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Hybrids are frequently formed amongCitrus species. In the present study, histological aspects of developing fruit have been investigated for the first time, in "Bakrai", a hybrid between mandarin (Citrus reticulata L.) and sweet lime (Citrus limetta Risso.), in Fars province. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the essential oil have also been performed in this hybrid. In this 2 years study, "Bakrai" trees were regularly observed in Jahrom orchards. fruits were taken at 3 successive developmental stages. Small pieces fruit peel were performing preparation processes for anatomical studies via light microscope. During early stages of development, the three tissue systems had compact and dividing cells, in all stage of development. The rate of cell division decreased in the epidermal cells. Cell size, intercellular space and wall thickness increased in the ground system during development. The number and size of the vascular bundles also increased during fruit ontogeny. Oil glands in Initiation of the glands in the fruit peel was restricted to the first stage. They continued to enlarge throughout fruit growth. Five successive stages of oil gland initiation and differentiation were recognized. Chemical composition of the oil was investigated by GC/MS (Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry). 23 and 16 compounds were found in "Bakrai" immature and mature fruit peel, respectively. Essential oil components may change during development, evolving into new compounds. Limonene was the major component in all samples.

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Back ground: The toxic effect of zinc on sebaceous glands and skin has been showed in some study The aim of this study is to determine the chronic effect of ZnCl2 on Liver, Kidney and Spleen on male adult rat.Material and methods: Mature male Wistar rats have been used receiving intrapritoneal (I.P).injection of ZnCl2 Solution. The experimental animals received 10 mg/kg B.W. Zinc chloride every other day for 30 days and with same procedure control rats received 0.5 ml serum physiology. After anesthesia the rats were killed and the liver, kidney and spleen was extruded and fixed in formaldehyde 10% and stained H-E method.Results: The results indicate changes of body weight in Experimental group not significant comparing with Control group.But increase of liver weight is significant (p<0.01). Changes of Kidney and spleen weight is not significant. Fatty Change showed in liver hepatocytes. But cell injury in kidney and spleen not imoprtant Discaussion: The results of present study indicate that ZnCl2 affect and decrease of liver weight in rat but no very major histopathologic changes after one months administration.

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Sesamum indicum L. belongs to the family Pedaliaceae, is one of the important oil seed, industrial and medicinal plant. In this research, in vitro culture of Sesamum indicum L. was investigated in MS media with different hormones such as BA and NAA. Different part of seedlings grown on hormone free such as root, leaf, stem, apical meristem were used as explants. In this research different part of plant such as stem, root, leaf used for hand sectioning and flower used for microtomy sectioning. best medium between other media with different concentration of two hormones. considering the size and and stability were mediums supplemented with NAA=10/BA=2, NAA=10/BA=5 (mgl-1). Between the explants that used, apical meristem in medium supplemented with NAA=2/BA=10.NAA=5/BA=5 (mgl-1), after callogenesis and organogenesis, had a highest persantage of regenerated plantlets. Leaf, stem, root after culture only form calli, and there is no organogenesis in there calli.

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The goal of this experiment has been to study the impact of the type and concentration of some growth tuners on the organogenesis of a type of Astragalus, Astragalus fridae. The impact of four kinds of hormones including Naftalineacetic acid (NAA), Dechlorophonoxyacetic acid-2, 4 (D-2, 4), N6 (2-isopentyl) adenine (2ip) and 6-Benzylaminopourine (BAP) on the culture of various parts of the plant, Astragus fridae were studied. The explants were selected from the apical meristem, the stem, the leaf and the root of the sterile plantlets. The hormones were used in the form of 2IP/NAA and BAP/2, 4-D and sixteen types of treatments were applied for every combination. In the culture environment using different concentrations of the hormone BAP/2, 4-D the root explants produced calluses at a quantity and volume rate less than other explants and without any differentiation and organogenesis, but the other explants including the apical meristem, stem and leaf explants produced aerial organs and roots using different hormonic concentrations and combinations in both MS culture environments. The experiments and analyze of the data resulted determined that the meristem explants are the best explants in regeneration of the complete plant in the in vitro condition and the hormonic combination 2IP/NAA with different concentrations reveals better callus and organogenesis.At the final stage, the plants produced on culturing stage transferred to the pots containing sterile peat & perlit and were neutralized by the Hoagland liquid and after a week, these plants transferred to the natural soil gathered from their original ecosystem.

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dies indicated that morphine consumption during pregnancy could inhibit embryos development. Present study further evaluated the effects of oral morphine consumption on the placenta development.Female Wistar rats (W:170-200 g) were used in the present study. Experimental group were received morphine (0.05 mg/ml of tap water) after one night coupling with male rats for mating.On the 9th day of pregnancy, the pregnant animals were anesthetized with chloroform and the placentas were removed surgically and fixed in 10% formalin. The fixed placentas were processed and stained by H & E method and evaluated for their development. Thickness of layers, number of lacuna, as well as number of the cells in both maternal and fetal parts of the placentas and the utrian septum thickness were calculated by MOTIC software.Our results indicated that both maternal and fetal layer thickness were increased in experimental group. In addition, number of lacuna, as well as number of the cells in both maternal and fetal parts of the placentas were increased in experimental group. In contrast, the utrian septum thickness was reduced in experimental group. Taken together, our results showed that all placenta development indicators were abnormal in experimental group. These abnormalities may be the cause of incomplete development observed in the fetus born by opioid addicted women.

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Prefertilisation barriers on the stigma surface result in the arrest of pollen germination in to the stigma.The stigma is of the wet and papillate type The stigma in this species was classified as wet, papillated (GroupШ) and covered with sticky secretion.Interaction between pollen and the stigma surface initiate pollen germination.The extracellular matrix of stigma and stylar transmitting tissue, enriched with secretory materials, is the path for the pollen tube. In the present study Structural and ultrastructural pollen grain and pollen tube were investigated using feloresence and transmission electron microscopy and the details of pollen–stigma interaction. Electron density of secretory components after post-fixation with OsO4 and their capacity for staining with Auramine O revealed their lipoid nature. Pollen coat, consisting of clear lipid droplets embedded on the exine surface.The pollen grains had the exine wall with their layers already formed of lipid bodies.The deposit, which has similar osmiophilic propertiesto lipid.Thick diameters with a larger exine wall and theintin reached its maximaum size. Mitochondria and plastids are both structurally simple.Plastids and mitochondria also increase both in number and electron density.Cytoplasm is containing many small vessels, a large quantity of dictiosomes and endoplasmic reticulum. Electron dense droplets appeared in the cytoplasm and vacuoles. Furthermore, dense black aggregates were observed at the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research 6 species belong to genusNigella L. were studied anatomically.In all available sources, morphological diagnosis characters, used to separate the lower species are not efficient. For instance, identification is going to be difficult and sometimes impossible, so another method such as anatomy were used to help identification and taxonomy. To this purpose anatomical structure of leaf of stem, stem, fruit were studied in various species. Anatomical characters especially form important diagnosis characters.Anatomical study of species belong to this genus has been done in Iran for the first time and the following results were obtained:1- Division of speciesN. arvensis and N. sativa2- Confirmation tranferingN. integrifolia from Nigella genus to the particular genus

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Since the cosmetic products are the combination of several chemicals, and with due attention to harmful effects of them on offspring of pregnant females, on this research the effects of oxidative hair dyes and their oxidant creams were accomplished on kidneys of mice offspring that their mothers exposure to those products in third week of pregnancy.56 adult NIH mice (40 females, 16 males) were selected and after copulation and determination of pregnancy, pregnant females classified in 8 groups: exposure to 1 ml hair dye in 2 successive days (2 doses), exposure to 1 ml oxidant cream in 2 successive days (2 doses), exposure to 1 ml hair dye+1ml oxidant cream in 2 successive days (2 doses), exposure to 1 ml hair dye in 4 successive days (4 doses), exposure to 1ml oxidant cream in 4 successive days (4 doses), exposure to 1ml hair dye+1ml oxidant cream in 4 successive days (4 doses), stressful control and non stress control.30 offspring were selected randomaly from every group and after morphological studies and statistical analysis the results with one sided variance analysis method, their kidney tissues were extract and studied by light microscope after fixation in formalin and staining with Hematoxylin and Eosin (paraffin section- H & E).Without any morphological differences, we observed a decrease in weight, length of body, length of hand and foot and also a decrease in nephronic concentration in kidneys medulla and nephronic disorder in kidneys cortex in high dosage (specially in 4 doses oxidant cream group). In fact hair dyes can modulate the harmful effects of oxidant creams to some extent.

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