The continuity of every business depends on rational economic profit, and the amount of economic profit is directly related to efficiency. For management and comparison of similar decision making units (DMUS), relative efficiency is usually used. Tow methods are generally used for efficiency measurement, ratio Analysis and Efficiency Bound Analysis. In the Efficiency Bound Analysis method, at first a boundary is made via the information from the best producers or service providers, so that any activity above this boundary is considered the best performance, and any activity below it is viewed as inefficiency. One of the methods of estimating Efficiency Bound and measuring Relative Efficiency is Linear Programming, which is also called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In this research at first by obtaining the views of the extperts and using pairwise comparisons, the researchers determined the indexes effective on the relative efficiency of toll switched exchanges (Sc/Pcs). Next, the relative efficiency of 39 Sclpc was measured in the constant and variable Return to Scale (CRS, VRS) conditions. Also, additional measurements of DEA and Anderson Piterson (AP), Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and fuzzy MCDM (FMCDM) were used for ranking Sc/Pcs. The results indicate that in CRS conditions, the average of relative efficiency is 80.23 percent, and that 11 sc/pcs out of 39 Sc/Pcs have 100 percent efficiency. Likewise, in VRS conditions, the average of relative efficiency is 97.77 percent, and 25 Sc/Pcs out of 39 Sc/Pcs have 100% efficiency. An other results of this research indicates that, the moment coefficients of Manpower, Quality of Services and Maintenace have been calculated. The amounts of them are ranked with 0.424, 0.334 and 0.242.