The internal security according to the geographical index has been defined as the counterpoint of foreign security. On this ground includes all subjects applied in national territory; means the governance security includes preserving the government structure, governmental institutions, system institutions and common set of values, principles, legitimating norms of the power, principles and procedures of stability in the governance and social and individual security (therefore, the main objective of this study is explaining the relationship between internal security and foreign security).The methodology of this research is scientific-reviewing that the researcher upon referring to the available documents and evidences in two internal and foreign contexts is proceeding with the relationship between the two variables.The findings of this research indicates that amplifying the political, social, economical, cultural and managerial infrastructures may have positive effect on the sociopolitical legitimacy, integrity and solidarity and the satisfaction of a country's people. Producing satisfaction in the society to the governing and upgrading the social capital will result in reduction of internal threatens and production of soft power. On the other side, supplying the foreign security requires the promotion of internal security and protection of government and its policies by the public.The citizens' satisfaction may increase the internal reliability and production of soft power for administrating the promotion of foreign security and on the other side the foreign security may lead to the production of hard power for the country.