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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objectives: This research studies managers' views toward QWLof public libraries in Mazandaran province in Iran and its role in their performance.Methodology: This study is an applied research that has been carried out by the documentary and the survey method. The information gathering tool is a questionnaire based on the Walton model that it distributed among the manager of public libraries in Mazandaran after verification of its validity and stability. Then the data has been analyzed by the T-test and Friedman.Findings: The results which are based on the managers’ viewpoints showed the average level of QWL factors were in order of 3.0385 for the social dependency of working life, 2.5231 for integrity and social cohesion, 2.2981 for living overall space, 2.1923 for health and safety environment, 2.1192 for the development of human capabilities, 1.9295 for the law-based organization, 1.8702 for providing growth opportunities and safety and1.4936 for fair and adequate pay and the only factor, the social affiliation of working life is in intermediate level. It also became clear that all known factors of the quality of working life, are effective on the performance of the managers and the factor of the health and safety environment has the most impact and the social affiliation of working life has the least impact on their performance.Conclusions: The results showed that none QWL factors in the Mazandaran public libraries locate in suitable situation and they located in less than intermediate level, except the social affiliation of working life that showed the intermediate level. Also, it became clear that all QWL factors have strong on the manager's performance and the factor of fair and adequate payment and salary has the most impact on their performance after health and safety environment. Then, paying attention to these factors can improve their performance and motivate them to make their duties.

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Objectives: The objective of this study is to do a survey among library users and librarians regarding to the library’s services in first grade public libraries of Tehran.Methodology: The data gathering for this study is based on LIBQUAL’s questionnaire. The study conducted among 89 librarians and 40556 library’s users, which 381 person randomly selected.Findings: findings has been shown that the three important libqual’s criteria (service effect, information control, library as a place) have Meaningful differences among librarians and library’s users and none of them have reached the acceptable criteria. In addition, the study shown that the quality of the service is satisfactory in light of the current situation. The female librarians, whom they participated in this survey in compare with their male fellows, believe that user expect is more than the current library’s situation. Also study indicates that service’s effect is more important, than the other libqual’s criteria.Conclusion: Comparison among the ideas of librarians and users about the current library services has shown that librarians have higher satisfaction than users.

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Objective: The present study performed in a descriptive method investigates the status of providing services in dissertations and thesis section of libraries affiliated to Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Tehran;Methodology: The population of the research consisted of 36 libraries including: 11 libraries affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 10 libraries affiliated Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 10 libraries affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences and 5 libraries affiliated to Islamic Azad University, Medical Sciences branch. The aim of this study is to find the answer to 7 major questions regarding the study of the status of services provided in dissertations and theses section of the above-mentioned libraries, including the space and allocated location (to keep the dissertations), organization (indexing,…), professional staff, computer and software facilities for the retrieval of information, current facilities to make dissertations and theses accessible (databases and published indexes). The instrument for data collection in this research is questionnaire (consisted of 24 open-ended and multiple-choice questions) completed by the heads or the staff of dissertations and theses sections. In order to analyze the data, statistical software, SPSS, has been used.Findings: The study results show that regarding the space and the location, 50 percent of the mentioned libraries have allocated a separate section for the dissertation and theses and the other 50, percent lacked such a separate place. 9 libraries (32, 2 percent) kept other faculty's dissertations and theses, but not 67, 8 percent. Among174 staff working in the studied libraries’ dissertations and theses section, 100 persons (57.4 percent) are non-librarian, a major shortcoming for this section, which leads to organizing the dissertations and theses inappropriately and not being able to provide proper services to the clients of this section. Also, considering the manner of organizing and indexing, 82 percent of the studied libraries have performed these processes and 17.8 percent has not done that yet. About the computer facilities, this study indicates that in most of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti and Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences faculties, computer facilities are available and only most of Iran University of Medical Sciences faculties lack these ones. 22 libraries (78.5 percent) have any software facilities in their dissertations and theses section and 21.4 percent of these sections lack any software facilities. So, based on these findings it can be claimed that most of the studied faculty libraries are relatively in an acceptable status. 75 percent of these libraries conveyed that their dissertations and theses available to all Students form state, Azad, Payam-e-Noor and… Universities. In 17.8 percent of them, the dissertations and theses are only available to the students and faculty members of their affiliated universities. And 7.14 libraries have mentioned they only give dissertation services to the students of state universities.

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Objective: The main purpose of this research is to investigate the process of using databases and electronic journal services including Alert services by faculty members among libraries which delivered these services in Shahid Beheshti medical university (SBMU).Methodology: The research method was survey, and the data were gathered using a self- administered questionnaire. Study participants were 92 faculty members who were selected by a purposive sampling method among SBMU faculty members which declared they used Alert services.Findings: Our findings indicated that 52.2% of study participants started their searches for journal articles via PubMed. Using search engines and accessible databases in the university were second and third priority, respectively. 46.7% of faculty members review 2 to 3 pages of search results. The lack of article's full-text links in the search results were reported as a main problem and 92.2 percent of users preferred PDF format to study the articles. The most important reason for the use of Alert services was to become aware of updated articles published in their field, and their 1st step in following up articles was reading the abstracts. Faculty members had access to full- text articles through SBMU's subscription.Conclusion: Considering that the majority of faculty members searched for journal articles using PubMed and in the first place, and use subscribed SBMU's databases as their third priority, it is highly recommended to better introduce these database to faculty members which may lead to better utility of costs. In addition, introducing the advantages of the Alert services to faculty members by the libraries can be useful in becoming aware of updated and needed articles published in their field.

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Objective: The current study examines the rate of library anxiety among students of Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, in academic year 2010–2011 and the ways to reduce it.Methodology: The research method was a descriptive survey. In order to examine library anxiety, Bostick’s Library Anxiety Scale was used, and to examine the research variables, inferential statistics was used. Leven test was used for variance equations, while T-test was used to compare the averages of two independent variables, and ANOVA test was used for the equality of average of one variable in several independent groups. After sampling with simple random method from among 4589 freshmen, the researchers selected 345 male and female students in graduate and undergraduate program.Findings: The findings of reviewing gender differences showed that library anxiety was more prevalent among women than among men, which were 2.996 and 2.8116 respectively; however, in terms of age and level of familiarity with computer, they had the same level of anxiety. Also, educational level (graduate or undergraduate) had no effect on library anxiety. However, there could be seen more anxiety in closed shelf than in open library systems (2.9892 and 2.8580 respectively) and more anxiety in index card than in computerized systems (3.0049 and 2.8114 respectively). The highest average of anxiety was found in Technical-Engineering College and Chemistry College, while the lowest level of anxiety was found in Humanities College and Marine Techniques and Sciences College. Students’ membership in a library before entering university did not have any effect on their library anxiety.Conclusion: Based on the research findings and the library anxiety score (defined in this study), it was found that among the freshmen students of Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, who entered university in the academic year 2010–2011 in both graduate and undergraduate program, the library anxiety was at the intermediate level.

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Objective: The main purpose of this research is to review preservation, conversation and restoration problems of depository libraries in Iran and this has done through review of the present situation and the results compared with desired condition.Methodology: The methodology of research is based on measurable mode and data collecting was used by IFLA standard questionnaire and distributed between 49 of preservation and restoration department staff of libraries. The data analysis is done by spss and using descriptive statistics.Findings: in this research indicate that, the most priority of damaged materials is printed sources (Persian & Arabic). And the most efforts have accomplished in preservation of manuscripts.60% of libraries don’t use suitable mobilization for environment and fire control. 40% of libraries don’t have preservation plan against the events and accessibility route in fire occurrences.Conclusion: indicate that 40% of the libraries have not adequate preservation & conversation situation and none of them consider preservation & conservation education for their staff and librarians seriously. And generally have no written and compiled plan for preservation and conversation of library materials.

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Objective: The objective of the current study is to determine the difference between library and information science's branches in USA, UK, Canada, and Iran, and their effectiveness on scientific productions at the international level in these countries,Methodology: It is done by analytical–comparative approach, and with documentary method for data gathering.Findings: the results about the amount of library science's branches in Iran in comparison with others shows that, USA, Canada and UK have 46, 26, 20 specialized branches respectively. However, Iran sporadically has only 10 branches, in various universities with varied educational system. On the other hand, scientific production in mentioned countries except Iran is more than 43% of total production in this field (on the bases of WOS database indexes) in 2000–2009 versus 0.255% share of Iran.Conclusion: Findings analyses reports that the multiplicity of specialized branches based on the need of indigenous community, consistent with new information technologies, and generally maturity of library and information science, have directly effects on the scientific productions.

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Objective: the present research aims to determine the amount of usage and problems of using the information technology in university libraries of Gorgan.Methodology: the descriptive survey is used. Statistical society includes 14 university libraries attached to 6 medical science university, Golestan, Agricultural science and natural resources, Islamic Azad, Payame Nour &Teacher’s training of Gorgan The librarians work in these libraries were 73.Findings: The amount of using IT is high and very high. Librarians declared that the most important problem of using different kinds of IT is lack of enough education, lack of recognition and acquiring resources, and not being fluent in English.Conclusion: On the whole the most important barrier of IT usage is declared not having written policy (95.9%).

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