Background & Aim: Evidence-based dentistry (EBD) is a new approach to maintain the healthcare and oral hygiene, which requires proper integration of evidence, diagnosis and clinical skills of a dentist, as well as patient's medical needs and priorities. The aim of this research was to evaluate the outcomes of education on knowledge, attitude, access and confidence of dental students in field of EBD and its continuity.Materials & Methods: Sampling was based on census method and conducted on 250 students In this cross-sectional study, a questionnaire with 4 different sections including knowledge, attitude, access and confidence was surveyed 310 dental students educating in the 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th semesters. After collecting data, statistical analyses were performed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Related factors including age, gender and grade were also analyzed.Results: The score of knowledge was 2.17±1.7 out of the maximum score of 10, (poor knowledge) the attitude score was 32±4.3 out of the maximum score of 50, (moderate attitude) the access score was 24.9±5 out of the maximum score of 45 and the confidence score was 15.3±4.2 out of the maximum score of 30. (moderate access and confidence) The Knowledge of students increased significantly (P<0.005); however, it had no influence on attitude, access and confidence (P<0.2). The mean score of access and confidence among male students was significantly higher than female students. (p=0.003) Conclusion: The evaluated students had poor knowledge on EBD but their access confidence were moderate. Education of course had no remarkable impression on these factors. And it is better to schedule change in presentation, content, more fallow up and its practical management in clinical curses. So, this issue represented the necessity of more attention to study of EBD and their performance, in dental faculty, Islamic Azad University.