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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of different cooking processes such as boiling, roasting and microwaving on enrofloxacin residues in muscle, liver and gizzard tissues of broiler chickens. Each of chicks was fed by routine diet and water with 0.05% of enrofloxacine for consecutive 5 days. Then three locations including breast muscle, liver and gizzard were sampled aseptically from each carcass. Enrofloxacin residue was analyzed using microbial method by plates seeded with Escherichia coli. After doing different phases of the test on raw samples, the positive raw samples cooked by various cooking procedures and we surveyed cooked samples with similar method again for present of residue. The results were show reduction in concentration of enrofloxacin residue after different cooking processes. The most reduction of the residue in cooked meat and gizzard samples related to boiling process and roasting process for cooked liver samples and the highest detectable amount of residue belonged to microwaving process in all cooked samples. Regarding to the results of this study, we can conclude that cooking processes can’t annihilate total amounts of these drug and it can only decrease their amounts and the most of residue in boiling process excreted from tissue to cooking fluid.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Knemidocoptic mange is occasionally noted in pet chickens. The etiologic agent of this disease is Knemidocoptes gallinae and K.mutans, a sarcoptiform mite. These mites live out their entire life cycle on their hosts. Typically, the crusty and scaly dermatitis associated with this mite is seen at the feet and legs, as may be seen in some pet canaries or budgerigars with the same problem. Facial lesions, however, are particularly uncommonly seen in chickens. A suggestive diagnosis can be established by physical examination findings of a "honeycombed" appearance to the crusts and scales on the feet and legs, or by skin scraping. Treatment is with ivermectin, which may be repeated in 2- week intervals for 2 to 3 total treatments. Not all birds exposed to a bird with this condition necessarily will develop problems, and group treatment is not necessarily always required Cedrus oil a herbal product was trid agains knemidocoptes gallinae and its efficacy was compared with of Zizyphus Extract and Rotenone-orthophenol. In this study 16 broiler with knemidocoptes gallinae infestion treated with cedrus oil and Zizyphusextract. Mite scrapings after topical application of cedrus oil caused complet recovery after 20 days in severe infestation with growth of feather on days 20 post treatment. Adverse reactions were observed the following of lambdacyhalothrin were used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (19)
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Ticks are very important in animal husbandry and they can transmit different disease. Some of the important transmitted disease by the ticks such as theilerioses and babesioses are very distributed in our studied area and hence this study was done about sheep ticks species diversity of Tabriz city to obtaining epidemiological importance aspects from sheep disease that are transmitted by ticks in this area. Our results showed that in this study the species diversity of founded ticks were Hyalomma anatolicom anatolicom, Rhipicephalus bursa, Rhipicephalus sanguinus and Haemaphysalis sulcata. Of the 1302 prepared ticks Hyalomma anatolicom anatolicom with 919 in number (70.58%) was the highest infection having and Haemaphysalis sulcata with 45 in number (3.46%) was the least infection having and after Hyalomma anatolicom anatolicom, Rhipicephalus sanguinus with 200 in number (15.36%) and Rhipicephalus bursa with 138 in number (10.6%) were observed with highest infection having rate respectively. Also highest infection of season was summer compared (p<0.05) with other seasons.

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    3 (19)
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Idiopathic pendular nystagmus is abenign disorder of eye movement without visual or neurologic problem. This study was aimed to determine the occurance of pendular nystagmus in cattle of Urmia, Iran. A total of 375 cattle were examined at slaughterhouse of Urmia. All animals were selected from two sexes (male 40, female 335), four breeds (Holstein 108, Brown Swiss 49, native 65, crossbred 153) and four age groups (yearlings 68, 2 years 124, 3 years 120, 4 years and above 63). In total, 3 (0.8%) cases of pendular nystagmus were founded. No positive cases were seen in males and native cattle. There was no significant difference between sexes, breeds and age groups (p>0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (19)
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In this study the effects of toxic pesticides, Diazinon (60% emulsion) on the some tissues of (Rutilus frisii kutum, Kamensky, 1901) male brood stocks were studied. The test were studied under static water quality conditions at 15oC±2oC in winter and spring 2009. The effective physical and chemical parameters of water were pH=7-8.2, dh=300 mg/L (caco3), DO=7 ppm and T=15oC±2oC. LC50 96h pesticide Diazinon on the first 0.4 mg/L was determined and then fish were exposed by the toxin with 3 concentrations, MAC value, LC1, LC5, and a control with three replicates for 45 days. Pathology results showed toxin diazinon no effect on average weight and fish body length, the average weight of heart and brain but caueses decrease of gonad weight and gonad index and also, cause complications of atrophy, fibrosis and necrosis in testis, vascular congestion, increased distance between the myocardium and fibrous string in heart and neuronal loss, vascular congestion and edema in the brain of kutum male brood stocks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (19)
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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now recognized as the most common type of liver disease and might lead to an important public health problem. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effects of Crocin on rat high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis model. For this purpose male Wistar rats were given either control diet, high fat diet alone or high fat diet plus Crocin via gavage at different doses (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) for 4 weeks in different experimental groups. Histopathological studies of the liver were conducted in all experimental rats at the end of experiment. Animals of the different groups were sacricified by cervical dislocation. Liver issue specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and 5 micron thick sections were prepared using routine hitopathological techniques. The serum levels of aminotransferases, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were measured to determine hepatocyte injury. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and total bilirubin (TB) were measured to assess biliary function. Albumin (Alb) and total protein (TP) was measured to reflect liver synthetic function. Histopathology of the liver in high fat diet fed rats showed severe fatty change of hepatocytes. Crocin reduced accumulation of lipid droplets in the hepatocytes in a dose dependent manner. In the high fat diet fed rats, serum levels of ALT, AST, ALP and TB significantly (p<0.01) increased, and serum Alb as well as TP levels significantly (p<0.01) reduced in comparison with normal control rats. Crocin treatments (100 and 50 mg/kg) significantly (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively) reduced elevated markers of liver tissue injury and significantly (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively) increased serum Alb and TP levels in high fat diet fed rats. Low dose of Crocin (25 mg/kg) made no significant changes in the mentioned parameters. The results obtained showed that Crocin has protective effects against hepatic steatosis in rats fed with high fat.

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    3 (19)
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In this study, protective effects of saffron against biochemical and histopathological changes of liver were assessed in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Forty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups of 10 animals each, including Group 1, healthy control; Group 2 healthy rats treated with saffron extract; Group 3, diabetics and Group 4, diabetics treated with saffron extract. For induction of diabetes, single dose of streptozotocin (75 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally. From the beginning of experiment, the extract was injected daily at a dose of 40 mg/kg b.w. by intraperitoneal route for 8 weeks. Control groups received normal saline in similar manner. At the end of experiment, serum biomarkers of liver tissue injury and histological changes of hepatic tissues were evaluated. In diabetic rats, serum levels of functional liver markers were found to be significantly increased as compared to control group (p<0.05), while this markers in diabetic rats treated with saffron extract significantly decreased as compared to diabetic rats. Histopathological findings were in consistent with biochemical results. The results obtained showed that ethanolic extract of saffron has hepatoprotective activity against diabetic hepatopathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (19)
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The aim of present study was to evaluate the liver injury as a complication of diabetes mellitus and to assess the hepatoprotective properties of Green tea extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. For this purpose, 40 male Wistar rats were randomly separated into four groups, each containing 10 animals: Group 1, healthy control rats; Group 2, normal rats treated with Green tea extract (1.5%, w/v) was given in drinking water; Group 3, diabetic rats and Group 4, diabetic rats treated with Green tea extract (1.5%, w/v) in drinking water. The extract was injected in intraperitoneal route for a period of 8 weeks. Control groups received normal saline in similar manner. Diabetes was induced by single injection of STZ (75 mg/kg i.p.). At the end of experiment, serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), albumin and bilirubin were measured. For histopathological evaluation, tissue specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and 5 micron thick sections with H& E stain were prepared using routine hitopathological techniques. In diabetic rats, serum levels of functional liver markers were found to be significantly increased in comparison with control group (p<0.05), while this markers in diabetic rats treated with Green tea extract significantly decreased as compared to diabetic rats. Histopathological findings were in consistent with biochemical results. The data obtained proved that Green tea extract has hepatoprotective activity against diabetic hepatopathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1050

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    3 (19)
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Giardia, Entamoeba, Isospora and Cryptosporidium are important protozoan parastites that caused diarrhea in human and animals. In the present study, fecal samples were collected fresh, directly from the rectum of 112 stray dogs in Ilam province. Giardia and Entamoeba were concentrated by using the formalin ether sedimentation method followed by the trichrome and iodine staining technique and Cryptosporidium oocysts were concentrated by using the formalin ether sedimentation method followed by the modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique. Of 112 stray dogs, protozoan infections were detected from feces of 46 dogs (41.07%) that Giardia infection was detected from feces of 21 dogs (18.75%), Isospora 17 (15.17%), Cryptosporidium 8 (7.14%) and synchronization infection to 2 protozoan in 9 dogs (8.03%) and to 3 protozoan in 3 (2.67%). In the present study not observed to Entamoeba. No statistically significant differences in prevalence of protozoan parasites occurred between female (34.21%) and male (55.5%) stray dogs (p>0.05). But statistically significant differences in prevalence occurred between 1³0 and 0³1 stray dogs (p>0.05). So that stray dogs of Ilam province can cause infection of human water and food sources.

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    3 (19)
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Theilleriosis is a common protozoal bovine disease which causes to most economical losses. Knowledge about biochemical appearance in cattle affected by the disease is very important. The present study was conducted to evaluation of T4 and T3 hormones’ serum levels and the rate of insulin in cattle affected by the disease and its comparison with healthy cattle.37 affected cattle and 35 healthy cattle from large animal clinic of Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch and some dairy farms of Tabriz. Blood samples from vena cava were obtained then thyroidal hormones’ serum levels and the rate of insulin were measured by ELIZA method. T3 hormone serum levels in affected and healthy cattle were 52.02±4.47 and 46.54±4.82 ng/dl, respectively as well as T4 hormone serum levels in affected and healthy cattle were 5.92±1.06 and 5.36±0.74 mg/dl, respectively. The differences between two groups about both hormones was significant (p=0.000 and P=0.011, respectively). The mean of insulin serum concentration in affected group was less significantly compared with healthy group (6.83±1.04 and 8.80±1.05 u/ml) (p=0.000). In evaluating the correlation between thyroid and insulin hormones in affected group it was revealed that the correlation between T3 and insulin was not significant (p=0.077 and r=-0.239) but the correlation between T4 and insulin hormones was significant (p=-0.280 and p=0.046). The conclusion is that in Theilleriosis affected cattle the serum level of thyroidal hormones increase and insulin hormone decreases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (19)
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Ten quinea pigs with 400-900 g weight were used in this study. After removal of cranium bones from brain, they were assessed from an anatomical point of view (biometry, appearance, weight, ventricles) and also at a histological framework with H& E, PAS and malory stainings. The results showed that the average length of cerebrum was equal to 2.41±0.048, the width of that at the thickest portion was equal to 1.21±0.027 and at the thinnest portion was 0.68±0.0034 cm. Also the thickness of cerebrum at the thickest and the thinnest was respectively equal to 1.21±0.023 and 0.72±0.0075 cm. The color of cerebrum was light redish. Gyri ans sulcus were absent. Cerebrum had a tip pointedshape like the tip of a pen. Pia mater with its related vasculature covers the surface of the brain. The preform lobes are very large. The average weight of cerebrum was equal to 3.4 g. The lateral ventricle I and II were longe in caudal portion and in cranial have been directed downward with a severe deviation. The III & IV ventricles were wide, while sylvius duct is small. Histologically the pia mater is highly vascular and collagen fibers were detectable in it. The density of neurons at the molecular layer of the gray mater is low. This layer is completely differentiable from its down layers. External and internal granular layers were apparent, but the externalpyramidal layer is not obviously to the view. The internal pyramidal cells were represented very large. The depth of the grey mater had big cells named to betz cells.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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