compilations in this literal style from Sassanid period to now. And hence, there have been books published to train writing and composing rules either as an independence subject or in general. Among numerous compilations with subject of writing and composing rules, this article is to investigate and compare two training compilations in the field, i.e. “Dastur-ol Katib” by Mohammad Nakhjavani from Eighth Hegira century and handwritten manuscript of “Zobdat-ol favayed” by Moaleme Tabrizi from Qajar Dynasty period. Both books are studied and compared considering their divisions, naming and order of letters insertion, form and main elements of the letters, mentioning the date of writing in the letters, and stylistic properties of the letters. Nakhjavani has presented the rules of writing in a non-training or non-educational manner as a general approach, i.e. after stating an introduction about rules of letter-writing to the kings, the instruments of writers and appropriate time and place for writing, he has divided the letters to four categories according to the ranks of letter receiver and writer: 1- the letters which have been written among the kings, their descendents and nobilities, 2- the letters which have been written among realm authorities as ministers, commanders and etc, 3- the letters which have been written among common people; and 4- the joint letters which have been written among the kings, ministers, government authorities and people. Then, without presenting the composing styles of letter types, he has stated a single general framework and form at the beginning of each category, except the fourth category. That is, the letters are initiated with titles of receiver and a prayer suitable to the receiver’s dignity. After titles and prayers, it is the contents and conditions that the letter is written with that certain purpose; and the final part is a brief prayer-like sentence, usually in Persian. But in the fourth category, as the letters are mutual, the general framework and form is not drafted at the beginning of category, instead, each letter has a special opening and closing in accordance with the rank of writer and receiver. Moaleme Tabrizi has acted as his contemporaries and has written the book in a training and educational manner; i.e. he has stated the essence of secretary, different kinds of secretaries and the merits requirement of secretaryship. Then he has divided the letters to ten classes according to the letter receiver and writer and assigned a certain name for every class, and then, he has explained distinct elements and special terms of each of the ten classes separately in details. After stating the elements and terms, he has mentioned a brief instance for each category while distinguishing the elements exactly in the given instance. Finally, he has introduces some letters as examples of the certain letter class, observing the related elements and terms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Apocalyptic literature (Revelation literature) is presented as a literary style or literary genre in the field of religious and mysticism texts. The second century A.D., this genre had been promoted by Jewish scholars in symbolic and allegorical aspects.In modern literature, this style has had significant advancements, by writing and composing storied literature. Apocalypse by employing elements such as myth, revelation, dream, allegory and symbol have developed its point and catechesis. The revelation of scriptures such as revelation of Denial and Zachariah and Johannes in ancient works and apocalyptic novels in western modern writings are good examples for this literature.There are similar examples in Persian literature such as Masnavi Maulana, Rasael-e-Najm-e-Kobra and some of Shah Nemat-allah Vali and Sohrab Sepehri’s poems. On this research, the tale of Khab-e-Ganj from sixth book of Masnavi has been analyzed from apocalyptic literature motives.This research is hoped to demonstrate similarities between Persian literature texts and contemporary literature genres and styles in the world.

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Regard to this point that amirkhosro dehlavi is a musician poet,thus he has a special skill to applying the effectors on the poem’s music.thus by comparing the music of his ghazals (ode)with a masterarts such asHafez ghazals,it could be obviovs that wich methods had used hafez that,inspite of the better applying obviovs factors of musics in the dehlavi poem,caused to his poem music being more pleasant?This paper is performed based on provided pattern in the poem music book and with descriptive-andlytical and comparative method and lastly this result has obtained that:in spite of applied rhythm (measures)in thehafez ghazals has lesser diversity than dehlavi ghazals,and regard to applying the Order and rhythm,dehlavi had used richer orders and rhymes dve to having more skills in the music,But lastly the musics risen from hafez ghasals have been appeased more uniqve and matchless,because the poem tone is not limited to its bahr (a poetical meter),but a more wonderful music would be created regard to the kind of linking words to eachther and poem candences.Thus hafez have created more diverse musics using this kind of lingual the kenari music,he instead of limiting the poem and its space with longer orders, has used the special methods such as:coordinating the affective space of the poem with the letters of rhyme or order,and so.hafez poem music have been uniqe.

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Mohammad Sadegh Nazem known as Sadegha,  Iranian poet and biography wrier of 11th century in Indian subcontinent which mostly known by his biography writing of Nazem. One of his prominent works is the long love poem of Firtouz and Shahnaz in the form of Mathnavi and in the rhythm of Hazaj that contains 2200 couplets. The present paper tries for the first time with a short look at composer, to study and analyze the elements and components of the work. Therefore, in this way the poet’s competent and the degree of originality and validity of the work would be determined. The study of this long poem demonstrates that Nazem is a capable poet and his poetry is full of figurative languages as well as innovative contents and numerous compound nouns. Paying attention to the colloquial words and contents, which is found in Indian style, is seenable in his long poem.

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Abolfath Bsty, renowned poet and scribe Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi mission Court, Ygan ە his era in science and poetry and was the scribe. The poet always admired and learned scholars of his era, including Abvmnsvr Salby, Abvnsr Tby, Manouchehri Damghani and...  His poems have been Ghray is listed on Beihaghi. Appreciation of the poet and his bilingual, with both the Arabic and Persian Court. He is known in industry skills Nvny ”Qsyd ”pun is great.This article reviews aspects of living in the poet Bsty Court and skills and styles of poetry and have covered his scribe.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Persian syntax, has passed through various phases. Iranian geography has provided a especial trend for its people and language. Though, Iranians have had great influences on compiling and generating the syntactic, rhetoric and linguistic trends of many languages, yet there has been no traces of any research, by them, on the Persian archaic syntax. The only researches done on this topic are either translations or based on the old prejudice which says that languages are the same all over the world. Taking in to consideration the influences of the new linguistic the ories of the last decade on Persian syntax, the present paper aims at analyzing the effects of structuralism and generative transformation on Persian syntax and its compilers.

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Prosody and rhyme are two literary means used together to evaluate poetry. They are introduced through as a two-credit course to the Persian literature undergraduate students of and are so important that some of examination questions of the postgraduate entrance exams are allocated to them. There are different teaching–aid books in libraries and bookstores intended to help the examinees. However some of them do not follow a principled basis and sometimes even have mistakes. In this article, I will review prosody and rhyme in some of PhD entrance examinations and will correct the mistakes after comparing and discussing them using authentic and reliable reference books in the field.

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این مقاله با عنوان بررسی ایجاز در هشت جزء اول قرآن کریم شواهد انواع ایجاز در هشت جزء اول قرآن کریم را به اختصار به استناد کتب بلاغی و تفسیری معتبر به همراه ذکر آیات و توضیحات لازم مورد بررسی قرار داده است بررسیها نشان می دهد با وجود آن که ایجاز به حذف که حاصل حذف بخشی از کلام است به شرطی که مخل معنی نباشد و خود انواع گوناگونی دارد به طور مثال حذف مبتدا، خبر، ال و ... ایجاز قصرکه سخنی است کوتاه و رسا که کوتاهی آن از حذف واژه ها و جمله ها پدید نیامده باشد نیز کمتر از ایجاز حذف نمی باشد و همچنین تا حدودی فلسفه انواع ایجاز در قرآن کریم نیز مورد بحث قرارگرفته است.

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