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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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For the most of higher agricultural education institutions, successfully engaging in academic entrepreneurship is likely to lead to considerable financial, professional, institutional and societal benefits. Because it is a relatively new phenomenon in most of Iranian higher agricultural education institutions, the process of academic entrepreneurship has not been as well explained. This two-phase research was done to identify and prioritize mechanisms of academic entrepreneurship in agricultural higher education. According to the research purpose, criteria to select key expert participants were identified as: actual experience in academic entrepreneurship, managerial experience in policy making and institutional supporting for academic entrepreneurship, and professional experience as lecturer or researcher in academic entrepreneurship. A total of 24 experts participated in this Delphi technique. By a three-round Delphi study, the first phase was conducted in order to identify alternative mechanisms and criteria of academic entrepreneurship in higher agricultural education. As findings of the first phase, five alternatives and seven criterion were extracted.Using Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), extracted alternative mechanisms and criteria of academic entrepreneurship were prioritized in the second phase. Required data was collected through pair-wise comparison and Expert Choice software used to analysis data. Finally, five methods of academic entrepreneurship ranked based on the seven criterion as: set up spin-off and start-up firms by agricultural faculty members for commercialization of research and supplying scientific services has the highest rank (relative weight of 0.242). Then set up a university academic cooperative, with relative weight of 0.242, licensing or selling patents, with relative weight of0.213, contract research, with relative weight 0.182 and providing education and consulting services out of university, with relative weight of 0.099 got the next rank. Each mechanism of academic entrepreneurship has a different impact and specific implication. This research concluded by suggesting the institutional, professional, infrastructural implications of engaging of higher agricultural education institutions in academic entrepreneurship for and their partners.

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One of the biggest challenges facing the youth, especially students career in field of study. The future also depends on the type of attitude and their willingness that if there is no appropriate attitude in field of study can not be expected to develop and improve his skills. This study, is conducted to graduate students of Agricultural Education and Rural Development at Razi University towards their prospective employment by using Q tecknique. Statistical population of this reearch consisted to graduate and post Graduates student of agriculture education and rural development majors at Razi University, 29 of whom were selected purposively with Snowball sampling. their prospective employment. Thirty five Phrases were extracted based on the interviews with selected this students in focus groups. A questionnaire consisting of 35 cards and an answer sheet (Q diagram) to graduate students of Agricultural Education and Rural Development was the extent of their agreement or disagreement. Data analyzed by Q exploratory factor. SPSSWin20software applied to process data. According to the results obtained from exploratory factor analysis, the mentality of the students participating were claified in mentality, entrepreneurial, passive and disappointed, Hopefully and searching for opportunity, Perspective discrimination and realistic, revealing the attitudes of students towards their career disciplines and the most important is the attitude of the students entrepreneurial attitude towards their future employment.

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In recent years, career decision-making has always been considered as one of the main challenges for students at universities and educational centers. Uncertainty, in decision making and subsequent career in the future, concerns the issue of obtaining a job after graduation, intellectual concern for many students, especially in the last years of their education. The purpose of this study was to examine factors influencing career decision making by Agricultural of Universities in Ilam City, Iran. All graduated students of Universities as the Statistical population (N=2000). The sample size of 400 graduated students based on Morgan table, was taken randomly. After designing and validating the questionnaire, it was pilot- tested with 30 graduated students to obtain ordinal α coefficient (94/-87/=a). Data processing and statistical analysis were performed using SPSS19. Based on the results, Factor analysis revealed five factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were extracted. Finally, 57.564 % of the total variance was explained by factors. The results of ordinal regression models showed that age, structural and political factors, economic factors and personality traits have the most influence on graduate’s job decision-making.

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This case study was comdmcted to investigate factors influencing the adoption of information technology by agricultural and natural resources students of Nahavand Payame Noor University. The statistical populationof the study was 318 Agricultural and Natural Nahavand Students, from whom 175 students were selected applying stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire that its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was measured through ordinal alpha coefficient (a=0.86).According to findings, agricultural student had modrate attitudes towards the adoption of information technology. The result of path analysis showed that the variable, students’ attitudes towards using information technology, had the most significant effect on the adoption of information technology (b=0.56, p=0.000).Working experience with internet and computer (b =0.53, p=0.000), participation in training courses (b =0.46, p=0.000), students’ perception of easy application (b =0.39, p=0/000), usefulness (b =0.28, p=0.000) and their proficiency in English language (b =0.20, p=0.000), had the most effect on the adoption of information technology respectively.It is suggested that requirements be provided to emhance positive attitudes among the students and more use of technologys computer and other ICT devices by the students through their participation in computer training classes and courses.

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Entrepreneurship education is a fast growing area and a hot topic in colleges and universities all around the world, and its supposed benefits have been much praised by researchers and educators; nevertheless, the outcomes and effectiveness of entrepreneurship education programs have remained largely untested.Building on the theory of planned behavior, an ex-ante and ex-post survey was used to assess the impact of entrepreneurship education programs on students’ entrepreneurial intentions and also to explore the benefits of these programs. Data were collected by a questionnaire from a sample of 109 participants in entrepreneurship courses at four universities (Bu-Ali Sina, Kordestan, Shahrekord, Ilam). Entrepreneurship education had significant positive impacts on motivational factors (i.e., subjective norms, attitudes and perceived behavioral control) and students’ entrepreneurial intentions. Moreover, from the three entrepreneurship education-related benefits (i.e., learning, inspiration and resources) learning proved to be associated with the increase in perceived behavioral control, entrepreneurial attitudes intentions.In total, this study shows the theory of planned behavior can provide a useful framework to assess the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education.

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The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing the satisfaction of graduates employed in the agricultural sector. The research is a cause-correlational. Statistical population consisted of all alumni of agricultural extension and education working related to their field in agricultural sector in the Northern provinces (Mazandaran, Golestan and Gilan). Due to the limited size of the population, the census was done (N=51). The research tool was a questionnaire, the validity of which was approved by agricultural extension experts and faculty of agricultural extension and education in Islamic Azad University of Sari and its reliability was estimated to be=q0.89. Data analysis in two descriptive and analytical statistics was done by applying SPSSWin21. The research showed that 56.9 percent of the graduates, were assessed the alignment and compatibility of their learned with their job duty as good. Graduates obtained capabilities in the areas of communication, management, evaluation, planning, research and teaching at the intermediate level. Graduates had a good and positive attitude toward their field of study. The satisfaction of the majority of graduates (74.5%) from the knowledge obtained was at the intermediate and good level. Based on the opinion of graduates, employed in operational level of agricultural activities, the importance and priority of the main courses to electives was emphasized. There was a significant and positive relationship among alignment and compatibility of learned (with their job duties) and graduates’ attitude (toward agricultural extension and education fields) with graduates’ satisfaction. The ordinal regression showed that alignment and compatibility of learned and attitude can estimate 64 percent of the possibility of changing the dependent variable.

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This study was done to investigate the effect of social capital on entrepreneurial intentions of agriculture students at the University of Tehran. It is conducted in a quasi-experimental-design on the basis of field study. Statistical population consisted of all the last year agriculture undergraduates at the University of Tehran, 201 of whom were selected based on stratified random sampling method. The research tool was a questionnaire which its reliability was calculated based on ordinal theta test and its validity confirmed by the faculty of entrepreneurship department at University of Tehran. Model parameter estimation is supported by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results indicated that there only was a significant positive relationship between “structural” social capital (out of three dimensions ones) with entrepreneurship intentions through the perceived feasibility mediating variable.

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Optimal management of human resources by establishing job satisfaction causes the elevation of organization productivity. This study aimed to structural equation model of agricultural extension agents’ job satisfaction by motivational and environmental factors. The statistical population of this research consisted of 46 tobacco extension agents in Mazandaran and Golestan Provinces. The data collection tool was a questionnaire that its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts, and its reliability was measured through composite reliability (CR) ranging from 0.82 to 0.96. The findings showed that 9% of the agricultural extension agents job satisfaction was at very high, 22.7% was at high, 38.6% was at medium, 20.5% was at low and 9% was at very low level. The most effective factor on extension agents job satisfaction was the environmental factor with path coefficient of 0.53 explaining 0.58 % of changes related to extension agents’ job satisfaction. Motivational factor also affected with path coefficient of 0.35 on extension agents job satisfaction. Also environmental factor affected on motivational factor with path coefficient of 0.47.

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To encourage farmers contribution in extension training expenses requires special treatment. This article dealing with factors affecting wheat farmers willing to pay for agriculture extension services in Ilam Province. The statistical population consisted of 57, 262 wheat farmers, out of which 381 farmers were selected as research sample through stratified random sampling method according to the Morgan table. Data collection tool was a researcher-designed questionnaire. Face and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by a panel of agriculture extension and education experts at Ilam Islamic Azad University. The construct validity was also confirmed by two-criterion convergent validity (AVE=0.79, CR=0.85). Reliability of the questionnaire was estimated by ordinal alpha coefficient (α=0.84). Logistic regression model applied through Eviews8 software. It was found that, only 28.08% of respondents expressed their willingness to pay for agriculture extension services. According to the regression estimation, factors influencing wheat growers’ willingness to pay for agriculture extension services in Ilam, included farmers’ educational background, income from non-agricultural sources, wheat cultivation area, experience in wheat growing, satisfaction with extension services, and willingness to use extension services. Except the factor ‘having income from non-agricultural sources, all other factors had positive impact on wheat growers’ willingness.

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Considering the role of women especially rural women in environment protection, recognizing the educational needs and related trainings for them is necessity. The purpose of this research was to investigating educational needs of Ilam rural women on environment protection. This quantitative and applied analytical research was conducted. The statistical population of this research included all rural women in Ilam Township (N=13400). Using proportionate stratified random sampling method and based on Cochran formula, 150 of them were selected as the sample. Research instrument to collect data was questionnaire that its content validity confirmed by an expert panel and convergent validity confirmed by calculating CR=0.87 and AVE=0.79. Ordinal theta (using R software), was calculated to measure reliability of the questionnaire (q=0.79 - 0.87). In order to determine educational needs, Bourich model was used. The results showed that rural women need training in all five components of environment protection, including protection of water, air, soil, maintaining species diversity of vegetative and animal and protecting forests and ranges. Comparison between two groups of rural women who participated and did not participate in related extension education courses using mann-whitney U, showed that there was significant difference between the two groups. Based on the findings of ordinal regression, two variables of education and use of radio and television had significant effect on the probability of indicating rural women’s educational needs.

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