Cultivation of olive trees has been improved recently in Golestan province. Good productivity of the Koroneiki cultivar, placed it as a popular cultivar in this province. One of the major characteristics of this cultivar is precocity, low alternate bearing, resistance to Verticillium spp. and high oil productivity. This research has been conducted to select the best pollinizers for Koroneiki cultivar. The main aim was selection of the best pollinizers to be increased up the fruit set and consequently more improvement of the oil productivity. This research has been achieved in a randomized complete blocks design, including six treatments and four replications. During the experiment pollination was conducted by using different procedures of hand, open and self pollination cultivar. Index of self incompatibility (ISI) tested for five cultivars including of Koroneiki, Marry, Mission, Valanolia and Beledy.The male and hermaphrodite flowers (%) of Koroneiki were calculated. According to the results 90.6% out of total flowers of Koroneiki cv. Were hermaphrodite flowers, while 6.4% out of total were male flowers. Further results indicated, IC=0 for Beledy, IC=0.12 for Valanolia, IC=0.87 for Marry, IC=0.44 for Mission and IC=1.18 for Koroneiki. The result ofpollinizers evaluation showed final fruit set percentage (FF) of 10.82% for Koroneiki (self pollination), following 9.19% (FF) obtained via open pollination for Koroneiki. Results of fruit percentage following application of other pollen sources on Koroneiki were as follow; Marry=8.15% FF, Mission=4.07% FF, Valanolia=1.14% FF and Beledy=0% FE The effect of pollen sources on oil production of Koroneiki was ranged in a diverse arrangement. Open pollination produced an oil content of 41.12%. Following, Marry cv.39.8%, Mission 39.7%, Valanolia 37.4% and Koroneike 35.8%. However results of this research indicated that Koroneike was a self compatible cultivar that can culture it without Pollinizer. But if our purpose is oil production, open pollination is better.