Images created with digital photography system, are made from regular and quite geometric and arithmetic seeds called pixels, but in analog photography system, existing crystal silver bromide seeds in photography film negatives, after exposure to camera light, make image in the form of irregular and small spots called Grain, Grains following their irregular form (unlike pixels), in terms of visual, have energetic and very dynamic forms. Considering the feature of spot as constructive element of the images, now this question comes to mind that why images that are product of digital photography process, have less subtlety and dynamism than the obtained images from analog photography system? The purpose of performing this research is to investigate the nature of digital images and comparing them with analog images, is in terms of image creator spots in them. The topic that will be investigated in this article is to analyze visual features of spot in both photography systems.The research method used in this article, is a descriptive-analytical method and its information collecting method has been library-field form. In this article, the authors comparing the form of the spot as constructive element of the image in both analog and digital photography systems, fetched up that obtained images of analog photography, due to expression state of spot in them, have more dynamic nature than digital images and this feature can be counted as an special ability to achieve special goals that happen less in digital photography method.