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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study aimed to identify and assess classrooms’ physical environment improvement strategies by horticultural education teachers to work with students with special needs in Iran. This first phase was conducted used a modified Delphi technique. The specialized Delphi team consisted of gardening education teachers in the Special Education Organization of Iran (31 teachers). The outcome of this phase of the study was 27 strategies to improve the physical environment of classes. Results showed that all respondents agree that these strategies include: repeat and practice of the teaching procedure (two or three times orally); more practical training, putting disabled students beside students of the border, assignment of students to small practical projects meant to be fully accomplished. It seems that, before starting any teaching course, the agriculture teacher must comprehend the field of exceptional teaching and understand the needs of students with special needs in order to be able of providing proper feedbacks and a good strategy. The second phase was conducted a survey study. The population consisted of 80 horticultural teachers in Special Education Organization of Iran. According to finding, 34. 8% of gardening education teachers evaluated their strategies at a very high level, 45. 5% at a high level, and 19. 7% at a moderate level. In addition, comprehension of the classrooms’ physical environment improvement strategies by the teachers brings about longterm consistency of agricultural teaching programs in exceptional schools.

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The educator is the most important factor for the successful achievement of educational goals. Certainly, recognizing the characteristics of the perfect teacher and following them by the teachers will improve the quality of education. Hence, this study was conducted with the aim of determining the desirable characteristics of a university teacher from the students’ viewpoints at Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. This study was an applied research conducted through descriptive survey method. The population consisted of 280 students. The statistical sample size was determined by using Krejcie and Morgan table of 162 individuals and selected by stratified sampling with appropriate assignment. Data collecting tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which the validity was confirmed by a group of faculty members of agricultural extension and education department of the university and its reliability was determined by using g a sequential alpha-factor of 0. 93. According to the prioritization of items, the most important desirable characteristics of a university teacher from the point of view of students were respectively observance of coherence of the taught content, the relevance of the teacher's field of study to the course unit, and the provision of an appropriate psychological and friendly environment in the classroom; also, the academic rank of the teachers and the attention of the teacher to the regular presence of the students in the classroom were the least priority which according to the findings of factor analysis were categorized into five factors including communication skills, teaching methodology, scholarship, apparent and individual personality and evaluation, which totally explained 54. 97% of total variance changes of the variables. In the section on measuring students' agreement, the Mann-Whitney test findings did not show a significant difference with the five skills in order to compare the respondents' viewpoints among the variables of age, grade point average, course and marital status. Based on Kruskal-Wallis test, it was found that there was no significant difference between the variables of student degree and student residence status with with the five skills of teachers. The results also showed that there was no significant difference between the student’ s college type and the teacher's ability to communicate. In other words, the students agreed on these issues. According to the results, the abovementioned items should be considered by the authorities in attracting and supplying human resources for teaching students in universities. Prioritizing the field of teacher's ability to communicate and teaching method reflect the importance that the students taught for appropriate education, the ability of teachers to create appropriate communication and the selection of right teaching methods at the university as a precondition.

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The importance of startups in the field of agriculture is more evident than ever. Nevertheless, in order for this important matter to be realized, providing the environment and conditions or ecosystem for startups is essential. Considering the lack of experience of the agriculture sector of Iran for creating such ecosystems, it is necessary to build on the experiences of pioneering entrepreneurial sectors and identify the components of agricultural startup ecosystems. This paper aims to present the accelerating model for academic entrepreneurial ecosystem growth based on Isenberg’ s model, with an emphasis on the agricultural higher education from the viewpoints of startups experts. This applied research was carried out using survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted of 1800 startup experts in Iran. Using the Cochran formula, a sample comprising 286 individuals was selected by simple random sampling. To assess the validity of the research tool a divergent validity method was utilized, the amount of which for the constructs under study was above AVE ≥ 0. 5 and acceptable. In order to determine the reliability, the combined reliability method was used, the amount of which for the constructs under study was above CR ≥ 0. 6 and acceptable. The amount of the ordinal theta coefficient for the constructs was calculated to be above θ ≥ 0. 7. In order to analyze the data, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Then according to the measurement model, the factors of the accelerating model for academic entrepreneurial ecosystem growth include enhancing the private sector, supporting productive entrepreneurship, developing entrepreneurship culture, entrepreneurial thinking, paying attention the role of consultants, providing the physical space, the ecosystem of training agricultural business skills, network building, the political image of the country’ s market, and access to financial resources.

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Increase the employments is one of the largest apprehension of scholars and governments. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the determinants affecting Razi University agricultural students’ interest to work in rural areas. This research has used the cause-correlation method. The population of the study includes all the students in all levels studying at Razi University in the year 2018 (N=1287). The strafied random sample size was determined to be 114 people based on Cochran formula. The survey instrument was a questionnaire with questions based on a Likert format. Teta test coefficient (Ө =0/88) represents the reliability of the research instrument questions. Factor analysis was used to analyze the data. The result showed four elements; namely, training-politicy, choose the field, support and attitude make up for some 51/06 % of the variances that define the interest to get a job in rural areas. CFI factor analysis is fit with data. The result showed the containing oflessons, training class in the village and financial supports are helpful to towards Occupation in Rural areas.

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One of the main mechanisms in the optimal management of water consumption is the selection of appropriate irrigation methods. In recent years, low pressure irrigation technology has been considered to improve surface irrigation efficiency in areas with poor water quality. Therefore, this study aimed to qualitatively determine and analyze the problems of using low pressure irrigation system in East Azarbaijan province. The statistical population consisted of experts in water and soil sectors and agricultural extension management of Agricultural Jihad (68 persons) in East Azarbaijan province. The sample was selected from thematic experts (17 persons) by purposeful sampling method. Data were collected using semi-structured interview technique. Data were processed in open, oriented and selective coding stages based on Grounded Theory and using MAXQDA10 software. The result indicates that based on there were 7 main categories, 30 sub-categories as well as 201 conceptual units. The result shows that farmers mostly faced with barriers including financial problems, cognitive-educational, the process of administrative bureaucracy, restrictions of low-pressure irrigation, inappropriate support and monitor, lack of ownership of water and land, and social barriers. According to respondents, Problems in getting of licenses, Proof of land ownership, lack of initial capital, the complex a process of requesting and approving the plan and the insufficient amount of facilities had the most frequency.

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Mikhak H. | HAFEZI F.

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The agricultural sector, from one side, plays a central role in economic growth and rural development through the provision of needed food and job opportunities in developed countries, on the other side, the future development of agriculture in any country relies on rural youth. So agriculture and youth are not completely separate, but they are complementary, and they must work together to survive. The main purpose of this study was the influence of preventive and deterrent factors on the orientation of Khoramabad rural youth to agricultural occupation. This study is applied and descriptive-correlational and statistical population of this study are 15 to 24 years old youth (N = 24160). The sample size was determined 210 by Cochran's formula. The reaserch tool was questionnaire and its content validity was confirmed by survey of faculty members of economics and rural development section in Lorestan University and the agricultural jihad experts approved. Sequential theta coefficient of reliability and pretest was used for measuring reliability. Data analysis was done by SPSS software. In this study, the results of the Mann-Whitney test are shown that tendency of two groups married youth and Men to the agricultural occupation was significantly higher than the single youth and Women. Also the ranking of deterrent factors shows that the most important deterrent factors affecting the rural youth's tendency to employment in agricultural section are: The low income of the agricultural profession, the attractiveness of non-agricultural jobs and the multiple droughts and damage to agricultural produce. According to the results of exploratory factor analysis, deterrent factors affecting the rural youth's attitude to agricultural Jobs in Khorramabad were categoriezed into 6categories: economic, natural, socio-cultural, occupational, service and skills.

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Although publications of water governance reports have rapidly been increasing recently, no researches utilized knowledge and word co-occurrence mapping as a novel methodology. The Knowledge map reveals major scientific nodes and trends of the study area with its strengths and weaknesses; so it was conducted through focusing on the topic of water governance as a new area of knowledge. After extracting and processing documents, retrieved by searching water AND governance, and indexed in the Scopus site-as the most comprehensive indexing site-the data were analyzed using the VOSwiever-1. 6. 9 software including network, overlay and density visualizations. Out of over 7000 documents and 14000 authors who published on the subject matter up to 2019, the US, the Netherlands and Australia were found to have published the highest number of the documents. Meanwhile, China and India ranked to the end of the ten-nation list. Not only Claudia Pahl-Wostl and Joyeeta Gupta received the most citations; but also their clusters showed to have the highest density scores as well. The word co-occurrence network revealed the following five research clusters: collective action, adaptation, groundwater, experience; capacity, agriculture, climate, drought, and resilience; evidence, participation, integrated management, technology, and implementation; human rights, energy, sanitation, solutions, and environment; and conflicts, collaboration, evaluation, politics, and power. Knowledge mapping is recommended for offering a holistic insight regarding the subject matter under study to future agricultural extension education researchers.

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In order to identify the most effective educational-promotion methods, this study evaluated different extension training methods in climate change adaptation programs using different criteria. For this purpose, individual, group, and mass extension training methods consisting of 26 options were evaluated through six criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, acceptance, participation, gender fit and usefulness, and 12 sub-criteria through multi-criteria decisionmaking technique of PROMETHEE. Samples were selected using purposive sampling and included extension and education experts from Ministry of Agriculture Jihad (6 persons), extension and education experts from Jihad-Agricultural Organization of Fars Province (10 persons) and farmers of Fars Province (10 persons). Based on the findings of the study, the sub criteria of usefulness in behavior change has the highest weight percent and importance. Also the results of ranking of extension training methods showed that in terms of farmers and agricultural experts, among the individual methods of meeting with eminent farmer and meeting with experts and extension agents were higher. In addition, among the group-based training methods, specialized training workshops have been effective extension training techniques to improve adaptation to climate change. In addition, mass media, especially radio and television, have been most effective methods of mass training methods in adaptation training.

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The purpose of this study was to identify and introduce factors affecting the job performance of promoters responsible for production zones. The research method was survey and the data were collected using questionnaire (Paterson standard, Herzberg standard and researcher made questionnaire). Formal content and face validity methods were used to determine the validity of the measuring instrument, respectively, and sequential theta coefficient (θ = 0. 797-0. 966) was used to determine the reliability. The population of the study was 549 tons of promoters responsible for production zones in Golestan province and the sample size in three regions north, center and south of the province was 344 tons which was determined using Cochran formula. Descriptive results showed that the average job performance of the promoters was 3. 89 out of 5 in Golestan province. Analytic results using correlation coefficients showed that variables and factors such as professional technical abilities, formal participation, interpersonal and institutional trust, social capital, motivational and health factors, organizational factors and educational level, with the job performance of responsible promoters. There was a significant relationship between production zones. The results of ordinal regression analysis showed that the importance of factors such as presence of promoters in the area, social interaction, informal participation, facilities and equipment, motivational and health factors, and finally education level are influenced by job performance. It is recommended that agricultural jihad organizations incorporate the aforementioned factors into their future plans to enhance the job performance of the promoters.

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Shahnavazi Y. | NOORIPOOR M.

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The aim of this research was to analyze the relationship between personality type and job burnout of agriculture organization staff in Zahedan and Khash Counties. According to the Krejcie and Morgan sampling table of 212 individuals, 166 individuals were selected as the study sample. The sampling technique was stratified random sampling. To collect data, standard questionnaires of Maslach's Burnout and five-factor Costa and McCrae personality factors were used. Face validity was evaluated by a panel of experts and reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The findings showed that respondents in both studied cities had a statistically significant job burnout. One-sample t-test showed that the respondents were conscientious, non-agreeable, unstable in experience, and emotionally stable. The results of ordinal regression showed that the variables of neuroticism, conscientiousness, and receptivity were able to explain 35. 4% of the variance in the variables of job burnout in agricultural Jihad staff. In addition, the most important factor affecting burnout was conscientiousness.

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