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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Land using type and its management has important role in carbon sequestration potential of the ecosystem. Conversion of the low-yield annual drylands to planted or artificial rangelands is one of management measures for conservation basic ecological resources. For investigating the role of land using type and evaluating the effect of conversion of annual dryland to artificial rangeland ecosystems on the stable carbon sequestration potential, Maydan watershed of Esfarayen was chosen. Then, all parts participated into stable sequestration of carbon included belowground biomass of perennial alfalfa in artificial rangeland ecosystem, in additional to soil and litter in both ecosystems sampled and amount of sequestrated organic carbon measured. Comparison results showed that amounts of the sequestrated organic carbon in two ecosystems in both of soil and litter parts, had a significant difference (P£0.01) and was 1.55 and 1.62 times respectively in artificial rangeland ecosystem more than annual dryfarm ecosystem. This type of land management enhanced stable carbon sequestration potential of phytomass from zero to 37.87 tonha-1 too. So it seems that establishment of artificial rangeland ecosystem instead of annual dryfarm ecosystem can significantly increase the stable carbon sequestration potential of ecosystem, in addition to conserve the ecological basic resources.

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This study was carried out during June to October 2012 in the laboratory of the department of the horticultural science of islamic azad university, branch Garmsar to find a proper treatment to increase the shelf-life of strawberry fruits (Fragaria annanasa L. cv Camarosa). The fruits were collected from a greenhouse at Hashtegerd and were brought to the lab immediately. In this study the effect of different concentrations of spermine include 0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4mM on postharvest strawberry fruit plants were compared. Fruits were placed in the solution for 5 min and then were dried and kept in refrigerator with a temperature of 5o. Firmness, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, fruit juices, fruit quality and storage life were measured in the early days, fourth, eighth and twelve after storage. Significant increases of spermine storage life and fruit characteristics of strawberry was so in 7 days storage life of fruits, while immersed in a solution of 2 mM spermidine, the fourteenth day were still marketable. Use of spermidine was significantly protecting other fruit quality traits. The use of 2 mM spermine significantly prevented loss of fruit firmness during storage and keep the fruit firmness. Fruit quality was lowest in the control group gradually increased polyamine concentration increased to 2 mM and higher quality of life was reduced to 4 mM. In comparison polyamins, spermine test results showed the weak.

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Licorice is one of the most important medicinal plants for cure and prevention of digestive system diseases. In order to investigate licorice traits in different regions of Abadan and Khorramshahr, licorice roots were collected from 4 regions included Bahmanshir river coast (p.1), Arvand river coast (p.2), place between p.1 and p.2 (p.3) and Minoo Island (p.4). Finally, Phenotypic characteristics and Glycyrrhizic acid content were evaluated. Results showed that the highest amount of Glycyrrhizic acid was in p.3 and the least of that were in p.1 and p.4. It is concluded that gathered plants from region 3 were more than USP standards. Then, plants of this region have great quality for using in pharmacy industry or export.

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Narcissus is one of the oldest ornamental plant of Iran. In Iran with antiquity narcissus plant, there is not a research on developmental as well as ultra structure.In this study, with cell technique that germinal organs in plant (anther and ovary) microtomy cutting. For this purpose, F.AA fixator was fixed number of buds in different sizes. The results of microscopy observation of germinal organs existence ovary with 3 carpel, 3 cell with radial position. In developmental studies in anther, interim layer and 4 sac pollen in section of young anther and lack this layer and existence pollen house in mature anther, secretory and amiboiedy tapy layer were observed. In determine the ultra-structure of the pollen grains, exist reticulate exine and oval and single groove had been recorded by SEM.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Persian hogweed is a perennial, aromatical and herbal plant which has medicinal, economical and fodder values. One of the major problems of Persian hogweed is the lack of proper seed germination in vitro. In order to survey the effects of sea level elevation and temperature regim on seed germination of Persian hogweed, seeds were collected from three different elevations (1700, 2200 and 2700meter) in Kojoor and transported to the Laboratory of Khazar Forest Seed Centre. After purification, initial moisture content and seed weight, seed percentage and rate of germination were determinate for each elevation with cold and hot-cold padding. Results showed significant differences in seed weight and seed moisture at different elevations. With increasing elevation Germination percent and rate decreased in both temperature treatments. So that the highest Percentage and Rate was related to the height of 1700 meter from sea level. There was also significant difference between padding treatments and the highest germination percentage and rate was observed in cold padding. Therefore, the cold padding can be recommended for increasing the percentage of seed germination of Persian hogweed species.

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This research was done in 2008 in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbas and Bandar Lengeh in Hormuzgan Province. We had two transect in each region and sampling was performed with using 0.5×0.5 m quadrate in four seasons. The samples identified and the biomass of each species determined. Totally, 24 species of macroalgae include 9 green algae, 9 brown algae and 6 red algae, identified. Macro algae biomass in Bandar Abbas and Bandar Lengeh had signification difference (P£0.05). Green algae and especially Cheatomrpha gracilis was dominate in all the year in Bandar Abbas. Gracilaria arcuata had the highest biomass in spring in Bandar Lengeh. Also, Padina in fall and Colpomenia sinuosa in winter was the dominant species in Bandar Lengeh. At least, red algae had the maximum biomass in spring in Bandar Lengeh with mean 712 gr/m2.Green algae had the maximum biomass in summer and autumn with mean 1255 and 967 gr/m2 respectively both in Bandar Abbas. And in winter, brown algae had the most biomass (5799 gr/m2) in Bandar Lengeh.

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Satureja hortensis L. is an annual plant belonging to Lamiaceae family and have many medical benefits. The aim of this experiment was to determinate the amount and chemical composition of essential oil of Satureja hortensis L. in natural habitat and cultivated condition in Nahavand area (Iran). Results showed that total amount of essential oil in vegetative, flowering and cultivated conditions are 0.5, 0.4, 0.4 %v/w and 25, 22, and 13 compositions were identified in vegetative, reproductive and agronomic conditions respectively. Also results showed there was not significant difference between vegetative and flowering stages in main compounds; but, cultivated condition showed a significant difference in main chemical compounds of essential oil of Satureja hortensis L. In cultivated condition oil composition had Carvacrol with 45.48% and lack of Thymol, but in natural habitat Thymol was the most amounts among other chemical compounds. In addition in cultivated condition a-Terpinene is one of the first three identified compounds but in natural condition the amount of a-Terpinene is less than cultivated condition.

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The Jeball barze region with an area of 10000 ha, situated in the south of Jiroft (Kerman province), in the SE of Iran Its altitude ranges from 1800 to 2700 m from the free- sea level, and its average annual percipitation reaches to 140 mm. According to the results, about 235 plant species belonging to180 genera and 56 families of vascular plants were recognized. The largest families of the region were Asteraceae with 39 species (17%), Papillionaceae with 25 spicies (11%), Poaceae with 19 species (8.3%) and Lamiaceae with 17 spcies (7.4%) respectively. The Life forms of the plant species of Jeball barez region include: Therophytes 36.2%, hemichryptophyts 28.8%, chamephyte 13.1%, phanerophytes 15.7%, geophyte 6.6% ceri ophyte 1.3% heliophyt 0.4% and from the view point of regional elements plants of this region include: 52% Irano-Touranian, 12.2% Iran-Touranian and saharo sindian, 10.5% plural, 7.4% Saharo-Sindian 5.7% cosmic and 12.2% othere relate two Three or various of the regions and the angered of plant species of jeballbarez region include; LR (Lower Risk), 29 VU (vulen eruble) species, DD (Data Deficient) with 3 Species. High percentage of therophytes had short growth periode during rainy season which showed arid and semiarid climate. High percentage of hemichrytptophyts showed the harsh environment which confirmed the dry mountain condition of region.

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Wheat stripe (yellow) rust is an important disease in epidemic years in Iran. In this study, reaction of 64 doubled haploid lines, produced by chromosome elimination method crosses between wheat and maize were evaluated for stripe rust disease. In the seedling stage, these lines were inoculated with race 70E34A+, when the first and second leaves were appeared. Seedling plants were placed in chambers with 50% RH, at 18°C and light period of 12 h in the greenhouse condition. Infection type of seeding was recorded 15 and 17 days after inoculation using scale 0-9. The results showed that, 20 DH lines were resistant, and rest of lines showed moderately resistant to susceptible to stripe rust disease. The resistance was measured by infection type, latent period, and pustule size and pustule density. The analysis of variance showed a significant difference among genotypes.

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In this study the effects of electromagnetic fields (B=15, 23mT (AC)), at 50Hz frequency for 5 hours, during 3 frequent days on two lichen species, Xanthoria parietina and Lepraria lobificans were evaluated. Their physiological characteristics under this stress and their changes in comparing with control were investigated. Protein contents increased during electromagnetic fields 15mT in compare to 23mT stress sample in both species. Proline concentrations increased in electromagnetic fields 23mT in X. parietina but proline concentrations decreased in both stress conditions in compare to control in L. lobificans. Carbohydrate solutions in both species decreased in both electromagnetic stress conditions in compare to control. The results obtained in the present study indicated that different durations of 50Hz frequency cause significant differences on lichen physiological characteristics.

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