In this article, a new approach to the theory of semantic Networks has been presented, that is a new multidimensional model called Semantic Sphere.Semantic Sphere is a formal structure to represent how concepts are stored in human’s mind. In this model, like Semantic Networks, nodes and lines are to show the concepts and their relations in the mental semantic structure, but the nature and the structure of these nodes and lines are different from that of Semantic Networks.The most important properties of Semantic Sphere are: firstly, hierarchical relations have secondary functions; therefore, there is no necessity to keep hierarchical organization. Secondly, the relations are not only unilateral, but they may be bilateral or even without direction just to represent simple relations between two concepts. Thirdly, concepts are differentiated from words and proposition. Having these properties of Semantic Sphere in mind, some of the main problems of Semantic Networks, namely, inability to show the flexibility of changing concepts, not being consistent with the basic hypotheses of Semantic networks as one word - one position, inadequacy of distinguishing between words and concepts, etc. are supposed to be satisfied.Though this new model is in its infancy, it seems that it has the potentiality to be a substituted model for known Semantic Networks, since its basic hypotheses are based not only on abstract facts, but on some of the concrete facts of conceptual properties and also on some of the physical properties of the human brain.