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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Strategic changes and renewals are necessary if an organization wants to continue its profitable growth. However, there are limited studies concentrated on strategic renewal, its implementation, process, and factors affecting success continuity. One of the important subjects in strategic renewal implementation is resource management strategies organizations use to successfully enter new markets. On the other hand, U. S. management theories comprise a number of idiosyncracies not necessarily shared by management elsewhere. For companies that work in uncertain environments with fluctuations in resource accessibility, finding customized strategies to manage resource-dependence is vital. Therefore, this study tries to examine the methods companies in such an environment use to manage their dependence on suppliers to renew themselves through a deep examination of an Iranian company successful in strategic renewal, especially in entering new markets.

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In this article, DEA technique has been applied for the purpose of comparing national innovation system’ s efficiency in Iran and countries mentioned in 20-year perspective document. According to previous studies on national innovation efficiency, the institutional variables, human capital and R&D, infrastructures, market sophistication and business sophistication have been chosen as the model’ s inputs and knowledge, technology and creative outputs have been chosen as the model’ s outputs. The results show that in terms of national innovation system’ s efficiency the rank of Iran is 14 out of 20 countries included in DEA analyses. Furthermore, despite of rich capacity of educated human capital, the efficiency of this index is significantly low. The sensivity analysis also reveals that creative outputs are essentially important in increasing innovation efficiency. Finally according to efficiency scores, some suggestions are offered to improve strengths and weaknesses. It is worth to mention that Iran’ s national innovation system’ s efficiency has been investigated for the first time.

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One of the convergence of the D-8 group cohesion is the aim of this study was to identify the effective strategic benchmarking of potential export of Iran in it. Research-based document database from the World Bank, IMF, WTO and UNCTAD is the basis of ex-post econometric investigation is based on the theory of gravity; it will be objective and desired states. The pattern of merchandise exports potential strategic fit of the gravity model has been used. The results indicate a significant association between the degree of openness of the economy, GDP, imports, population size, range overlap, Human Development Index, the share of labor in industry, membership in WOT and per capita production rate of export potential is. And no effect of FDI, the share of the GDP, the cost of public education and the gap between D-8 group of countries in this convergence is.

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Encountering with complex problems, understanding and criticizing the managerial theories are essential factors to train the effective managers. Managers training is depended on knowing factors increase the Effectiveness of Management Discipline. In this article, by interviewing with management experts, there were realized 30 components related to Effectiveness of Management Discipline. Then, there were analyzed 4 observed variables, 1 latent variable and 24 indexes. In the next step, 250 questionnaires gathered from professors and Ph. D students in management discipline of Tehran Universities. Data analisies, there were analyzed the relation between dependent and independent variables, as well as testing research hypothesis through CFA and PA methods. Analysis Results confirms positive and significant relation between four independent variables and Effectiveness of Management Discipline as independent variable.

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The purpose of this paper is presenting a model to promote organizational citizenship behavior based on social capital and health organizations. The concept of social capital refers to connections and relationships among members of a network as a valuable resource and by creating norms and mutual trust, causes employees to achieve their goals. Organizational health concept permits us to have a great imagination of organization health. In healthy organizations the employees are committed, conscientious and useful and employees have got better moral and efficiency. Beside nowadays effective factor on improving organization productivity, are Committed employees to the organization who effort beyond their formal functions. Researchers realize these employees having organizational citizenship behavior. The research method is descriptive-correctional and is typically based on structural equation modeling. Statistical population is Members of faculty and employees of Payam Noor universities of Guilan. The number of sample according to Cochran formula was determined 125 people. The data collection tool was a questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by theoretical principles and experts opinions and also the reliability of it confirmed by cronbach's alpha. The smart PLS software and second order Structural path modeling have been used to survey the variables and hypothesis test. The results show that all three offered hypothesis are accepted.

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One of the key factors for survival of knowledge based organizations is continuous promotion of creative performance of the organization. In these organizations creativity in performances protects the competitive advantage as well as the organizational growth and development. On the other hand creating an innovative performance requires quick strategic decision makings based on information and data resulting from strategic intelligence. Successful organizations are those that are wise and are informed of their internal/external information and data, changing them to organizational knowledge and intelligent. The current research look for designing an organized framework in regards to the concepts of strategic intelligence, strategic decision making pace and innovative performance in connection with each other and in Iranian knowledge based companies, trying to take action regarding development of available frontiers of knowledge in this area. This research is an applied-surveying type. The required data for this research has been collected through questioners by random sampling of knowledge based companies which are active in the field of information technology in Iran. Meanwhile, structural equations method is used through making use of Smart PLS ˡ software for data analysis. The obtained results indicate that the strategic intelligence and strategic decision making pace are effective on innovative performance of Iranian knowledge based companies. Meanwhile the mediation role of strategic decision making pace on effectiveness of strategic intelligence on innovative performance of Iranian Knowledge based companies is verified.

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The current research is seeking to design and evaluate a model for enhancing the employees' use of management information systems, using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In this regard, getting help from the prior research done in this field, three organizational factors including IT infrastructure support, Management support and Technical support were identified. This research is of quantitative non-experimental type and its population is Sarmayeh Bank’ s employees of Tehran branches. A questionnaire was used to gather information. 167 usable questionnaires were returned. The aforementioned organizational factors were independent variables, while TAM’ s two main constituent components including Perceived usefulness and Perceived ease of use were mediating variables, and Use of information system was the dependent variable. Results of Structural Equation Modeling supported the positive effect of TAM’ s constituent variables on the Use of information system. Among the three mentioned independent variables only the relationship between Management support and the Use of system was not supported.

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Being present in international markets is considered as a strstegic decision. So, every company before expanding its operations across its home borders, must develop a clear understanding about international marketing environment. To meet this need and expanding exporting companies operations, Export Management Companies (EMCs) can provide very useful services. In order to establish and further development of EMCs, this paper conducted two distinct surveys, asking marketing services’ executive managers and customers to realize necessary supported approaches which should be provided by public sector institutes and governmental bodies. Based on prior studies, investigations and experts’ opinions, this paper presented four subsystems to support marketing services agencies including law-making systems, support systems, informing systems and “ Monitoring-Assessment” systems. Additionally, these supporting systems were ranked.

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This study aims to identify and prioritize individual factors (as inputs) affecting the Knowledge Creationof the faculty members at Tehran University, has been designed and implemented. This study is a mixed exploratory research, which was conducted in two parts: qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative part, through semi-structured interviews with 14 experts (in terms of knowledge creation in university) who were selected through purposeful sampling, individual factors affecting the knowledge creation of the faculty were identified. In the quantitative part, by descriptive-survey research method, considering the factors identified, and by means of questionnaires, comments and viewpoints about 212 faculty members of Tehran University were gathered in this regard. As a result of qualitative analysis, the factors of creativity, Professional ethics, time management ability, motivation, individual learning, teaching responsibilities and basic skills of knowledge-creation, as individual factors influencing knowledge creation in universities were identified. Then, data obtained through structural equations and partial least squares by using software SmartPLS was analyzed. The results of the data processing showed that, first, the model employed has been a strong theoretical model to predict knowledge creation in university, and secondly, all direct relationships between variables in the model were significant.

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The research was conducted to determine the relationship between work ethic and competitive advantage. The study population included all manufacturing employees Albss Co and the total of about 110 people. The number of the sample that was obtained using Cochran’ s formula 84. Approach is descriptive and correlation research. Standardized questionnaire to answer questions, work ethic, Gregory, C., Petty (1990), and competitive advantage Soheila Hosseini (1390) is used. The reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha coefficient for Work Ethic Inventory 0. 85 and questionnaires competitive advantage 0. 89 respectively. Data from the questionnaires were examined using correlation and regression analysis, path analysis And consequently, the dimensions of ethics in the workplace, there is a significant relationship with competitive advantage(p<0. 05).

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The main purpose of the study is analyzing the gap between knowledge sharing and knowledge application. This applied study has taken on Iran milk industries-Pegah Gilan company by fuzzy approach. In this study, Cronbach's alpha is used to check the reliability and the Content Analysis Method is used to check the validity. The innovative aspects of the research are using fuzzy logic to measure the gap between knowledge sharing and knowledge application and offering appropriate solutions to reduce the gap and to increase the level of knowledge sharing and applying knowledge. Based on the results, the gap between knowledge sharing and applying knowledge in the organization is minimal and is less than 10 percent. Other findings indicate a moderate level of sharing and application of knowledge in the organization.

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