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There are several lakes in the center of the Iran that are the end basin in dry zone. These are called playa lakes. Since the playa is a part of larger system, that called the catchment, the study of playas also require to careful consideration of the catchment that ends to them. This research with aim of geomorphological evaluate of Meyghan basin using 1:50000 maps, ETM images of the Landsat satellite, IRS P6 image and geological map and field observations have been made. Arc GIS 9.3 and ERDAS 9.1 softwares were used for geomorphologic mapping. Meyghan lake has been formed in a synclinal subsidence, and the main faults of the Tabarte and Talkhab pass through it and it has been divided into smaller units include of the volcanic belt of the Orumiye- Dokhtar, Haftad Ghole and Sanandaj - Sirjan zone. Results of the study suggest the existence of karst forms as caves, Nebkas, glacis, alluvial fans and another form.

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Drought is a climatic phenomenon that in the vast country of Iran is visible to different forms or will occur in the future. This phenomenon in different forms will cause natural imbalances in different scales that its progress is slow and tricky and has devastating effects. Kerman Province due to its location is testifier of successive droughts. So far duration of the drought period is more than duration of the wet period beside the intensity of wet years is greater than the intensity of dry years.Study area is based on climate data from meteorological synoptic stations and Climatology over the years (2005-1986) and by selecting stations Kerman, Anar, Baft, Bam, Rafsanjan, a city of Babak, Sirjan, Kohnuj, Rhine, four milestones Lalehzar Shahdad. Studies are with emphasis on the two stations of Kerman and Sirjan. And try to consider dispersion of stations in all study areas. Due to extreme fluctuations in precipitation and atmospheric elements in Kerman and because the natural conditions of the area affected by the prevailing climate using from Average rainfall for normal z index and Normal precipitation is observed with respect to z index that in some years only a climatic situation is detected And also because of the high coefficient of variation of annual rainfall in the region South- East of Kerman region, resulting in drastic changes in annual flows is the features of this area. Study results show that More than 80 percent of annual precipitation in the study area is winter and autumn that more than 60 percent of those are belong to winter. Spatial distribution of rainfall is not uniform in the region.

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Urban land use planning science of time and place division for applications and various consumptions of life, in order to effective use of land and spatial discipline will be appropriate and efficient. For assaying potential of capable areas to future development of Ahvaz by using GIS and effective radius determination of factors such as the current user of land, distance from major pathway, distance from the river, distance from the airport, distance from service centers determination of weights according to the regions 2, 3 and have the highest potential for future development of residential areas.

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The morphology of Karun River as a meandering river is based on the changes which have been occurred in quaternary period that indicate the range of changes in its extension, the changes which cause significant problems in the environment. There for their identification is academically important and it is a necessity with respect to managerial issues.In this study the type of meandering river of Karun from Gotvand to its connection to Arvandrood was identified for the first time using Brice method and main factors of curves formation wich contain curvature radius and hypotenuse length. In addition the amount of curves evolution and their inclination toward simple or compound form was recognized. Kornis classification method was used in order to quantify the amount of meandering rivers̉ extension and their distinctions. Finally the types of extended curves which encountered to separation and tend to form Ox bow lakes were identified. Thus it is suggested that the mixture of these two methods be involved in the study of meandering rivers, in this case the meandering rivers which are critically encountered with changes and tend to be separated can managed successfully.

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Continental changes such as raining during the last decades had been more important as one of the effective factors on the quantity of rivers water, climate and decreasing the ground source’s potency. This study had been doing to evaluate the raining changes on the quantity and quality condition of the Sezar River. To evaluate the study’s purpose we have drive daily 11 parameters including electric conduction (EC), alkali (PH), total rigid solution materials (TDS), sulfate (SO4), sodium absorbent rate (SAR), calcium (ca), manganese (mg) sodium (Na), color (CL), bicarbonate ions density (HCO3)and total hard ship (TH) at 2 hydrometric stations of Sezar during a 20 years period. Then to determine the adhesion relations we have used the EXCEL software to equally and to test the data we have used the SPSS software and to evaluate the quality of station’s water to be potable, agriculture and chemical type we have used G.W.W software. Linear and – linear assessment of data of 2 (two) stations of the research area show a significant relation between discharge and quality parameters during the day which we have no raining at 2 stations, a significant relation between raining and quality parameters at 10 stations and Discharge to quality parameters during the raining days at 11 stations and a significant relation between the raining of the last 24 hours and quality parameter sat 11 stations. The best model to evaluate the date is making the correlation, the second multi terms. Base of Sholer diagrams, vil koks', and pypire, the water of study stations is potable and is suitable to auricular too and dominant type of the water which are temporary hard and show that the carbonate of the all stations is really extreme.The study of raining effects on the quality and quality and quantity changes of the water of sezar river show a significant relation between Discharge raining and increasing the Discharge, will increase the quality of river water and this matter is relevant to the findings of Arju and Ribiu (2002) which is about Discharge as the most important controller parameters of the quality of the water of Barib Story River (Brazil).

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This papers aim is analysis the possibility and introducing of capable area for tourism activities on Assalem - khalkhal road in Navrod region، located western part of Guilan province، in order to develop tourism activities and build some well fare and residential infrastructures on capable part of the road to create occupation for settlers.The research approach is descriptive - analytic on the base of field study، and based on topographic maps 1:50000 of Geology 1:250000 and air photography and satellite pictures.Guilan province along with other provinces of Iran enjoys natural virgin environment (mountain, forest, sea …) with beautiful and attractive scenery in order to attract tourists in terms of a high level of tourist attractions. Similarly Assalem - khalkhal road has a specific and exclusive natural environment situation, and has some underlying structure to attract tourists and capable to create Facilities and resorts.The range of research, starts from Assalem in western part (kharjegil village, height Bom) and finally in Almas pasture and the leads to khalkhal city.Researcher tries to introduce a new model of tourism activity as ”Road tourism” to the tourists, especially passengers that constantly trafficking on the mountainous and no mountainous roads in terms of natural potential and capable areas on the either sides of the road regarding road safety, and also some underlying structure, thousands of daily traffic of public transportation and personal vehicles, a large number of passengers, so It’s possible stop them for some time on the road in order to refresh, and enjoy the amazing scenery and natural beauty.If it is realized, it will be expected in the near future, most mountainous roads and sole other capable regions haring natural potentials can be regarded a safe and convenient place for tourists and passengers consequently it provides job opportunity for people living in surrounding areas.

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This study aimed to evaluate regional soil Borkhar of the metals lead and cadmium has been made. The purpose of field visits to the regions. The limit of the East refineries, petrochemical plants and about 20 km was selected. The 41 soil samples from depths of 0 to 10 cm in area and were randomized. Soil samples were transported to the laboratory and by air was dry and passed through 2-mil thickness sieve. In the laboratory of physical and chemical characteristics and concentrations of total absorption was measured.The results showed that the concentration of cadmium in soil is higher than the limit and the amount of lead in soil in many parts of the range limit is higher. Survey maps show that the lead spatial distribution of the region does not special pattern.

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the main aim of this research applied using the output climate model for study of the event late frost. For this purpose, we've used data output from GCM ECHO-G (A1).and we has investigated the effects of climate change on light and heavy late frost in future climate period. The data was downscaled by using the LARS-WG model for future climate period 2039-2010.Analysis was performed on six synoptic stations the three stations located in inside to the khorasan Razavi province (Mashhad, Sabzevar and Torbat-e-Heydarieh). The final map of the late frost show that the late frost data occurrence following the arrangement of topography. Significant results show that the average occurrence of light and heavy late frost will be completed 13 days and 7 days earlier than average of past time. The frequency of occurrence and severity of late frost significant decrease compared to past periods of climate. In other words, the rate of light late frost probability will be reduced.

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