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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction and aim of research: In the contexts of government management, change have been proposed with various concepts that slight improvement to the re-engineering administrative system to improve the efficiency and speed up the public service to administrative revolution with the major changes in economic, political, social, rights can be included.undoubtedly, each country has a close relationship with the administrative system and administrative system of development should have should be used particular dexterity, but depending on what model should be used for the development, administrative system should follow that model.Research: this study used a descriptive - analysis. Community and sample consisted of community organization and institutions that an administrative change pattern done or are doing.Results: first the issue of culture and cultural development as the primary goal in the management of the cultural basis was discussed. then cultural management and implications in three axles as cultural policy and cultural programming as an accessory for the main purpose of cultural development were survey. Continuing in attention to fluid nature and the lack of stability culture and cultural change and its flexibility in two field of culture and creativity and cultural innovation and subject of cultural change management and procedures and objective was stated.conclusion: governments in developing cultural management system in the country not only as a major employer but in line with the mission of national development and culture are responsible, they play a major role. These factors can make favorable condition s for the development of local culture with country's domestic and national culture will come together with cultural management. It is hoped that with the grace of God effective steps towards these goal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Risk & return are two critical factors in decision making of investors that according to existing research total risk from one perspective consist of two factors these are subjective & objective risk that leads to investors decision making.Different factors affect risk perception of investors that one more important is cultural variety. Evaluating the cultural factors in the area of financial management on the risk perception of investors is very important, because different behaviors and decisions are required in different cultures facing the prices, price fluctuations and important or non-important published news of portfolio.Method: In this paper, a questionnaire was designed including 22 cultural items in three criteria of values, facilities and behavior in order to measure the cultural factors affecting risk perception in Tehran stock exchange. Experts’ comments were used on the design of items and quintet Likert spectrum was applied for the answers. Structural equation modeling, or multivariable analysis with latent variables, is a comprehensive statistical approach for testing the hypotheses about relationships between observed and latent variables. Such analyzes have been done by LISREL softwareFindings: Results indicate that the three components of the “values”, “Infrastructure” and “behavior”, respectively, with values of 0.86, 0.55 and 0.81,affect on investor risk perception in the Tehran Stock Exchange. Also, in the measurement model, it is observed that between values and Infrastructure with behavior respectively values of 0.47 and 0.7 and Between infrastructure and behavior, there is little correlation of 0.44.Conclusions: the results showed that there was a significant relationship between risk perception and its triple factors and also between the items and triple factors affecting on risk perception.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2004

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This research is dealing with the investigation of relationship between national identity and traditional music education.In this regard, at first the importance of the subject is investigated, afterward the concept of national identity and its dimension are described, and some definitions on culture, music, traditional music, education, and finally music education are provided.In investigating of national identity, the dimension of Persian Literature and Language, Land, Social, Cultural Heritage, and History are developed as components of national identity.In this research, the scholar seeks to demonstrate that traditional music education has the effect on national identity.The scholar not only knows the fact that traditional music is an important component in dimension area of Persian Literature and Language, but also seeks to demonstrate that other dimension of national identity are enhanced by the integration content of traditional music, and also traditional music education affects other dimension and this affect is so considerable that can be a new research subjectTo clear that, theoretical viewpoints and definitions have been specified very well in order to operationalize research dimension.The statistical population of this research is “undergraduate students of Iranian and world instrument playing faculty of Tehran University” and sampling method is “Judgment Targeted Sampling Method”.In this research, data collecting has been accomplished through questionnaire and since the dependent variable that has been investigated after incidence and the research is an ex post facto research, causal-comparative method has been used.According to results obtained, traditional music education has a large effect in all dimensions of national identity, especially in dimensions of social and cultural heritage, and significant differences between the experimental group and control group confirm the hypothesis of the research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction and Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management among employees is Semnan.Method: The goal of this research is applied in terms of data collection, descriptive correlational.Results: The results showed that the level of knowledge management and organizational culture from the perspective of the staff is poor. In addition, all components of organizational culture and knowledge management, there is a positive correlation, but the magnitude of the correlation between different components.Conclusion: Semnan University for being able to make better use of knowledge management and knowledge management programs in organizations that are required to successfully implement Primarily to identify your organizational culture and knowledge management programs can be run in accordance with the organizational culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Motion pictures act as a major information source about disabilities for millions of viewers, helping shape public attitudes that are critical for societal integration of persons with disabilities.In recent decades, disability models have been changed based on a significant growth in science, increase in public awareness, communications revolution and movements of disability rights activists.The portrayal of individuals with disabilities in feature films contributes to societies overall perception of disability and the rights fulfillment of persons with disability. Therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze four films produced in recent two decades that had a main character with disability.The analysis of the movies was based on disability models and included stereotypes identified by the research literature.Film review and analysis of Iranian movies resulted that portrayal of persons with disability in these movies are transitioning from Individual model to social but has not yet completely accomplished, portrayal based on stereotypes was seen in these movies too. In comparison, disability portrayal in foreign movies of this analysis was most based on social model of disability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introdution and aim: The agency model of dividends maintains that dividend payout help address the agency problems between managers and shareholders by distributing cash at the discretion of managers and forcing firms to interact more frequently with capital market. but the main problem is the detecting of effective components for adopting a dividend policy that one of them is the managements’ culture. this research aimed to clarify the relationship between managements’ cultural dimensions and agency base model of firms’ dividend policy.Methodology: The research type is experimental and nature of research is descriptive-survey. The information related to managements’ cultural dimensions is collected by questionnaire of hofstede. In order to measuring dividend policy, we gathered Data from rahavard novin data. Variables are 3 index including D/S, D/CF and D/NI and agency cost is studied by leverage. Hypothesis was tested by 73 samples during 2002-2012.Finding & Conclusion: Findings indicate that in the all of dividened policy variables used, Uncertainty avoidance index and power distance index have a weak negative relation and masculinity index has a weak positive relation to dividened policy. while, there is no relationship between Individualism and dividened policy. meanwhile agency cost, has adjusted the relationship between uncertainty avoidance and power distance with dividend policy when D/S and D/CF were used. finally, Agency cost has no effect on the adjustment of the relationship between Individualism and Masculinity with dividened policy.

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Objective: This study aimed to determine the environmental factors in the adoption of new technology in the education of secondary school teachers in Tehran was conducted in eight districts.Methods: In this study were used in the study. The population of this study, 20 patients were schoolteachers Tehran, boot strip using a sample selected And the necessary data using the TAM questionnaire Poald Rose (2004), Han (2004), cymbals and Patton (2002) Amoroso and Gardner (2004) obtained was collected and analyzed using PLS Smart Case were analyzed.Conclusion: The results showed that the adaptation of new technologies has not been effective. Effect on perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness, impact of trust on new technologies, the ease of use of new technologies have been more effective.

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Introduction and Objectives: Having competitive power in the Persian Gulf area has made scientific planning essential for sustainable development of tourism. This development should include a balance between environment, culture and economy. This research aimed to identify and develop strategies for sustainable tourism development on Kish Island, with emphasis on the bearing capacity of the island.Materials and Methods: This study is applied in terms of purpose and seeks to identify environmental damages caused by tourism development and promotion of tourism statistics in the island. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of software SPss or Excel.Finding: The research showed that despite the development perspective of the island, because of the personal interests of the managers, experts, tourists and New Year holiday, the beautiful Island of Kish is suffering the equipment and facilities for the welfare of tourists and even the owners of houses in Kish get upset by the over-crowd of the New Year holiday tourist and despite their investment, they leave the island and change their touristic destination.Conclusions: Deleterious effects of sectional decisions of Island Department of Tourism for the motivation to increase the nominal amount of Tourism Statistics in New Year holiday in recent years, not only reduced the actual tourists number, but degrading of the environment (aquatic and other wildlife of the island) has also accelerated. Investors in islands have also been neglected in various dimensions of cultural, social and economic.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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