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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim and Background: One of the most genes in exacerbation UTI is iroN gene. The purpose was determination of iroN gene prevalence in E. coli strains. To accomplish this goal can a reasonable mechanism to manage the inhibition of bacteria carrying the gene and preparation of vaccine offered.Materials & Methods: A total of 80 samples from patients with UTI symptoms collected and Fifty E. coli isolates, identified. E. coli presence has been confirmed by biochemical and microbial tests. PCR was done by specific primers. The apmplicon size was 668 bp.Results: Among the 50 isolated bacteria from UTIs, 9 isolates carried out iroN gene. This was equivalent 18% of total isolates. Gene prevalence in women was twice the prevalence in men. One and two urban areas had the highest prevalence of the gene.Conclusions: The prevalence of iroN gene was relatively high. There are numerous reports of the presence of antibodies aginst iroN protein in patient’s serum which is emphasis on the presence of antigenic determinant. It can be used in the preparation of a vaccine against UTI bacterial infections Produced by E. coli. Our results can also be used by epidemiologists and health care providers.

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Aim and Background: Herceptin is a human monoclonal antibody that is being used in treatment of the breast cancer. In this study, this monoclonal antibody was labeled with lutetium-177 via PA-DOTA chelator and at the first stage its therapeutic effects on SKBR3, MCF7 and A431 breast cancer cell lines was investigated.Material and Methods: The in vitro quality control tests included labeling efficiency, immunoreactivity, in vitro stability in buffer and blood serum were performed. The cytotoxicity effect of the complex was considered upon 168 hours on the SKBR3, MCF7 and A431 breast cancer cell lines.Results: The labeling efficiency was 85±5%. The stability in phosphate buffer and human blood serum was 73±5% and 65±3% respectively up to 96 hours. The immunoreactivity of the complex was 72 ± 8%. It was calculated 5 folds increasing in toxicity of Herceptin-177Lu compared with unlabeled Herceptin on SKBR3 cells.Conclusion: The results showed that this new complex could be a promising candidate for further evaluation in animals and possibly in humans as a new radiopharmaceutical for use in radioimmunotherapy of breast cancer.

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Aim and Background: Parsley is one of the most important medicinal and edible plants. It is rich of vitamin, compounds and other necessary elements; it refers as the multi vitamin and nutrient source. Priming is a technique that by which a seed gain all physiological and biochemical requirement for germination before being planted in the ground. These causes early plant establishment, maturity and increase the quality and quantity of product.Material and methods: In this study effect of hydro-seed (seed preparation) on seed, germination and growth of parsley under salt stress were studied. A factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications conducted at Azad University of Khoy. Treatments consisted of three levels (without priming), 12 and 24 hours of seed priming with distilled water and salinity levels, (control), 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM sodium chloride.Results: The variance analysis of data showed that the seed germination of parsley was significantly affected by different salinity levels and seed germination percentage decreased with increasing salinity levels. The results showed that the highest levels of salinity-primed seeds have a germination rate of the seeds compared to other treatments. The average time required for germination increased under higher salt concentrations (150 and 200 mM). High salinity levels were reduced root and shoot length. By increasing salinity level, radicle and plumule dry weight decreased significantly.Conclusion: Despite hydro priming, alleviate the effects of salinity stress on seeds, but this reduction was not statistically significant.

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Aims & Background: Due to Micro algae properties including nutritional value, medicinal properties, high amount of protein, vitamins, minerals, natural pigments such as phycocyanin and Carotenoids, they can use in the food industry - hygienic, cosmetics, food additives for human, animals, poultry and Aqua feed. Carotenoids are an important group of natural pigments, which produce only by plants and micro algae; in addition they have also antioxidant properties which make them useful for medical applications. This study was conducted to identify the micro algal species by standard techniques such as morphological and biochemical characteristics Materials and methods: In this study, the samples were isolated and purified from Golestan coasts, Khazar Lake and cultivated in F/2 & BBM medium. The following method was used for measurements: Methanol extraction Lichtenthaler for total carotenoids and chlorophyll and DPPH for antioxidant activity.Results: The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential locally Micro algae from Golestan coasts as a Carotenoids Source. Morphological characters identification has confirmed, Selenastrum sp. Chlorella volgaris, Chlamydomona debaryana, Chlorella sorkinia as isolated species. Their Chlorophyll a concentration were 6.7, 5.1, 12.5, 7.8 and concentration total Carotenoid 2.2, 1.4, 2.4, 1.6 mg/gr total respectively. IC50 of isolates methanol extract were 2.87, 4.03, 2.78, 3.75 mg and IC50 of isolates hexan extract were 6.49, 4.9, 3.75, 8.35mg.Conclusion: There is a high diversity of microalgae in Iran with unknown applied potential. Thus in this study we have isolated four strains and their characters have investigated. Based on the results antioxidant activity of methanol extract is upper than anti oxidant activity of hexan extract. The highest anti oxidant activity was seen in Chlamydomona debaryana.

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Aim and Background: By attention to extensive use of Silver nanoparticles, this study has been done to investigate the effects of silver these particles on ovary tissue and HPG axis.Materials and Methods: Adult female rats were divided into five groups. Treatment groups received 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg/day silver nano particles for 30 days orally. Then the rats weighed and levels of FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone were measured. Ovaries sections were studied using light microscopy.Results: The weight of rats and their ovaries, the level of FSH, LH, and Estrogen of serum decreased significantly in 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg doses in comparison with the control (p<0.05). However, progesterone almost remained unaffected. Ovary tissue examination in the group that had been given a high dose of silver nanoparticles indicated extensive congestion comparing with control. Moreover, the number of the follicles had been reduced. These results were also observable in lower doses in moderate degree.Conclusion: Results have indicated poisonous effects of silver nanoparticles on HPG-axis and ovary tissue that is dose dependent. Therefore, enough precaution must be down in chronic exposure of females.

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Aim and background: Pathological studies have suggested that formation of fibrous plaques and accumulated masses of amyloid beta peptides in central nervous system is one of the causes to Alzheimer’s disease. Since these diseases depend on conformational structure of protein, we investigate initial conformational changes of Ab (1-42) and Ab (1-40 by molecular dynamic simulations in this paper.Materials and methods: The solution NMR structures of Ab (1-42) and Ab (1-40) (protein data bank: 1IYT 1& BA4) was chosen as a template for comparative modeling. All simulations and data analysis were performed by GROMACS program with the united-atom protein force field. The final sampling simulations were 20-ns MD simulations, 310K and constant pressure (1 bar).Results: The results of RMSD, radius of gyration and solvent accessible surface area showed that structural changes, flexibility and the propensity to aggregation of Ab (1-42) is more than Ab (1-40).Conclusions: The solvent accessible surface area show the hydrophobicity interaction have important role in aggregation and creation of deformed structures. Our data showed that Ab (1-42) have critical role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Aim and Background: For a long time the interactions of microorganisms has been the subject of studies, and the achievements has been exploited for different usages such as: control or removal of heavy metals from wastewaters. To serve such importance the measurement of resistance of various bacteries to different heavy metals is essential.Thus this study is oriented to assess the effects of heavy metals such as cadmium and nickel on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (extracted from wastewaters of Tehran) and exposure of encoding and resistant genes to the subject heavy metals which are similar to czr, is studied.Material and methods: In this study 240 specimens were collected from sewers and wastewaters of which only 10% Pseudomonas aeruginosa were extracted and purified, and thereafter the resistance of this bacterium against different densities of salt of cadmium and nickel through MIC measurement were measured and studied. Nevertheless PCR was used for the detection of encoding resistant to Cadmium (another heavy metal) gene.Results: The studies revealed that Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteria (extracted from wastewaters of Tehran) was totally immune to 1 μM of Nickel, but it was resistant to Cadmium in a range from 9.6μM to 79μM. also the existence of resistant gene to Cadmium (czr) in this Bacteria was proved via PCR.Conclusion: The results showed that subject Bacteria was resistant to Cadmium, but the threshold of its resistant is dependent on the amount of heavy metal in its environment.

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Aim and Background: Biofertilizer is a substance that contains living microorganisms, which can use instead of chemical fertilizer in sustainable crop production.Materials and Methods: In seedling stage, as a randomized design at 1394 in research center of genetic and biotechnology of agriculture at two levels inoculated and non-inoculated was study.Results: Result showed that inoculated of fungal due to significant improvement (P<0/01) of shrub height, stem diameter, surface of leave, fresh and dry weight of root and shoot, physiological character of growth and photosynthesis pigments rather that control, but didn’t have any significant effect on SPAD.Conclusion: Results of this research showed positive effect of fungal inoculated P.indica in primary stage of development on growth character. This suggested that using of this fungal in primary stage of plant or in Cultivation of horticultural plants in nurseries can increase plant growth and made uniform seedling and healthier that lead to increase in efficiency and yield of plants in next stage or transfer to field.

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Aim and Background: For the production of recombinant proteins in eukaryotic cells, especially in the therapeutic field, use of serum free medium instead of medium containing fetal bovine serum is preferred.Material and methods: protein producing CHO cells were seed into the cell culture media with different levels of FBS and SFM media then cell morphology, viablility and recombinant protein production was assessed.Results and conclusion: CHO cells showed different morphology in Serum Free media but their protein production and viability did not differ significantly.Conclusion: The Serum Free media could be used successfully for recombinant protein production by CHO cells instead of serum supplemented media.

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Aim and Background: Complex structures of asphaltene and paraffin wax are two troublesome components in processing of heavy oils. Nowadays physicochemical processes are used as a resolution for this problem which are both financial and human resource consuming. Exploiting biological methods could open new horizon to solve these problems..Materials and Method: In this study after sampling from different Lavan’s production wells, initial treatment with paraffin was done. Then screening, enrichment and isolation were done consequently. Biosurfactant production was also investigated. The next step was studying the growth curve of the bacteria that were able to use paraffin as the sole source of carbon and energy and their physiochemical endurance was monitored. After bacterial treatment, paraffin was extracted by n-hexane and was analyzed chemically by gas chromatograph FID. Finally the selected bacterium was identified molecularly.Results: GC chromatograms suggested a considerable decrease in amount of paraffinic components through the treatment by an indigenous thermophlic, biosurfactant producing bacterium, known as Bacillus thermoleovoran s molecularly. This bacterium could grow in temperature rate from 40°C to 65°C, pH from 4 to 10 and salinity from 0.5 to 15%.Conclusion: A few studies on paraffin degradation in high temperature have been done in Iran. Bacillus thermoleovorans is an Iranian crude oil indigenous thermophilic bacterium with high physicochemical endurance which could be a proper choice environmental of petroleum industry application.

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Aim and Background: By expanding knowledge about this disease, many progress and developments for curing this disease have been performed. The toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs still pose a treatment problem, because of their pharmokinetic changes and careful targeting as one of the promising strategies are proposed in cancer and incurable disease treatments. Magnetic Nano particles are essential and vital in drug delivery, since their natural magnet, facilitates targeting and other things.Materials and Methods: Magnetic nanoparticles were prepared by co-precipitation method. Then, by using discharge metod, liposomal nanoparticle’s film and magnetic nanoparticle’s film, containing paclitaxel were prepared. Also drug releasing and capsulation amount and drug loading, size and potential zeta of magnetized liposomal Nanoparticles were mentioned. The cytotoxicity of nanoparticles containing the drug was studied by using MTT assay on cell of ovarian cancer A2780CP.Conclusion:. The size of magnetic liposome nanoparticles containing the drug and the liposomes containing the drug, respectively, 251 and 198 nm were estimated. And zeta potential of these particles, respectively, -20 and -19 (mv) was calculated. Also the magnetic liposome carrier had slow-release and longer half-life than liposome.Encapsulation efficiency of carriers, magnetic liposome and liposome of paclitaxel respectively 97and96 percent were. Release studies show, Continuous and controlled drug release from the magnetic liposome nanoparticles. MTT results showed that, magnetic liposome had a higher cytotoxicity than liposomal nanoparticles against cells A2780CP imposed.Result: The results of the study showed that, magnetic liposome nanoparticles were more appropriate carrier than liposome nanoparticles for drug delivery of paclitaxel in ovarian cancer cells are A2780CP.

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Aim and Background: Chemical mutagen mutagenic effects, diverse gene pool in plant resources and as a complementary tool in breeding programs are used. In this study, in order to make changes and changes in the morphological characteristics of different concentrations of active ingredients in the plant peppermint ethyl methane sulfonate were used EMS in vitro and field.Material and Methods: Research in vitro and farm with 4 treatments and 4 replications in a completely randomized design. From different treatments EMS includes 0/0% (control group), 0.05% and 0.01% and 0.005% and for different times (24 and 48) and the field was used in vitro. Evaluation was conducted in a test tube and simultaneously farm. After the transfer and development of subjects in conditions in vitro, treatment with the mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate were studied.Conclusion: The results showed that the use of MS medium mutagenic substances in medicinal plants play a role in phenotypic variation. Concentration of 0.01% EMS best result was significant at 1% and cultured explants were obtained, including that on the lateral buds and trailing characters such as stem length, number of leaves and buds of the side effect. The result analysis showed that the ethyl methane sulfonate oil treatments on materials essential components have not been affected.Results: Use mutagen EMS in peppermint plant tissue culture and in both instances treated plants on a farm stimulate the rapid growth of lateral buds of the plant, which increases the level of plant and thus increase the yield. Concentrations of greater than 0.05% EMS at 24 and 48 hours in loss of tissue samples and the field.

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Resistance to anti-cancer therapy in patients with advanced solid tumors reveals the need for new treatments. Major challenges of Anti-cancer therapy is, specificity of treatment. Treatment will beideal if cancer cells be eradicated without side effects on normal cell.Material and Method. Bacteria are used in different ways to treatment of cancer, either to provide direct tumoricidal effects or to deliver tumoricidal molecules. there are two ways to use bacteria as vectors, included, tumor-specific bacterial replication and intracellular plasmid transfer. On the other hand, Bacterial toxins act by killing the cells and control of cellular processes for example cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis that they are associated with cancer. Spores are very resistant bacteria that survive even in oxygen-rich conditions, but, they are not able to grow. In conditions tumor the spore grow and germinate without affecting on normal cells. Bacteria and immune system: bacterial DNA vaccines apply immune system against cancer cells via cancer antigen Presentation. Here, we review the Different applications of bacterial therapy, mechanisms of action and successes at preclinical and clinical levels. Further developments in these studies will add a new dimension to cancer treatment.

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Aim and Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer after lung cancer, stomach and liver cancer in the world. Studies have shown that patients with inflammatory disease of the large intestine are at high risk of developing colorectal cancer are located. Several factors make inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer is one of the factors involved, bacteria and toxins derived from them. Research shows that some strains of E. coli can be induced to increase the mutation rate that was established in 2010 by Cuvas-Romas and colleagues. fimC and vat1 Virulence genes in these organisms play an important role in bacteria pathogenicity. This study is to compare the virulence genes in E.coli strains isolated from samples biopsy patients’ inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer, intestinal tissue was performed.Materialsand Methods: 38 biopsies were obtained from intestinal tissue and E.coli bacteria in microbial and biochemical method was identified and isolated. After DNA extraction, strains for virulence genes vat 1, fim C using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), were evaluated.Results: Molecular analysis showed a significant difference between the groups studied the gene vat 1 (p=0.0245) and 42.8% of positive samples were for this gene in normal groups, 87.5% with inflammatory bowel disease87.5 % of patients with colorectal cancer were reported. But there is no significant difference between the groups in terms of fim C gene (P=0.201). And 71.4% of positive samples for this gene in normal groups’ and 93.7% in patients with inflammatory bowel disease73.3 % of patients with colorectal cancer were reported.Conclusion: The results, to confirm the good relationship between virulence genes studied induced inflammation and proliferation by inducing mutation rate.

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