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There is no doubt that tourism industry has a special place among the factors of the economical growth and development in modern world. Based on statistics, the US has the first place in highest income earning by tourism with 6 billion dollars and Spain and France in next places. Tourism industry as a common economic factor, has been very noticeable, and because of this, it is been tried to prevent from the effective factors of the decrease of tourism as much as possible. In capable countries, fundamental possibilities must be provided to develop tourism. From economical point of view, there are a lot of advantages in the fields of employment. Tourism absorbs money and people from centers toward villages, countries, and natural sites together with different absorbing sights. Each unit of this money in the degree of economic growth of countries is handed and given by tourism 3-10 times every year, so tourism industry causes double efficiency occurs in the economy of the host country. Tourism industry in the international level, and also in our country is developing rapidly. Whenever we tend to change the single economic production of petroleum; tourism industry will open very suitable doors through development. But activities in this field need ongoing planning.Valuable sources of ancient and historical architectural places which have taken place throughout the state of East Azerbaijan within my serious beauties of this state all together are valuable factors that cause to absorb many home and forgone tourists.Located on the silk road, and Eastern Asia-Europe rath, beautiful natural landscape, neighboring with Middle-East countries, enjoyment of free commercial zone and haring the biggest roofed passage in the world are the factors that emphasize on the importance of Eastern Azerbaijan tourism industry. 533 known tourist attractions and 258 natural ones indicate the natural and historical importance of Eastern Azerbaijan as a touristy center, But the existing tourist facilities are not able to respond the growing needs of tourists in Azerbaijan and facing numerous problems in this field. The survey method in this papers is descriptive-analytical, inferential, stressing on analogical course and used interview, questioning, observation methods based on statistics and information of relevant departments and offices through analyzing with various software. In this article, first kinds of models used in planning programs are introduced And the models of tourism development co efficiency is discussed.

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Achieving the optimized pattern of urban life is the one of the urban planning goals. In this context, one of the main aspects in urban plans is the land use planning that is taking into account more than before, by decision takers and urban planners in recent years. In the land use planning all of the advantages and disadvantages of social, economical, environmental land aspects will be assess. Urban planners should consider the patterns and models of urban land use allocations to prepare the optimizing usage of urban lands.From 1960’s with the development of quantitative methods in urban and regional planning, application of land use allocation models were increased. These models were used by urban planners to manage land uses. Due to the complexity and variety of these models in recent years, many studies and researches in this field of land use modeling were accomplished.In this context, this article attempts to present methods and models which are used in urban land use change and land allocation. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal at first will be introduced briefly and three types of these models as a tool for better understanding of the process land use planning will be explained. These three types are: land use allocation model, Multi-objective optimization model, and land use allocation model in multi central areas.Land use allocation is a dynamic and complex process that connects human and natural systems, and directly impacts on the all of the human activities. The most important model of this type is, Cellular Automata, optimization techniques, rule oriented simulation models and multi – agent models. These models are based on economic principles and spatial interactions.Multi-objective optimization models based on the level of neighborhood unit development density consider the requirement of land use allocation. This model decreases the interference the goals of open spaces' development, infill development and land use compatibility in neighborhood units and transaction costs.Land use allocation model in multi central areas are the updated structure of the Lawry Putman model that instead of the primary and secondary allocation of employment, presents a different categories which is considered as a special category for transportation modeling. Land use allocation model is integrated with the access to public transportation, so, this model combines the allocation models of land use planning with transportation planning models.

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The term city centre/center is similar to CBD in that both serve the same purpose for the city, and both are seen by a higher-than-usual urban density as well as the often having the tallest buildings in a city. City centre differs from downtown in that the latter can be geographically located anywhere in a city, while a city centre is generally located near the geographic heart of the city. London arguably has three city centers, the City of London, the medieval City of Westminster and Canary Wharf. [citation needed]. Mexico City also has more than one city center: Historic centre of Mexico city, the colomial; Paseo de la Reforma-Polanco (Mexico) the mid-late XX century CBD, and Santa Fe (Mexico City), the new CBD.The shape and type of a CBD or downtown almost always closely reflect the city's history.Cities with maximum building height restrictions often have a separate historic section quite apart from the financial and administrative district. In cities that grew up suddenly and more recently, such as those in the western half of North America, a single central area will often contain all the tallest buildings. It has been said that downtowns (as understood in North America) are therefore a separate phenomenon.Central business districts usually have very small resident populations. For example, the population of the City of London declined from over 200,000 in 1700 to less than 10,000 today.In some instances, however (and particularly in large Australian cities), CBD populations are increasing as younger professional and business workers move into city centre apartments.Urban textures and humanity elements of urban spaces are going to be obliterated during time.According to this subject, for achieving to sustainable cities the interventions for rehabilitating current situation of city are necessary.The Buenos Aires central business district, is the main commercial centre of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. The actual area was the point of first European settlement. Its north-south axis runs from Monserrat in the north to Retiro railway station in the south. Its east-west axis runs from Buenos Aires Ecological Reserve and Puerto Madero.One of the most important of such spaces is CBD that has named as commercial and business center of cities. These centers usually are creating at the junction of main roads and considerably are economical heart of city in functional dimension. Such characteristics present the necessity to scrutinize studies.Ruminating different aspects of central business districts present different policies to arrange them. But there is e question that how can we define suitable policies for different central business districts.In this article we try through review of organization policies in different cities, introduce these policies in an appropriate and executive pattern for central business district.

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Sense of security is one of the building blocks of an appropriate urban design quality. In fact, a safe context for residing is one of the necessary needs of human being. Feeling unsecure in urban spaces and mental disturbances created by unsecure urban spaces, influences human activities and economical, social and cultural affairs will not work out properly. Sense of security refers to human and other their properties conservation. Lack of security will cause a sense of fear of crime and will end up in public spaces decline and un-functional urban spaces.Thus, creating a sense of security is accounted as a necessary component of a successful urban design. Sense of security is one of the basic factors of urban space`s sustainability which without it none of the urban spaces will be accounted as a presence of social interaction area.Therefore urban design is necessitated to set up key qualities in urban spaces.As it is common to prevent in instead of cure in our daily life, it is the same in urban spaces.Crime prevention, has the priority over all expensive governmental organization`s actions to treat up the crime committed. Basically tow approach in crime prevention is common among theorists. First, approach is none-place, which implies to decrease of destroying the personal intentions of crime. By behavioral educations, social, economical and cultural conditions improvement, setting regulations and fines. The second approach is place approach with the main goal of deteriorating the crime prevention Opportunity by using specific tactics in specific places.The present article, in addition to survey the theoretical controversies around these two approach`s, focuses on existing differences among each approaches theorists. at the end, a conclusion around these theoretical ideas (or theoretical controversies about security and crime) and the basic causes of these differences and controversies will be emphasized.By attending to all theories about" increases the sense of security "it would be possible to say that crime prevention is decreased by physical designs. Of course two attentions are fundamental in this point of view: first urban design qualities will take place synchronize and complementary which verify the complexity of relation existence. Creating sense of security needs other urban design qualities improvement such as: sense of place which encourages the citizens' presence in urban spaces.On the other hand defining an appropriate method for crime prevention needs a complete perception of local context. Injecting viability in a quite calm place in order to absorb people and their natural supervision and decreasing the crime committing possibility may seems useful, but if this viability crosses the border lines, it may causes urban spaces disorder.

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Today Deteriorated Urban Fabrics are one of the major problems which most cities have cope with them. These fabrics are those parts of the cities which have gotten rid of the life cycle of the city and have become a center of problems for them. However, Deteriorated Urban Fabrics have different potentials and opportunities. If these potentials are demystified or activated, they will be used as a driving force in city development process. Many approaches have been offered during these years to surmount this problem, but these approaches mostly have failed, as they have paid attention only to physical aspects and designer´s tendencies. Furthermore, they have not attended to resident´s needs or other aspects of this problem. As to renovation and rehabilitation of the cities is for improving quality of life, it is necessary to concern both physical and non-physical (social, economical, cultural) aspects. Residents are the major influenced of urban projects. Consequently, attending to their needs in urban projects is essential. Besides, this approach will help the projects performance too.Today Benefits of Participatory Approaches and using people participation in Renovation and Rehabilitation of Deteriorated Urban Fabrics is undeniable. Governments, decision makers and plan performers have accepted that people participation in urban matters especially in historic and deteriorated fabrics has the main role in plans performance. This approach is not only helpful in project realization, but also effective in persuading people to help performers during project process. In this case, people will become sensitive on their settlement. Hence, they will find themselves more responsible regarding their environment, so keep it well. This article with concentration on participation in Renovation and Rehabilitation of Deteriorated Urban Fabrics tries to perform abovementioned and identifies the selected participatory process in urban design. which includes three parts. The first part named as “Theoretical Basis” presents the participation description, short history and its levels. The second part named as “Participation in Practice” determines advantages of participation and explains different participatory processes.This part also presents “Sustainable Collaborative Approach” as a selected process in urban design. Finally, in the third part “Leh”, a city in Tibet, has been chosen as the case study and the Sustainable Collaborative Approach has been shown in its participatory process. This article depicts “Leh” as a successful case in performing a participatory process of deteriorated fabric and describes Sustainable Collaborative Approach in renovating this deteriorated fabric of the city. According to this research, the main goal of Sustainable Collaborative Approach is environmental sustainability and has been designed as a cycle. Sustainable Collaborative Approach is a process which can help urban designers and urban planners to perform their plans in practice. Moreover, Professionals and people are participating in all project´s levels.

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Explain how the artist uses and arranges the various elements and principles of design and composition. Give a detailed description of the work. You should look at the artwork very carefully and try to describe and interpret how the artist has used elements such as color, symbols, shapes, size, tone and composition. You should also write about the media and any special techniques used.Use this frame to explain the way the artwork fits into an art style, when it was made, the place it was made and the culture it represents. It is important in the cultural frame to write about how a work fits a particular culture, time or group. Think about ways in which the artwork might be typical of that group. You should look for symbols or icons used in the work that might help to show its cultural context.The urban identity is one of the most complex and controversial theoretical issues in urban planning. Identity is the response of whom or what is the subject. In fact identity is the being fact of the human or any other object. It is said that human is the only phenomenon who have got the apprehension of identity.In addition, the presence of a single person in a group not only has got his or her personal identity such as; social statue, but also by gaining integrated elements –which is called culturecollective identity, will be created. In principle, identity is not a phenomenon wrested and separated from other related facts. For example urban identity is not considered separated from its residence, their believes and thoughts, life style, relations, ideology (Naghizadeh, 1386).Urban planners and designers are not allowed to plan and design on aligned theoretical framework and expect to create a city with beauty and Islamic identity style.While the main focus is on life aspects, while basic criteria and styles are aligned civilization, while self glorification is circulated on human effect, while moderation and equilibrium is replaced by fashion and lavish, it should be expected that physic will be something else from the response to these behaviors.The main aim of the research is oriented on the use of Iranian Islamic identity in urban improvement.The main aim of presented article is surveying identity from various existed aspects and functionalizing them in urban beatification.

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The dominant perception of school is a set of classrooms. There is a lack of enough consideration to schoolyards for the role of outdoor learning and education. Many of researches and case studies have done on this approach. In Iran unfortunately, there is no good study about this topic. In this approach the discipline of landscape architecture with it’s emphasize on outdoor open spaces, efforts to improve the quality of schoolyards. This field is set up base on three main criteria including social, ecological and visual in urban open spaces. One of the important open spaces in cities is schoolyard. In some countries, schoolyards are as urban open spaces with free accessibility. Statements such as "school without wall" and "social school" are the samples of this approach. These concepts have not implemented yet because of the nature of primitive students behavior and their needs for playing and movements. The main question of this research is "what landscape architecture approaches exist about the design of schoolyards? " The main goal of this research is a review of literature about landscape architecture approaches dealing with the design of open schoolyards. Synthesis of principles for designing of these spaces is another important goal of this study.In order to achieve this aim in the first step of all the papers and researches considering this topic have investigated. Then these approaches have been categorized to twelve main categories. These approaches are as following: Design and management of outdoor classrooms landscape, importance of Qualitative Criteria’s such as sense of place, security and safety, Sustainable Design of Schoolyards, Comprehensive Schoolyards plan, hidden Curriculum in the School Grounds, Learning through Playing, School Grounds samples, Maintenance and Management of Natural and Built Landscapes, Children Participation, Comprehensive Landscape Design, Role of Landscape Architects in providing Educational Facilities and finally Design Guidelines and Principles in special area. Above findings, explain different aspects of schoolyards design.Managing, planning, controlling and maintaining are the four aspects related to schoolyards design. Some of the approaches are strongly applicable in Iranian conditions such as sense of place and security and some other are inapplicable.The first part of the paper includes the literature review. The second part the approaches and theories related to schoolyard landscape design are categorizes to twelve categories. Finally, the conclusion will be presented. Expansion of each approaches and trends in relation to the landscape architecture of schoolyards is the next step in this process. Beside these items, designing of cases in Iran in relation to the approaches mentioned and principles is another important step for achieving the above aim.

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Have you ever noticed that the most successful people in life are always the most creative.According to societal convention, the proper way for an adult human to live their life is to spend the bulk of their waking life working a job, and then, when you are 65 years of age, you are, at last, allowed to retire from your cumbersome duties. That is, we are conditioned to think of ourselves as workers.A less traditional path, one that tends to lead to true success is that of the creator. The creator, unlike most in our society, has recognized the limitations of living life within the worker mold, and had, consequently, chosen to live their life as a creator rather than a worker. These people, unlike the herd, have chosen to direct their imaginative, intuitive, and intellectual capacities towards bringing into the world something that has never before existed. As such, that which they create is of immense value in the marketplace as it has the quality of originality- a quality that is always of value in any society at any point in human history.In fact, a commonly accepted definition of business is the “art of creating value.” Thus, the secret to success in the business world is utilizing your own creativity in such a way that will be of value to others. And, if you accept the premise that human beings are innately creative beings, it should not be of much difficulty for anyone to use their creativity to create something that is of value to others. This is because, as human beings, we are all unique beings, unlike anyone that has ever been, or that ever will be.The variety of subjects in architecture researches lead us to use different research methods. So, exact information on the subject helps us to choose a suitable research method. In this study, it is necessary to know more about architectural systems (such as; educational spaces) and human systems (such as; creativity and children) to find designing methods for growth of creativity in 3-6 years old children spaces. Special methods of studying about children, the limitations on assessing creativity, the large number of factors which impact on creativity and etc. lead us to study adjectival research methods. The survey method is one of them. In this method, after choosing the case study and gathering enough data, some important factors are obtained by analyzing. According to these factors, we can suggest a proposed model. We can realize some designing skills based on the model after admitting the model by statistical analyzing. After these stages in this study, we asked some architects to sketch the realized designing methods.Then we’ll ask children about the sketches. If the children views admit the model, we can be hopeful to realize the designing methods in children educational spaces. The present paper is a try to explain the survey research method to find designing methods in children educational spaces which will guarantee the growth of creativity.

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Improving at the medical science and decreasing in offspring in the most of the societies cause to increase the number of the seniors. So we should get enough preparation and have plan for facing with increasing the number of these groups. Architecture and urban design are the most important things in relation with senior life. Societies should respond to the first senior needing. This response should include the physical limitation consideration and mental situations. For getting maximum service from society, the senior life factors should be analyzed precisely.Man in every age has specific necessities, sentiments, morals, powers and excitements which society will be considered healthy & safe if these necessities are answered properly.One of the dependent groups to aid is adult man who is seen very much, after retiring, instead of enjoying of their life and relaxing and sporting changes to depressed and dissatisfied people.Not only should specific law be legislated in architecture for this group but specific spatial mould also should be legislated. Sanatorium or independent living or living with one‘s family are mere explanation that adult can or have to live in there. It seems necessary to have new mould which can both remove adult necessities and supersede old ways for heightening adult morale. For responding to these necessities, different and various solutions are suggested in the west countries but have not been used in Iran. Adult residential region has been one of new ideas which is not acceptable and common in Iran because it is far from Iranian elderly manner so that is not suggested and instead of that, temporary and daily promenades may be recommended that these spaces can be used as daily care centers and not only include answering to senior necessities but also it helps to increase life hope and heighten senior morale and feel to be useful.Adults require proper spaces with their ability and morale. If these spaces does not Constitute for them and they do not be responded by outside properly, they will be got depressed and this will affect on the society as a whole.The senior housing is the first and the easiest way that can be considered for the difference between the primary space characteristic with the senior common life and special disappointment at their period of their life.Most of the senior people can solely do their own works and can have special fun which is proper with their age and their morale such as chatting with their friends and understanding each other. Since their impression about themselves which are useless and depressed are inaccuracy thought and since Most of the senior people can do a lot of tasks, Urgency to Constitute day care centers for responding to senior necessities with social, sport, and welfare functions are sensed. The seniors in use of this place are free and this place involves some requirement like an appropriate place for their entertainment, consult, training arts and needful technique for their life and relating with their friends.

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Time uses force to pass. The force that keeps the architects far from traditional architecture.This force can be economical, social and cultural, technical or political. The existence of force is because of time passes through all above mentioned. Art and architecture are always bases on some known rules and have stable relation with culture, norms and social customs and because of that architecture styles are the reflection of the art and culture in each historical period.Also architecture alters with changes in life. So we need alive architecture in order to provide human’s future demands.Each style follows the previous styles, so the old and the new one have strong relations that cannot be separated easily. This close relation is the cause of people’s life style that creates architecture styles in time cycles. So we should say that time is passing continuously and people, who understand the real architectural demands of their society and know about their true time and place, will be the winner.In this paper the aim is studying the importance of entrance design in calmness of the human life. The most important thing about the entrance is its effect on surrounded environment and the goal is How to reach a way to design entrances in order to create a suitable environment, based on valuable criteria.Entrance in building architecture is followed by lots of essential subjects, such as: accesses, urban facades, beauty, safety, distances, climatic cares, creation of peaceful environment, having good views and also cultural matters which are so effective.So, designing a desirable entrance as a subspace or a middle-space will be possible by paying more attention to subjects that were mentioned before which can be defined as the goal.One of the methods in this study is using related literature in order to find related surveyed ideas. In addition studying previous documents about the subject is another way which could cover the rest of the study process. The most important documents in this case are about traditional architecture of Iran which is considered as the best sources to find more about the historical points of view.To sum up, the way to solve Iran’s contemporary architectural problems is to integrate the traditional customs with the new technology and methods.Thus, in presented article historical period and the emerge of each style is going to be surveyed.

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In recent decades with various natural disasters in urban and rural areas, there have lots of efforts done to reconstruct and make these settlements resistant by urban managers. Apart from the quality of these efforts which is not the main concern of this paper, there is little attention to rural settlements. Unfortunately, there is no serious attention to rural matters and its different aspects are set as simple and superficial ones. Studying the process of post disaster reconstruction of rural settlements shows that there is no enough attention to the principles and criteria of domestic and traditional architecture and physical needs resulted from cultural, social, livelihood, and economic characteristics of rural habitants so new housings are far from their routine life’s needs. It must be considered that rural life and relatively its physical settings, is a complex system that can be very different even from juxtaposed ones. A perfect and complete understanding of rural matters and its complexities should be considered in rural planning process. This understanding is resulted by integration of social, economical and cultural settings.For centuries, Iran has been the arena of natural disasters (earthquake, flood, landslide, …).Among them, earthquake, is the most prevalent and destroyer natural disaster which destructs this country. Furthermore, rural settlements as the basis of the settlement system of the country, form a considerable portion of the settlements and also they are more vulnerable against natural disasters especially earthquake because of their economic limitation, climatic situation, lack of materials and lack of technical attention. By taking these subject to account, a holistic approach is necessary to recognize these settlements to make a situation responsible to the needs of rural habitant when a disaster happens and after that. In this article, at the outset an understanding of the effective factors on forming the rural settlements is pursued to determine the important physical and functional factors in forming the layout of the houses. Then the guidelines for post disaster reconstruction projects have been presented. Analyzing these matters shows that paying attention to domestic and traditional architecture in each region even in each village with studying the effective factors on forming the rural settlements can be leaded to create qualitative spaces that are corresponded to rural habitants’ needs.

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With achievement to accounting equipment and powerful decision making systems in recent decades, it is possible to choose the best choices and to analyze perfect qualitative and quantitative Attributes and to examine their effects on each other. Nowadays with rising discussions about some criterions' determination and rising motivation in Interdisciplinary sciences and using groups' ideas and different professions in solving complex problems, It has been important to considerate on decision making, analyzing techniques and taking profit of them in solving complex problems in architecture especially management and stable guidance on projects' renovation in historical buildings. It is thought that the key of most problems related to architecture, is renovation and reusing the historical buildings. Because of different decision maker groups’ interference and also alternate relation between buildings, techniques and their environments (society, context, surrounding environment & etc.), the process of evaluation and choosing methods and suitable choices on architectural projects is a complex process and needs a considerable different and often opposite ideas of idea logs and consideration of different and complex quantitative and qualitative elements and examination of alternative relation between them.Most of the renovation and revival projects are influenced by expert’s opinions and different qualitative and quantitative subjects, because architecture and historical buildings renovation are Interdisciplinary courses. Generally they are in contrast. Carelessness and failure in decision making are necessitated to pay expenses of failure and sometimes it is inevitable. Strong technique in this field is needed in order to prevent the failure in making decision and paying its heavy expenditure. So, the present research is introduced to determine different techniques, classification and consideration of different effective qualitative and quantitative criteria, methodology of some multi-criteria decision analysis techniques, in order to considerate and manages stable renovation projects and compatible reconstruction of Iran’s historical buildings.Some multi-criteria decision making models are considered in this research and their fields of application are specified. The expected results from present research are included: Classification of all methods of decision analysis based on their methodology and internal preferences, specification of their fields of application and finally presentation of a model in order to choose suitable technique during the process of research projects. In this research, making model with assessment of quantitative and qualitative criterions is done and it is supported by models and multi-criteria decision analysis Techniques.

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