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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 1971

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Many cancer cells during the chemotherapy procedure become resistance to several drugs the phenomenon which is called multidrug resistance (MDR). One of the important mechanisms responsible for MDR is the over expression of ABC transporter genes. One of the most extensively studied genes involved in MDR is multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1). Over expression of this gene has been detected in many cell lines and cancer cells with MDR phenotype. Two known mechanism inducing over expression of this gene is gene amplification and the presence of SNPs. We have shown that the over expression of this gene is associated with the MDR in Iranian leukemic patients. However, MRP1 gene amplification could not be identified in any of those patients. We aimed to investigate the possible association between the expression level of MRP1 and occurrence of MDR in leukemic patients. Furthermore, we wished to test the hypothesis that MRP1 polymorphisms would be predictive of MDR in patients with acute leukemia. mRNA level of MRP1 was determined in 111 patients with acute leukemia (including 52 patients with AML and 59 patients with ALL) by quantitative real time RT–PCR and compared to the type of response to chemotherapy. We typed G816A, T825C, G2168A, C2217T, G2268A, G1299T, G-260C, A-275G MRP1 polymorphisms in 24 patients classified as drug-resistant and normal control. We found that high expression of MRP1 was associated with MDR phenotype in both AML and ALL patients. There was no effect of a particular genotype on the expression level of the MRP1 gene. This could show the lack of dependency of any of these genotypes on the chemosensivity in this group of patients.

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View 826

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The Brassica genus classified into two basic groups: High erucic acid rapeseed (HEAR) and Low erucic acid rapeseed (LEAR). Oils having high levels of erucic acid have found widespread applications for non-edible purposes and oils with low levels of erucic acid have used for edible purposes. In this study, the gene and its promoter of b -ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS) enzyme that responsible for erucic acid biosynthesis were isolated and their effect was investigated on rate of erucic acid content of transgenic canola. Specific primers were used to amplify fae gene and its specific promoter from genomic DNA by PCR technique. The putative gene and promoter from B. napus were cloned into pSK+ vector and sequenced in both directions. Sense construct from fae gene and its promoter cloned into a plant expression vector, pBI121. Recombinant vector transferred to rapeseed plant via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. Presence of gene construct in transgenic plants was confirmed with PCR, dot blot and Southern blotting analyses. Finally the transgene function and its effect on erucic acid content were measured with gas chromatography in transgenic and control plants. Four putative transgenic plants were shown an increase in erucic acid level. Maximum of increasing was observed in one sample (No. 4) with 13% C22:1 in comparison with 1.1% in control plant.

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View 836

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Phytopathogenic fungi cause serious yield losses of oilseed crops including canola. Many phytopathogenic fungi produce polygalacturonase enzymes (PGs) which are thought to play an important role to degrade the pectin component of plant cell walls. On the other hand polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) which are cell wall bounded proteins are secreted by plants and they defend the cell walls against PGs. Due to the lack of commercial PGIP1 antibody, in this study PGIP1 was expressed in prokaryotic system to be used for production of antibody. The pgip gene was amplified using two primers RB and RB2H contaning NdeI and XhoI sites respectively and cloned in pET26b(+).The new construct was confirmed and transferred to E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS. The optimized conditions for expression of PGIP1 was IPTG = 0.5mM, OD = 0.3 and 37oC for culture temperature. The expression of PGIP1 was confirmed using Anti-His antibody due to the presence of His-tag in expressed protein. The antibody against the expressed protein (PGIP1) was produced and the obtaining serum tested by Elisa. This antibody used for Western blotting to confirm the presence of the expressed PGIP1 in protein profile of transgenic canola plants. Western blot analysis of transgenic lines compared to non-transgenic line of canola plants confirmed the expression of PGIP1 in transgenic lines.

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Amyloid formation in non disease proteins has little been studied. In the present study, to reveal the trend of amyloid formation in a typical protein, apo I- yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (apo I-YADH) which was obtained by removing of the structural zinc, was subjected to aqueous solution of methanol . Amyloid formation was evaluated by Congo red (CR) and thioflavin T staining method using fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. The amyloid-inducing aptitude of methanol showed a concentration dependent manner: 20%< 40% < 60% < 70% < 80%. The established amyloid formation monitored by spectroscopic studies, was ascribed to the conformational transition from native to the b-sheet rich structure in the enzyme molecules.

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More than 100 species of genus Lycium, in family Solanaceae, subfamily Solanoideae and tribe Lycieae are distributed in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Phylogenetic and biogeographic studies have mostly been based on South and North American species and some other species in old world. In this research for determining phylogeny of Old world taxa and biogeographic relationships between Old and New world taxa, Iranian species have been studied beside the most of species in New and Old world based on the two genes tmL-F (from chloroplast) and ITS (from nucleus). The results based on the sequencing of these regions indicated that in contrast to some previous reports, the Old world species were polyphyletic group. Genus Lycium appeared in new world (Southern American) and then they were transferred to Southern Africa and from that place were distributed to Eurasia. They were transferred from Southern Africa and Eurasia to Australia. According to this investigation, it can be concluded that Australia is the end area of Lycium dispersal

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In order to investigate of diversity of herbal species with respect to dead and downed trees, Sardabrood forests were studied that are located in Mazandaran province. In order to do this research, circles plots with radius of 5 meter in around of snags and rectangular plots with 4 meter widths (2 meter both parties of logs) and equal to theirs lengths in around of downed trees were designed. Herbal species and covering percent were identified and recorded, respectively. Also, in a 20 - 30 m distances from dead trees were selected number 2 to 3 mother trees of same species, D. B. H. and height. The composition of herbal species in different sites showed that dead trees site had more presence of Rubus caesius, Phylitis scolopendrium, Carex acutiformis, Oplismenus undulatifolius and Pteridium aquilinum but the site of mother trees were including Euphorbia amygdaloides, Oplismenus undulatifolius and Asperula odorata. Also, results of this research showed that the most value of Simpson and Peet indices devoted in snag and the least were found in around of mother tree and downed trees, respectively. Around of mother tree and snags had the maximum and minimum of richness, respectively. Analysis of variance showed no significant differences between plant diversity in different sites.

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View 997

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Salinity is one of the major abiotic factors which restrict plant growth, development and productivity. In this study the morphological and physiological effects of different concentrations of NaCl of three wild species of potato with different sensivity to salt including Solanum acaule (tolerant), Solanum stoloniferum (semi-sensetive) and Solanum bulbosum (sensetive) were investigated. Stem explants with one single nod were transsfered to MS medium with different concentrations of NaCl (0, 40, 80 and 120 mM). After 5 weeks some of the physiological and morphological changes induced by NaCl were studied. Salinity reduced shoot height, chlorophyll content (a, b and total), carotenoids and ascorbates and increased proline, lipid peroxidation and ion leakage in S.stoloniferum and S.bulbosum. On the other hand salinity had no adverse effects on shoot height, chlorophyll content, MDA, ascorbates and ion leakage but increased chlorophyll content(a, b and total) ), carotenoids and proline in S. acaule. In S. acule only at high salinity level (120mM) the level of aldehydes was increased. Based on these results, lipid peroxidation and ion leakage parameters can be used as screening criteria in wild species of potato.

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View 1220

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This research was performed based on a completely randomized sample design in Chamestan Forest and Rangeland Research Station. In this research oak was planted pure and mixed with other broadleaf species including maple, hornbeam, hackberry and Siberian elm with 50%-50% ratio. Goal of this project was evaluation of forest site on the basis of leaf retranslocation process. The sampling was performed in August for fresh leaves and in December for senescent leaves. The nutrition elements amount of leaves was measured in laboratory and retranslocation rate of elements was calculated. The results show that oak had the most retranslocation of phosphorous in the mixed plantation with hackberry and it had the least amount in the mixed plantation with Siberian elm. The most and the least retranslocation rate was belong to pure oak plantation and mixed with maple respectively. There were no significant differences between treatments in nitrogen retranslocation. The results showed effective role of mixed plantations compare with pure plantations based on sustainable ecosystem cycles. The hornbeam trees showed less amount of N retranslocation among five species and it can improve soil C/N ration. Hackberry and Siberian elm showed least retranslocation of P and K respectively. The results of this research can help forest managers for selection of suitable tree species for plantation in order to achieve site fertility and maintenance of nutritional elements.

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View 662

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Saffron (crocus sativus L.) is an important cash crop in Iran that propagates by its corms. Usually, rate yield reduced 5-6 years after primary plantation. For this reason, farmers begin to recultivate new corms or intercropped cultivation. Sorghum (sorghum bicolor L.) could be introduce as a suitable candidate for intercropped cultivation. Therefore, in our research we attempt to investigate allelopatic effects of leaf, corm and petal extracts of saffron on seed germination and early growth stage of four sorghum cultivars. Aqueous and alcoholic extract were prepared from dry powdered of saffron organs at 0-4% and 0-1% (w/v) concentrations, respectively. Then sterile seeds were exposed to these extracts. Experiments were designed in a randomized complete block as a factorial experiment with 4 replicates. The results showed that rate and percent of germination, length of root, shoot and leaf, fresh and dry weights of seedling reduced in 4 sorghum cultivars by both extracts. Root growth was significantly decreased in comparison to shoot and leaf. Also, measurement of dry weight revealed that the accumulation of biomass was less affected in shoot. In spite of less growth of root, water content of seedling did not show obvious reduction. It is suggested that root cells were surmounted to stress by osmotic regulation and dilution of toxic compounds. Also, result showed that leaf and petal extracts were more effective than corm tissue, and among 4 studied cultivars Kimia and Payam were resistant to petal and corm extracts but Spidfid and Sugargraz were more resistant to leaf extract.

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Marmisho region is located in 70 Km of North-Western of Urmia in a long valley with 184 Km2 area. The classical floristic study was the method of plant collection in this region. Collected plants were recognizied and determined as families, genera and species by using of plant taxonomic method and appropriate flores. Life form of plant species was determined base on Raunkier's method. The results showed that in the region there are 47 tree and shrub species belong to 18 families. These species are chorotype as follows: 29 Irano- Turanian species and 1 Endemic was Ulmus Boissieri GRUDZ.

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View 2010

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Tamoxifen is a nonstroidal antiestrogen agent, which is prescribed for treatment of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tamoxifen on estradiol concentration and structure of ovary in female Wistar rats. One group of rats (45 days old and 90 g body weight) received 800 mg/kg b.w tamoxifen dissolved in solvent (consisted of ethanol (60%) and physiological solution) for 10 consecutive days. The sham group received the solvent and controls did not receive any thing or solvent. After treatment period, blood serum estrogen was measured by ELISA method and 5mm thickness sections from ovaries stained with Haematoxylin & Eosin method. Results showed that estradiol concentration in serum decreased significantly in group which received tamoxifen, compared with control group. (P<0.05) The significant decrease in body weight, diameter of ovary, number of primordial follicles, primary follicles, growing follicles, Graafian follicles, corpus luteui and corpus luteal cells, were observed  in animals received tamoxifen. The diameter of primary oocyte, corpus luteum, corpus luteal cells and thickness of granulosa layer in intact Graafian follicles, decreased significantly. (P<0.05) These findings showed that tamoxifen decreased fertility in female Wistar rats which received it in immature stage.

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The family Chironomidae (non- biting midges) is a group of insects belonging to the order Diptera. Most of them spend their larval stage in water. The Chironomidae is frequently the most abundant benthic fauna in a majority of aquatic ecosystems. The Chironomidae has a wordwide distribution owing to its broad ecological tolerances. The larvae species composition closely reflects the aquatic environment in which they live, as a result, they are good indicators of water pollution, climate change and lake classification. They also play a considerable role in the organic matter processing and the food chains of water communities. Considering the importance of family Chironomidae in aquatic habitats, this information can be used in ecological and taxonomical studies. The present study was conducted in Golpaygan River located in province Isfahan. Five stations were selected on the river and six time of sampling were conducted from July 2003 up to June 2004. After sampling, chironomid larvae were sorted out, counted and kept in preserving solution. They were made in to fixed slides using phase contrast microscope and the available identification keys which are accordance with the morphological characteristics of the larvae, were identified to genus level. The results showed the presence of four subfamilies and 33 genera. There was found a significant effect of season, station, substrate, dissolved oxygen, temperature, current velocity and EC on abundance of chironomidae using the Co-variance analysis.

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Adaptation of triploid hybrid fish )Oncorhynchus mykiss ♀ × Salmo trutta caspius (♂ studied in direct transportation to 6,12 and 18 ppt (salinity according to Caspian sea salinity). Osmolality of blood plasma, distribution and number of chloride cells as well as gene expression of Na+-K+-ATPase a1b subunit has studied by osmometry, histology, imunohistochemistry and gene expression methods. 10 days after transition to different salinity levels no mortality was seen in 6 ppt, but in 12 ppt and 18 ppt survival rat was 77% and 60% respectively After fish transferring Chloride cell distribution pattern did not change and Chloride cells were distributed on filaments, between lamella and on lamella in all treatments. In histology studies some morphological changes such as lamella connection has seen. Immunohistochemistry studies showed that maximum number of lamellar and inter lamellar chloride cell are in 18 ppt. changes of Na+-K+ -ATPase a1b subunit gene expression didn’t show regular trend. According to results seems that triploid hybrid fish don’t have necessary ability for salinity tolerance.

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View 783

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The fauna of Crambidae were investigated in Fasa & Jahrom regions from 2006 to 2007. samples were collected by light trapes. A total of 13 species belonging to nine genera and three subfamilies in were determined The species Ancylolomia tentaculella, Thyridophora furia are reported for the first time from the Fars province.

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The in fluence of Natural zeolite (Clinoptiliolite) as anti-bacteria and anti-fungus in the digestive system and also as a anti-toxin in the diet and reduction of radioactive in human, animals and aquatic animals like trout has been proved. Since the role of Natural zeolite in the diet of kutum (rutilius frissi kutum) has not yet researched, There fone an experi ment of 60 days durantion in wet lob of Guilan university has leen done. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 % level of zeolit). Three hundred juvenile kutum with an average weight of 2.2+0.32 gr were randomly distributed between 15 fiber glass tanks of 500 Iit capacities which were filled with 400 Iit fresh and filtered water. Nutitonal responses in term of weight gain (WG) specific growth rate (SGR) food conversion ratio (FCR) and survival rate (SR) were considerably improved in treatment five with 4% zeolite indieet and showed significant differences with other treatments (P<0.50). Growth indices in treatments having zeolit indiets were significantly better as compared with control diets (nonzeolite) (P<0.05). Fisj body composition (carcass) in all treatments were not showed touchable significant (P<0.05). The influence of zeolile as feed additive in kutum diet with 4% level has positine effect on growth indices of fish.

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