This article was performed to determine the relationship between organizational culture with using electronic public relations in cultural organizations in Esfahan city. So relation between four dimensions of Denison organizational culture was studied by using electronic public relations, such as (including: Involving in work, Adaptability, Consistency and mission) the method of this research is correlation and statistic society includes 150 managers and staff of public relations of Esfahan cultural organizations that 108 persons were selected as sample bulk on class–random sampling and kocaran formula. For collecting data, Denison questionnaire and well–established questionnaire of electronic public relations were used by Alpha coefficient 92% And 93% respectively. Data of this research was analyzed by using statistic software spss19 in both two level descriptive statistics (including: Frequency, Mean, Standard deviation) and inferential statistics (including: pearson correlation coefficient, analysis of variance test, post hoc test LSD) The results suggested that there is a meaningful relation between four dimensions of Denison organizational culture and using electronic public relations with meaningful level p<0.01. Also, among variables studied in regression, compatibility was the best predictor of using electronics public relations of in first stage in meaningful level p<0.01. More over other results showed that degree of using electronic public relations in Esfahan cultural organizations was larger than average level and this degree was higher between staff than managers of the same unit, but a difference was no observed between using electronic public relations in terms of gender, education level, educational group and service years.