Raising topic: this research explores the crimes on medical exemptions regarding public military service, causes and factors and its prevention solutions in the police commander of great Tehran in 2006 and 2007. The sociological and psychological theories in relation to the reasons of tending to medical exemption crimes for military service have been applied and public military service affairs in the other countries were discussed. Research hypotheses have been compiled and formulated based on the theoretical and experimental fundamentals including 4 hypotheses as below:1- Educational, legal, financial, psychic and system weakness factors may cause such medical exemption crimes to be created.2- Technology advancement is effective on the misuse of forger and swindler bands.3- Qualifying the investigations, management, educations, dealing with military service offenders, and introduction to all types of crimes and forgers’ methods is effective for reducing medical exemption crimes.4- Informing strategies to draftees, families and physicians are effective on recognizing the forgers’ methods and preventing and reducing the forge of which. This study has been applied on Public Military Service Center of Tehran, and statistical society is consisted of experts, directors of military service and physicians and the researcher knew them and included 120 persons, and the results were gained via statistical base of Likert’s scale, and considering the full-counting, sampling didn’t applied, furthermore type and method of research is applied.Research results: The study indicates that educational, legal, financial system weakness and technology advancement factors may be effective on the creation of medical exemption crimes and misuse of forger bands. On the other side, qualifying the investigations, education and dealing with offenders, informing the draftees and their families, organizational care and interaction, careful examination by proficient physicians and technical control and removing the legal vacuums are effective on reduction of public military service’s medical exemption crimes and study hypotheses were confirmed.