The question about identity is not just belongs to our modern era but it is one of the commonest and basic questions that humanity always is seeking for it’s reply. So ‘WHO AM I? “is the question that had been asked since man kind creation till now. It is somehow under influence and in direct contact with social realities and we have to review it continuously based on our contacts with society. For us who are living in a global village, Identity may be influenced by every single part of society from cultural, historical and … aspects. Certainly in identity frame or growth procedure from traditional society/era to modern one, many factors are involved but in nowadays communication age what it is playing the main role is media and especially internet. So this case study focuses on the relationships between the effects of internet on framing or progress of reflexivity identity among female students of Faculty of Psychological & Social Science-Islamic Azad University (Central Tehran Branch). The data of case study achieved by questionnaire and survey technique and used some theories from Manuel Castells and Anthony Giddens. All the female students of Psychological & Social Science Faculty of Islamic Azad University Central Branch in 1389-1390 academic year were our study population. The authors analyze 6 aspects of internet such as duration and amount of internet usage, using various facilities of internet (such as connecting to other people, freedom of expression, being anonymity and etc), all purposes of internet usage (such as scientific, educational, entertainment and etc). The way of ID presentation in internet and amount of internet attractions on framing/progress of reflexivie identity among research population has been studied.Conclusions improve that there is a direct relation between researched criteria including duration / amount of internet usage, internet various facilities, all purposes of internet usage and reflexivity identity. It means that by increasing of each single of above mentioned factors, framing or progress of reflexivity Identity will be increased too and vice versa. Also it shows that there is no valid relation between the ways of ID presentation in internet and amount internet attractions on framing or progress of reflexivity Identity. Author’s suggestion is that some complementarities research must be done for analysis the others media affects (such as Television, Radio and etc) on identity or reflexivity identity among different women’s populations such as housekeepers, employed ones, pupils and ….