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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Historically, the organizational behavior science has taken two positive and negative approaches to human behavior.Positive approach that seeks to identify and fostering the innate abilities of human and negative approach that seeks to improve and treat of illnesses and misbehaviors of human.This study discusses the philosophical roots of these attitude and positive organizational behavior. As well as its dimensions, and finally investigation POB to critical review will be presented. The hopes that discusses will be as well as effective action outline for managers and employee.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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employees performance in different employment modes World of work in public agencies today is a combination of simultaneous presence of employees with different employment relations. Research ever conducted on the subject of employee's performance ignored the role of employment mode. This research investigates and compares employee's performance in five different employment modes in the Health Center of Rasht City. In the present study statistical population is Health Center of Rasht City employees (1134 people). using a stratified random sampling, about 290 people were selected. Data analysis using statistical tests shows that the performance of official employees is lower than contract workers and family doctors, but the performance of other employees was no significant difference with each other. Also overall performance of employees is higher than average. These findings are inconsistent with some previous findings. these findings are discussed and the their reasons will be explained. Finally, based on research findings suggestions are presented.

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People's expectations about services quality and also the way in which they are presented are changing increasingly. Government and organizations should be responsible for these requirements and expectations. Nowadays organizations success depends on the alignment of business strategy of organization and information of technology strategy. Having supposed that there is a connection between private and governmental distribution, directors of real state agencies union tried to draw up and perform the project of organizing real tate ontracts of the country and some purposes are considered for this project. The purpose of this research is to study the approaches of proving above-mentioned goals of the project to be true by relying on the concepts and theories of electronic government, services and strategy of developing services.These research hypotheses have been made according to the study on way of implementation of organizing the elements of real state contracts, information transparency, controlling the contracts and integration within other related organizations. Researche in this study is done by description-survey. In order to gather some data, questionnaires have been used. They were distributed among 200 real state agencies located in Tehran city.190 of them were completed and prepared for analysis. The hypo thesises test results showed the meaningful impact of two major and two minor hypo thesises. The result of repetitive measurement test led to the most grades and implementation of controlling the contracts in major hypo thesises.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research intends to study the relationship between thinking style and change acceptance among the principals at boys' middle schools in Khorram Abad, Iran in the school 1389-90 year. Its statistical population involved 76 individuals who were selected by simple random sampling method according to Morgan Table. The measurement tools for the research consisted of two questionnaires, i.e., Sternberg-Wagner thinking style questionnaire and Robert-Heller change acceptance one. The viewpoints of the specialists were used for assessing the validity of the tools, and Cronbach's alpha was applied for their reliability. Its value was measured as 0.96 for the thinking style questionnaire, and 0.93 for the change acceptance one. The data were analyzed by SPSS Software and proper statistical methods such as central and dispersion indices, single-sample T-test, variance analysis, follow-up tests and Pearson correlation coefficient due to its assumptions. The results showed that dominant thinking style among the principals at Khorram Abad middle schools was executive and judgmental. The executive and judgmental style is witnessed among their high class ones. Concerning the rate of change acceptance, 58.1% of the principals serve as change factors, 38.7% of them perceive the necessity of change, and 3.2% are resistant to change. The correlation between the levels of judgmental, legislative and executive thinking styles and change acceptance indicated a significant relationship between them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research the relationship between employees' commitments, at the time of entering (pre-entry) and after entering (post-entry) (one year after employing) and its relationship with their performance among employees of Qazvin University of Medicine has been studied. The study was performed upon organizational commitment model advanced by Cohen (2007). In the model, timing of commitment is essential. The first part of the model is the process of commitment at the time of entering which includes instrumental commitment propensity and normative commitment propensity. The other part is after entering (post-entry) process of commitment which consists of instrumental commitment and affective commitment. The results of the study point out that normative commitment propensity lead to a deeper post-entry commitment, which is affective commitment, but there is not any relation between instrumental commitment propensity and instrumental commitment. There is a strong relationship between variables of personal characteristics, characteristics of job choice and expectations about one's job and both at the time of entering and post-entry commitment (except relation between individual characteristics and normative commitment propensity, and between characteristics of job choice and instrumental commitment propensity). Priority of sub-indices of variables influence has been determined. The results signify a nonlinear relationship between commitment and performance and specify that the optimum value of commitment for the proper employees' performance is the medium level of commitment.

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In this study we examined customers behavior and the effect of individual characteristics (it means tendency to be different from others and tending to foreign brands) and brands characteristic (it means perceived quality and emotional value) on intention to buy goods with foreign brands in comparison with goods that have local brands.There are 850 customers in Iran that cooperate in this estimate. study is to be applied and is of surveying type It used from questionnaire and sampling by Kokran formula.This study examined relationship between variables by structural equation model and reached to following this result. Need to be individual among customers is effective in tendency to foreign goods.Increased in tendency to foreign goods, canses customers think that foreign brands quality and emotional value are better. increased acceptance of foreign brands perceived quality and emotional value results in an increase in buying foreign brands.

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Mapping the flow of value is a tool which. Is used to improve the quality and implementation of the foundations of pure production. this technique can be used in business and managerial systems and can also be used to visualize the flow of materials in various stayes of processing as well as to determine the flow of in formation. this study is aimed at present the results of using value flow mapping in a an electrical.Component production unit using the symbols and techniques of value flow techniques by ARENA. The results show the effect of using such a method on the production efficiency.

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Different economic theories in various fields, one of the topics is which of interest to economists in the field of consumption is planning different and challenging theories in economics which brings this guestion to mind that in the explaining behaviour of introducing society, forecasting and plannings, which of the incentives of consumption functions of Keynes, Fridman, Dosenbry, Madigliani, …is criteria. Selecting each of these Cases, normally have different out comes and in this study, our goal is estimation and analysis of consumption function of private sector, using convergence and Yu Hansen and Jusilyus system during 1338–1385 for Iran economy. Experimental results of econometrics show that during study period, the consumption in each period has direct relations hip with real income and real in come of the previous period and inflation of future period has negative effect on the consumption of current period and the consumption has in direct relationship with interest rate, In other words, the increase of interest rate causes decrease of consumption and in crease of saving by the way, the consumption of each period decreases with increase of general price level of that period, an during study period, marginal propensity to long-term consumption, is 14%, and is adjusted on the basis of income and consumption data of previous period, and in Iran, in is appropriately the explicator of consumption behavior, and thus, in economic policy makings, planning and authoring consumption function is advised in this manner.

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