Introduction: Tuberculosis has been declared as a global emergency by World Health Organization. Unfortunately, average incidence rate of Tuberculosis in Sistan and Balouchestan province, approximately, is 11 times greater than global rate. The aim of this study was to survey the usefulness of Health Belief model required for a positive behavioral change in tuberculosis control in Sistan area in 2009.Methods: This quasi-experimental study is as before and after, and carried out on 110 adolescent patients with tuberculosis that were chosen from a Tuberculosis Center. Sampling method was non-probability. Data were collected through a standardized questionnaire which was designed based on Health Belief Model and included some additional information such as demographic variables. At first, with a descriptive study of individual perceptions, behaviors and indicators of TB were investigated, then, confirmation of scientific validity and reliability were used. The questionnaires were evaluated in terms of validity and then used. Participants’ educational needs were provided base on Health Belief Model in primary assessment, curriculums developed based on initial assessment and training was available through face-to-face, workshops, using Medias such as educational films and pamphlets. To determine the effect of educational intervention, post-test was done after two months. Data were analyzed with appropriate statistical tests and SPSS software.Results: Results of this study showed that prior to intervention, no significant difference (p>0.05) were found between average scores in case group in terms of acknowledge level, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy and behaviors. Also, after intervention, the average score for all mentioned variables has significantly increased in control group except for perceived barriers (p<0.05).Results showed that, the percentage of described behavioral changes was %8.8 that is the correlation between the constructs of health belief model and behavior of TB patients.Conclusion: Health education based on Health Belief Model in control of tuberculosis, can lead to improvement of knowledge and positive behavior in people. So that the greatest effects were pertain to perceived susceptibility and severity.