The purpose of this study was to evaluate the internal quality of Physical Education and sports sciences department of Tabriz Azad University and to determine the strong and weak points of the department in order to give some suggestions for improving the quality of education this department. The methodology used was a descriptive cross – sectional one. The statistical population concluded 4 heads of the department, 12 faculty members, 315 students and 254 graduates of Physical Education course. The statistical samples were 4 heads of the deportment, 12 faculty members which were selected in an all counting way. For selecting the sample of students and graduates, including 157 students and 105 graduates, Morgan’s table was used. For gathering the data, two instruments including a questionnaire and a check list were utilized. Using SPSS soft ware the data were analyzed. The quality of each item was determined at one of these three levels: full efficient, efficient to some extent and non efficient. For evaluating the quality of the department, 7 factors, 31 criteria and 100 indicators were applied. The findings showed that the goals, organizational station, managerial and organizational structure and also students were located at an efficient level. The faculty members, teaching and learning methods, educational courses and curriculum and educational and research equipments and facilities were found to be at a relatively efficient level, but the graduates were at a non-efficient level. On the whole, the physical education and sports sciences department was at a relatively efficit level. The findings reveal that the faculty members and decision makers should do their best to improve the educational quality of the department.