This research was carried out on 48 patients aged from 12 to 67 who refered to Oral Surgery Department at Tabriz Dental school for their teeth extraction.Patients were divided into 4 groups as follow:Group A1: Patients with teeth on both sides of lower jaw to be extracted. One side, was adopted as Experimental while the other side was considered as control (Inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia or mental nerve block anesthesia).Group A2 Patients with teeth on both sides of lower jaw to be extracted, with the difference that only on one side Mod I.O.A was adopted with no injection of any kind on the other side. Group B: Patients with teeth only on one side of the lower jaw to be extracted, in which Mod I.O.A was employed.Group C: Patients, in whom inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia was failed and then Mod I.O.A was adopted for Extractions.To perform this technique, a manual terphinator was designed. Use of this device removes the need for incision of mucosa and the bone at the apex of the tooth. This is because, these tissues will be perforated. rated during the technique, with an access to spongeous bone.Results showed, the effect of the anesthetic solution in this technique is rapid, short and limited. In addition there is no relationship between the degree of anesthesia with age, sex or the kind of tooth to be extracted. In spite of the passage of the anesthetic solution from the midline, it's distribution through the bone differs among the different people.