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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The present study examined the effect of Marlat cognitive- behavioral training in relapse prevention and craving in female with substance dependency. Method: In a semi-experimental study, 24 women with diagnosis of substance dependency who successfully detoxified in Tehran therapeutic community of women Center were divided into two experimental group (15 subjects) and control group (15 subjects) selected by convenience sampling method. The experimental group received 12 sessions of Malat cognitive- behavioral training, each session in a week, while control group did not receive any training in the same time. All subjects were assessed through Gorsciʼs relapse prevention scale and Franken and colleagesʼ (2002) craving reduction scale and morphine test before treatment, randomly during the treatment, after treatment and after 3 months follow up. Data were analyzed via covariance and chi square tests. Results: Results of multivariate and univariate covariance analysis showed that there is significant difference between experimental and control groups in relapse prevention and craving in post and follow up tests. Study results also showed that there is significant difference between two groups regard to relaps. Conclusion: The results indicated that Marlat cognitive- behavioral training is effective in relapse prevention and craving reduction in females with substance dependency.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of group Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) based on filial therapy on severty of Symptoms of ADHD. Method: In this experimental design, 30 Children with ADHD aged 8-11 years who medicating with drug and their mothers aged 20-45, were selected randomly in two phases and assigned into two experiment and placebo treatment groups. The instruments for data gathering in this study was “Conners Parents Rating Scale (CPRS-48)”, which was completed by the subjects (mothers) both before and after child-center play therapy skills training. Data were analysed with nonparametric tests algorithms (Mann-Whitney U Test) and Other methods of clinical significance. Results: Group CPRT training significantly and clinically reduced the general behavior problems and significantly reduced the severity of symptoms of attention and learning problems in children (except of hyperactivity-impulsive) in the children of the experimental group (p<0.01). This change was not observed in the control group. Conclusion: These interventions besides medications have benefits on Controlling children with ADHD. This study supports the use of filial therapy as an effective training model for Reduction of the general behavior problems in children and offers significant possibilities for future use in the Iranian populations to facilitate the development of healthy parenting attitudes and interactions between parents and children.

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Self-compassion is a new concept in personality psychology that it is based on discussed ideas in Buddhist beliefs. The aim of present study was to investigate the role of self-compassion in explaining self-efficacy and self-esteem. The research design is correlational method, the statistical population included all students of Guilan university in 2014-2015 academic years that 320 students were selected by randomized multistage cluster sampling method and they responded self-compassion (Neff, 2003), self-efficacy (Scherer &et al, 1982) and self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965) scales. The result of correlation analysis showed there are significant positive correlation between self-compassion with self-efficacy and self-esteem(P<0.01). Results of stepwise regression analysis showed that the Self-kindness and Self-judgment can explain 25 percent of self-efficacy variance. Also self-kindness, self-judgment, and common humanity can explain 13 percent of self-esteem variance. We can with using cognitive training based on compassionate mind and promoting self-compassion proceeds in order to increasing-self-efficacy and self-esteem.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The purpose of this study, is comparing Eysenck extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism personality dimensions in people with morning – evening cycles. Method: This study was an ex post facto study. 90 M.A students of Tarbiat Modares University were selected via purposeful sampling (30 morning cycle, 30 evening cycle and 30 moderate cycle). They completed morningness - eveningness personality questionnaire and Eysenck personality questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using ANOVA. Results: Analysis showed that there is no significant differences in extraversion and neuroticism between three groups, however, psychoticism was significantly different between the groups. That is, evening group showed higher scores in psychoticism. Conclusion: Results, in line with previous studies, indicate that people with evening cycles have higher scores in psychoticism than people with morning cycle. This difference is probably due to the wide similarities between eveningness and psychoticism. For example, impulsivity which is one of the dominant properties of psychotic people, is strongly related to the evening cycle. These results can be useful in better planning for optimal usage of employees.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of present study was to investigate the effectiveness of self-regulation couple therapy on marital satisfaction, identity styles and family problem solving. For this purpose, in a quasi-experimental study, 20 couples referred to psychiatrists, neurologists and counselling centers in the city of Kashmar were selected by available sampling method and then randomly designed into tow experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of self-regulation couple therapy (Halford, 2004), while control group was not any treatment. The participants completed ENRICH Couple Scales (ECS), Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (OMEIS-II) and Family Problem-Solving Questionnaire (FPS). Data were analyzed by SPSS20 software, using one way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The findings showed that self-regulation couple therapy increases the couple’s marital satisfaction and problem-solving skills. In addition, self-regulation couple therapy decreases the mean scores diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium identity styles. In contrast, this therapy increases the mean scores achievement identity style. In sum, result showed that self-regulation couple therapy might be an efficient way to improve marital satisfaction, and family problem solving. Also, couple therapists can use of self-regulation couple therapy for improving marital satisfaction, identity styles and family problem solving.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (26)
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The present study aims at investigating people with chronic headaches as well as use of Emotion Regulation Strategies and metacognitive beliefs to determine the role of each factor in relieving the pain. The population of this study consisted of 100 people, residing in Tehran, who had diagnosed for chronic headaches by a specialist and were selected by convenience sampling method. Then, the subjects were asked to fill in three questionnaires: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), Metacognitive Belief questionnaires, McGill pain questionnaire. The result showed that all cognitive-emotion regulation factors are significantly related to pain management strategies. Positive factors associated with cognitive-emotion regulation (acceptance, positive re-focus, focus on planning, positive assessment and perspective taking) and negative factors associated with cognitive-emotion regulation (self-blaming, rumination, considering as catastrophic, and blaming other) have respectively significant negative and positive relationship with pain management method. Negative metacognitive factors (uncontrollability and the need to control) are positively associated with pain variable while positive metacognitive factors, self-awareness cognitive variable, were negatively related to pain variable. According to stepwise regression analysis, among cognitive emotion regulation and metacognitive belief variables, rumination has more predictive potential. The obtained results support the view that suggests the effect of cognitive emotion regulation and metacognitive belief components on pain management.

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Introduction: Leaving treatment process during drug abuse treatment has always been one of the main problems and also accessing effective methods to keep clients to complete their treatment process is one of the important targets in this field. The aim of this study is to show that if personality traits of drug abusers can be an effective factor in whether treatment adherence and completing its procedure or giving up the therapy. Method: The sample included 200 Methamphetamine abusers (100 men and 100 women), aged 20-40 and under rehabilitation treatment was selected through available sampling. Length of treatment to be completed was 28 days (4 weeks) and treatment adherence was to complete the process of therapy. Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory was used for scoring personality traits in temperament and character dimensions. Data were analyzed through multivariate analysis of variance. Results: The results show that participants who completed their therapy had high score in harm avoidance and persistence dimensions and who failed to complete the treatment process were high scored in novelty seeking dimension. Conclusion: Based on these findings and considering the effective role of personality traits on clients' therapy results, implementing proper methods can be useful to help clients to complete their therapy program and to have better treatment outcomes.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of metacognitive intervention[MCI] on anxiety, body image and symptoms of BDD. The design of this study was clinical trail with control group. Using volunteers from referral to dermatology and cosmic surgery clinics, 30 participants were selected and were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder [BDD-YBOCS], Fisher body test and Beck Anxiety inventory [BAI] were used as the pre and post-test measures. The intervention group received 8 weekly metacognitive intervention sessions. The control group was in the waiting list until the post-test. The analysis of covariance showed the MCI had a significant effect on controlling the symptoms of BDD, anxiety and body image. All patients in intervention group showed improvement on self-report measures at post-treatment. So, the metacognitive treatment appears promising in body dysmprphic patients.

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Introduction: This study was aimed to investigate the role of mindfulness and coping styles in student’s clinical disorders. Method: 222 subjects are selected by convenience sampling. Data are collected from Five Facet of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Baer et al, 2006), The coping inventory for stressful situation (CISS) (Endler and Parker, 1990), brief symptom inventory (BSI) (derogates, 2000).Correlation and stepwise multiple regression are used to evaluate the research hypotheses. Results: The result of data analysis showed that, there is a strong negative correlation between mindfulness and clinical disorders in p<0.0001 level and problem focused coping style with clinical disorders in p<0/0001 level and a positive correlation between emotion focused coping style and avoidance coping style with clinical disorders in p<0.0001 level among students. Step-wise multiple regression analyses revealed that acting with awareness(one of the mindfulness facet) was first, emotion focused coping style was second, and problem focused coping style was third important predictor of clinical disorders. Conclusion: according to the findings, it's recommended that clinicians utilize coping strategies and mindfulness exercises in designing the treatment plans.

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Introduction: According to the increasing importance of Psychological Factors Influence on the incidence and severity of chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis purpose of this study was to compare personality types C and D, stress and coping strategies in MS patients and normal individualsMaterials and Methods: This study was post facto , population included all patients with multiple sclerosis, which is normal in summer and autumn 1393 Have been referred to neurologists in the province. Of the population using a sampling of 150 samples (75 normal subjects and 75 patients) were selected, And C and D type of personality questionnaires Lazarus, Folkman coping style questionnaire and a questionnaire on their life events and changes were administered. To analyze the data, manova test  was used for comparison of the two groups.Results: The results showed that among terms stress,  avoiding and management solving strategic,  personality type C and in social inhibition of personality type D between the two groups was significantly different. in other cases there was no difference. In all aspects, except for a case management solving strategic, patients received higher scores.Conclusion: This is what comes of findings that Stress as a major factor in Intensify symptoms of MS and also personality factors and coping strategies As stress and disease modifying factors ,Plays an important role in chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis. patients with personality type D and C are at increased risk of physical illness. Researchers at these two characters as one of the pathological factors are considered that may affect health and longevity and require psychological treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The present study investigated the effects of parent-child interaction therapy and coping therapy on reduction of intensity of behavior problems in 3 -6 years old children. Method: This study was carried out as semi experimental and pretest posttest doing with a comparison group. The sampling was made using in available method. First 5 kindergartens was chosen from which 90 individual was selected. At the end, three groups of children randomly selected and the mothers were also randomly assigned to three groups of experiment1(29) and experiment2 (29) comparison (30) group. The experimental group had 12 intervention sessions of coping therapy. The comparison group had no intervention. At the end of treatment, a post test was taken from both groups. They completed the Eyberg child behavior inventory. Quantative data were analyzed using pretest-posttest, correlation coefficient, and multiple analyses. Results: indicated that after intervention :children in the experimental groups showed lower level of intensity of behavior problems as compared to control group. Comparison of the coping therapy and parent – child interaction therapy were not significant. Conclusion: both of interventions were effective in reducing child behavior problems.

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Perfectionism has complicate relationships with procrastination in terms of different types and on the other hand, few studies have examined the underlying mechanisms in the relationship between perfectionism and procrastination. So, the purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of rumination as a cognitive factor in the relationship between perfectionism and procrastination. For this purpose, a sample of 277 students (male and female) at the undergraduate, master's and doctorate levels from four State University were selected in multi-stage cluster sampling method. In order to collect data, students answered Frost Multidimensional perfectionism scale (MPS), Solomon & Rothblum Academic Procrastination Scale and Ruminative Response Styles Questionnaire. In order to analyze data, multiple linear regression method and structural equation modeling (SEM) have been used. The results showed that perfectionism and rumination are considered as good predictors for Procrastination. Also there are significant and positive causal relationships between perfectionism, rumination and Procrastination. based on findings of structural equation modeling and the role of mediating of rumination in the relationship between perfectionism and Procrastination has been verified. This finding indicates that the use of rumination as a coping strategy in people with negative perfectionism leads to procrastination and negligence.

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Introduction: The Dark Triad scale is new tool for quick and easy recognition in the dark side of human nature. This study examined the Construct Validity of Dark Triad Questionnaire. Methods: The population included all active users of email that 272 people using snowball sampling method was the selected as the sample. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and software AMOS-22. Results: Cronbach's alpha was for machiavellianism 0.74, psychopathy 0.63, Narcissism 0.83, and item-total correlations were ranging from 0.042 to 0.90, indicating high internal consistency. The internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha, test-retest, the interscorer agreement and correlation question with total scores showed that the scale had good reliability. Examine the content validity and construct validity of the scale indicates the questionnaire were acceptable. Findings from confirmatory factor analysis as the main form three distinct but correlated factors revealed the following: machiavellianism, antisocial and narcissistic. Conclusions: According to these results we can say that the dark aspects of the personality questionnaire valid and reliable instrument to measure of the Dark Triad in Iran.

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Aim: the main purpose of this study was validate Cues for Sexual Desire scale   (CSDS) on the sample of married women 18 to 75 years was the city of Qom.Method:  Cues for Sexual Desire scale (CSDS) and FSFI, DASS-21 and NEO scales conducted on the 160 women that were referred to gynecology clinics the city of Qom. Sampling in this study  is available sampling.Results: The results of Cronbach's alpha coefficients of internal consistency reliability (for 40 item) were satisfactory. Convergent validity showed a significant negative correlation between cues for sexual desire  and anxiety symptoms (P <0.05), and  with dimensions of sexual function questionnaire has a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) and with dimensions of extraversion and openness to experience of NEO questionnaire has a  positive correlation significant (P<0.05)Discution: Psychometric indices obtained in this study indicate the results of previous research is coordinated and convergent validity and reliability due to the cues for sexual desire, it can be used in research and clinicalsituations , used to measure cues for sexual desire.

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Sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent among patients with psychiatric disorders. They may be caused by the psychopathology and pharmacotherapy of the psychiatric disorders. There are many researches that studing relations between sexual dysfunctions and psychiatric disorders. Results of these studies show that psychiatric disorders have important role in development of sexual dysfunctions. Positive (e.g., psychosis, hallucinations) and negative symptoms (e.g., anhedonia) of schizophrenia may negatively interfere with interpersonal and sexual relationships. Classic antipsychotics have more sexual side-effects than second generation antipsychotics. Depresion and mood disorders may affect libido, sexual arousal, orgasm, and erectile function. Antidepressant, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) cause sexual side-effects. Also anxiety disorders effect on sexual sysfunctions such as sexual desire disorder, erectile dysfunction and orgasm problems. Patients with eating disorders may suffer from sexual difficulties.  Personality disorders, mainly borderline personality disorder, are also associated with sexual dysfunctions. Despite of this results, Research in this area suffers from substantial methodologic limitations that be considerd in future studies.

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