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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (پیاپی 33)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Inroduction & Objective: The applications of extracellular materials of marine organisms are widely expanded. Some of the secreted materials of cyanobacteria are polysaccharides. In the present study extracted polysaccharide of Nostoc. sp ISC 113 cyanobacteria evaluated as cellular scaffolding on endothelial cells.Materials and Methods: The polysaccharide extracted from cyanobacteria Nostoc. sp ISC 113. The cell scaffold made from polysaccharide with collagen and hyaluronic acid and its effects on the growth and proliferation assessed by MTT assay and the cell adhesion of HUVEC endothelial to scaffold evaluated, by crystal violet staining and microscopic studies. The colony assay performed for clonogenic endothelial cells.Results: The data obtained from MTT assay showed that the extracted polysaccharide of Nostoc cyanobacteria increased the proloiferation, adhesion, and clonogenic endothelial HUVEC cells.Conclusion: The extracted polysaccharide of Nostoc is appropriate natural polymer to build scaffold or repair the capillaries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (33)
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Inroduction & Objective: Early development and allometric growth pattern is an important feature during early development of fishes that are related to their priorities for increasing survival and adaptation to environmental factors. Hence, this research was conducted to study the allometric growth patterns and morphological development of common bream (Abramis brama) during its early development from hatching up to 60 days post hatching (dph) under cultural condition.Materials and Methods: For this purpose common bream larvae were reared for two months until fingerling stage. The larvae were sampled from hatching up to 60 day post hatching (dph). Then Morphometric parameters obtained from 2D pictures of specimens using the software ImageJ and allometric growth pattern was calculated as a power function of total length using non-transformed data: Y=axb.Results: The results showed that the early development of this species can be divided into four stages based on their allometric growth patterns and development of morphological characteristics. Stage I or larval stage is occurred from hatching up to 6 dph and during this stage, the inflexion points of the tail length and head and body depths are occurred at 5 and 6 dph, respectively. Second developmental stage or the post larval stage (6-18 dph), includes inflexion points of the total weight at 11dph, head length and eye diameter at 14dph and, the caudal peduncle depth at 18 dph. Stages III or per-juvenile stage (18-35 dph) consists the inflexion points of the snout and trunk lengths at 25 and 35 dph, respectively. Forth developmental stage is started from 35 dph upward and at this stage fish is obtained the miniature shape of its adult.Conclusion: The results revealed that priorities of the common bream during early developmental stages include development of the swimming ability, respiration structures, and sense organs situated in the head region and then feeding apparatus that may be in agreement with its ecological shifts during its ontogeny.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1830

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    2 (33)
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Inroduction & Objective: Glyphosate, commercial known as Roundup is a herbicide from phosphonic family (Amine isopropyl salt) which is used as a systemic toxic for controlling all kinds of annual or perennial weed plants. The goal of this study is the effect of glyphosate herbicide on oogenesis and ovary in adult rats.Methods: 50 female matured rats (Wistar race) with mean weight200±15were prepared and divided into five 10 members groups including control, sham, experimental 1, experimental 2 and experimental 3. The control group didn’t receive any treatments. The sham group has received 0.2 cc distilled water as daily qualities injection and the 1, 2 and 3 groups have received 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg glyphosate as intra peritoneum injection during 14 consecutive days. Ovaries were extracted and sliced, tissue sections were studying on the number of secondary follicles, Graffian follicles, corpus luteum and atretic follicles.Results: The results of this research showed that nevertheless glyphosate had not significant influence on ovary weight but the secondary, Graffian and atretic follicles and corpus leuteum of experimental groups had significant increase than the control group (p<0.05).Conclusion: It can be concluded that glyphosate can change ovary follicles amount and oogenesis in rats.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3443

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    2 (33)
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Inroduction & Objective: Medicinal leeches are using extensively in the biological researches as well as pharmaceutical industries and cosmetics. The aim of this study was to investigate behavioral responses of young medicinal leeches kept on the two kinds of rearing system.Material and Methods: Young leeches with an average weight of 0.2 grams introduced to 8 treatments (3 replicates) with density of 50 (1G), 50 (2G), 60 (3G), 70 (4G), 80 (5G), 90 (6G), 100 (7G) and 110 (8G) per tank. Their placement status and nature of the locomotor activity in the rearing tanks were investigated during 6 days trial period.Results: According to the results the lowest percentage of leeches in the bottom of tanks, the highest percentage at water outside, the lowest percentage without moving and the highest percentage of them with respiratory movements, with a significant difference compared to other groups, were recorded in G1 (р 5. Finally, the lowest percentage of leeches with respiratory movements, of G2, G3 and G5 were recorded in groups (р).Conclusion: Compared with static maintenance system, recirculating water system, had a positive effects on leeches’ behavioral characteristics and G5 with density of 80 leeches in each tank indicated the best results among other treatments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 827

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    2 (33)
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Inroduction & Objective: Today, the new methods for evaluating the toxic effects of the chemical compounds on the living organisms in fresh and salt water ecosystems was presented. These techniques include molecular, biochemical and cytological methods to study the influence of pollutants were usedas biological markers. Survey of the critical toxic of phenol in the embryonic phase of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenserpersicus) is necessary, because of the ecological and economic importance of this fish as an endangered native species on the Caspian sea, the extent of water pollution dispersion and increasing oil derivatives such as phenolic compounds in this sea.Material and Methods: In present study, effects of phenol on Acipenserpersicus on the embryonic 38 phase (3dph) was evaluated. The acute toxicity test for 96h is performed in fully static water condition with aeration. According to OECD standard for evaluating the acute toxicity of phenol, seven concentrations of phenol (140, 115, 90, 65, 40, 25, 10 mg/l) and control in three replications were used in the static condition. Meanwhile, three concentrations of phenol (40, 25, 10 mg/l) and control in three replications were used in the semi-static condition for surveying the effects of the sublethal concentration's phenol on the gill, liver and kidney as cytological biomarkers during prelarvae period to the beginning activity of feeding. The deformities and mortalities of prelarvae were collected every day and fixed by immersion in Bouin fluid for 24h and then transferred to ethanol 70%. Fish were dehydrated in an ethanol series of ascending concentrations, embedded in paraffin, and serially sectioned at 7 mm thickness on a microtome. The sections were dried for 24h and stained with H&E.Results: Maximum Allowable Toxicant Concentration of phenol for prelarvae's Acipenser persicus was 1.95 mg/l. Histopathological changes in the gill, liver, kidney were noticed. The histological alterations were found in the sections including blood congestion and hyperplasia in the gills, cellular atrophy, nuclear degeneration and melanine aggregates in the liver, tubular degeneration, dilation glomerular capillaries and interstitial spaces degeneration in the kidney.Conclusion: In conclusion, the present study was showed that the concentration of pollutants like phenol compounds in the aquatic ecosystems effects on the development of the prelarvae's Persian sturgeon, thus it is essential to enhance our knowledge on toxic effects of the pollutants on the endangered species like Persian sturgeon.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1190

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    2 (33)
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Inroduction & Objective: Anxiety is one of the most widespread psychological disorders which may lead to functional disorders, chronic diseases and decrease in life style. Considering the side effects caused by chemical drugs, this study was carried out to investigate the effect of hydro-ethanolic extract of currant on amount of stress in adult male mice with the goal of finding a safer way for managing stress.Material and Methods: In this experimental study 40 adult male mice were used falling into 5 groups including: Control (no treatment), Sham (consuming distilled water), and 3 experimental groups (gavaged with three concentrations of hydro-ethanolic extract of currant (200, 100, 400 mg/kg). The level anxiety was measured by elevated plus maze. The duration and number of presence of each mouse in closed and open arms were determined. The results were analyzed using ANOVA test with Tukey post hoc.Results: Results showed that hydro-ethanolic extract of currant at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg BW caused a significant reduction in anxiety.Conclusions: According to the findings, it appears that the extract of currant with flavonoids compounds as GABA receptor agonists and increase serotonin may reduce anxiety in elevated plus maze.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1052

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (33)
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Inroduction & Objective: Nowadays consuming alcohol causes diseases and different disorders, specially liver disorder. The purpose of this survey is to study the effect of berberis integerrima’s fruit on liver enzymes, serum level (ALT, AST, ALP, GGT), albumin scale and total protein and changes in liver tissue caused by consuming alcohol.Material and Methods: In this study, ethanol was used to apply liver damage.50 male Wistar rats(160-220 gr) were randomly divided into 5 groups as follows:1)Control group without any treatment, 2)Positive sham group receiving 2 ml of 20% ethanol daily by gavage, 3)Negative sham group receiving berberis integer rima dose(200 mg/kg bw) and experimental groups1 and 2 receiving 20% ethanol respectively for 21 days and in the second 28days, 100mg/ kg and 200 mg / kg doses of berberis integer rima were prescripted, Then blood samples, were taken to measure, liver enzyme, Albumin and the Total protein levels. Histological section for histopathological studies of liver were provided.Results: The results showed that changes in body and liver weight in sham groups were not significant in comparison to control groups. In enzymes like AST, ALP, GGT, ALT, Albumin and total protein in exprimental groups receiving Berberis integerrima were significant at p£0.05 level in compare to positive sham group that was treated with ethanol. Histological studies shows that in the positive sham group that was treated with ethanol large areas of empty hepatocyte cells were seen, and the recovery processes were observed in the experimental groups receiving Berberis integer rima’s extract.Conclusion: Because of having anti-oxidative compounds and more flavonord Consuming berberis integer rima extract in (200 mg/kg) dose protects liver cell against oxidative stress caused by ethanol.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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