Pedagogical Knowledge are useful, essential and essential lessons for students at teacher training courses, especially elementary teachers, when the content of these courses is tailored to the needs of the teacher's profession, they can play an important role in improving teacher performance. In this regard, the purpose of this article was to study the status Implemented Curriculum in Continuous Primary Education B. S courses at Farhangian University, in order to provide the strengths, weaknesses, and modifications needed for the specialized education group (elementary education). This study was performed by qualitative research method. The data of this study was obtained from semistructured interviews with 31 faculty members of educational psychology courses, assessment of learning, principles and teaching methods, and 12 core student groups, using purposeful and theoretical sampling to saturation data (Based on the process of extracting variables and forming the theory), and the method The grounded theory suggestion, which include the coding paradigm (open, axial, and selective), the process of compilation and the results were analyzed. From the data of this research, from the total of three lessons, 628 initial codes, and finally, after several reductions and integration to achieve conceptual density, 503 initial codes were obtained from the interview with the participants, and in the subsequent analysis, the main class Called "Implemented curriculum quality". The choice of the word "Implemented curriculum quality" was due to the fact that it could explain a significant portion of the variety of data obtained. The results showed that a set of factors such as the characteristics of the causative conditions, the conditions of the intervener, the context, the teaching-learning strategies, and the methods of evaluation, and the consequences of these factors, affect the phenomenon and the main category, or "Implemented curriculum quality" is affected. The results are specific to this group and their generalization to other groups should be done with caution.