‘Eblis” is the Persian equivalent of “Satan”. It is the special name of the same Satan who tempted Adam and the exalted God mentions it as “Eblis” and sometimes “Satan” in Quran (verses mentioned as “Eblis”: Baqareh, verse 34; Hajar, verses 31, 32; Asra, verse 61; Kahf, verse 50; Taha, verse 116; verses mentioned as “Satan”: Aaraf, verse 27; Baqareh, verse 26; Taha, verse 120). Some of the traps by Satan mentioned in the Holy Quran are as follows: 1) poverty behest: preventing human from charity and giving Khoms or Zakat not to be poor (Baqareh, verse 268); 2) ordering to lewdness; 3) ordering to wrong-doing (Noor, verse 21); 4) creating hostility among Muslims through drinking and gambling (Maedeh, verse 91); 5) preventing human from God’s remembrance (Anaam, verse 68; Mojahedeh, verse 19).