This study compared the learning and studying strategies between two groups of student with high and low academic achievement. The participants were 218 undergraduate students from Tarbiat Moalem University which included students with high academic achievement (n=107) and students with low academic achievement (n=111). The instrument was "Learning and Study Strategies Inventory" (LASSI) that was designed by Weinstein & Palmer. The validity of instrument was confirmed by experts and its reliability was measured by using Cronbach Alpha.This study compares the ten scales of the LASSI between two groups of student with different academic achievement. The ten scales of the LASSI include of Information Processing, Selecting Main Ideas, Test Strategies, Anxiety, Attitude, Motivation, Concentration, Self Testing, Study Aids and Time Management Scales. Result show that in usage Selecting Main Ideas, Test Strategies, Attitude, Study Aids, Time Management, Concentration, Motivation Strategies of the LASSI, there is significant difference between students with high and low academic achievement (a=0.01).It was also reported that in usage Anxiety and Self Testing Strategies of the LASSI, there was not significant difference between students with high and low academic achievement (a=0.01).