The aim of this research was to construct, measure the validity and factor structure a questionnaire for assessment of Research needs of Mashhad city high schools teachers. In this study a descriptive design of type of test development was used. The researcher obtained the data for the study from a sample of the 235 Male and female teachers in secondary schools in Mashhad city. Through using self-determination theory, a 45-item questionnaire were developed and Teachers responded to the questionnaire. The Collected data was analyzed by the exploratory factor analysis, the method of principal components and varimax rotation, internal equivalence validity and Cronbach's alpha and also, descriptive measures of mean, standard deviation scores were used. Also t scores and percent ranks for each one of independence subscale, relevance and competency were reported. Analysis of Principal Component showed that, questionnaire of Research needs was formed of three factors i.e.: autonomy, competence and communication and in total, these factors Can explain, 44.01% of the variance in instrument. Also the covariance between all factors were positive and significant which shows the internal equivalence validity. The Cronbach's alpha each of the subscales of competence, communication, and autonomy in the research sample respectively were estimated: 0.93, 0.89 and 0.77. Findings from ANOVA in assessing condition of needs in research samples show that the teachers in dimension of competency have the highest need for research with score of 1.97 and in dimension of relation have the lowest amount of need with score of 0.70 points. This indicates that, Cronbach's alpha of total instrument and each of it subscales are in the average values and in acceptable level. Also, the examination of the situation of needs in the research sample showed that, Teachers have stated a most feeling of need to research in competence dimension and a lowest feeling of need to research in communication dimension. According to the findings of the study, we can say that, questionnaire of research needs is a valid and reliable instrument in field of Identify of research needs and the use of this instrument can help to career development of teachers.