Woman, in the poetry of pre-constitution (Mashrote) era was seen through by an amatory and sentimental view. However political, social, and cultural changes occurred in Constitution, especially thematic changes in throughout intellectual and social domains and as an example in literature, brought about fundamental changes in attitudes towards subjects such as femininity in Iranian society. Some poets of the era, regardless of pure Islamic principles, relied only on their conception of outward aspect of divine law, and influenced by new and unprecedented social and cultural changes like prevalence of western attitude towards woman-that was contrary to correct religious and traditional thoughts- posed in their poems, subjects such as defending rights and liberty of women, criticizing hijab, and objecting to marriage of girls in teen ages. Following such an approach, these poets were on the edge of conflict and fight with religious teachings. Iraj Mirza, Arefe Ghazvini, and Abolghasem Lahooti were the examples of such poets. Through this study, researcher used a descriptive-analytic approach to consider the subject in poems of these three poets. Attitudes of these three poets towards women and their issues, according to the results of this research, involved in having a critical view on native culture and religious customs of society which is caused by factors such as: having almost the same intellectual source, being influenced by western one-dimensional humanistic view, and being scared off by western culture.