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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: The purpose of present study was the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy on reducing test anxiety and increasing self-efficacy in high school female students.Method: The design of the study was experimental, pre-test, and post-test with control group. Statistical population includes 60 high school female students of Siahkal city in 2014-2015 academic year. Statistical sample includes the subjects who obtain a least one score above the average in anxiety scale and one score below the average in self-efficacy scale and they were categorized randomly in two 15-person experimental and control groups. The pre-test was administered for both groups. The experimental group received eight sessions of intervention once a week for about 90 minutes. But no intervention was applied in control group. After this stage, post-test was conducted for both groups at the same time and in the same condition. Both groups were evaluated with Spielberger test anxiety scale and general self-efficacy scale of Scherer et al. the statistical method of MANCOVA was used for data analysis, in addition to descriptive statistics and all operations were performed by SPSS-20 software.Results: The results showed  that cognitive-behavioral therapy training had no significant effect on reducing test anxiety among high school female students (f(1.26)= 0.03,p=0.867,m2=0.0001). But there was a meaningful effect on increasing the self-efficacy of the students (f(1.26) =12.13, p= 0.002, m2=0.32).Discussion and Conclusion: Cognitive-behavioral group therapy has been effective in increasing self-efficacy in high school female students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as the chosen therapy of social anxiety disorder (SAD) although received increased support, it has some fluctuations. Therefore, the purpose of current study is to determine and compare the effectiveness and durability of three CBT patterns based on "exposure to self”, “exposure to situation" and “exposure to self-situation" on treatment of SAD.Method: In this quasi-experimental research, 24 subjects with SAD were selected based on Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) and Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (SCID-IV). Eighteen subjects were randomly assigned to three experimental groups (each group consisted of 6 subjects) and six subjects were assigned to control group and four groups were demographically the same. Three experimental groups treated by one of the three CBT models and the control group waited. Subjects completed SPIN, LSAS-SR, BFNE, SIAS, SPS, and NSPS scales in addition to the scale of SPLN, before starting and after finishing in the period of a month and a half, four months and 1 year after ending of treatment/ waiting.Results: The comparison of four groups based on the difference mean of pre and post test showed that three CBT patterns have a meaningful difference with the control group but they have no meaningful difference with each other. Of course, the difference mean of the "exposure to self” group had a significant difference with control group in all dependent variables (the score of 6 scales of social anxiety), whereas, the difference mean of the “exposure to self-situation” and “exposure to situation” groups had a significant difference with control group in some of the six scales. The results show that all three aforementioned therapeutic models had effectiveness and durability but “exposure to self” group had superiorities over the other two groups.Discussion and Conclusion: The results show that all three CBT models are useful in Iranian clinical sample but, “exposure to self” group had superiorities than the two other groups in some evidences.

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Introduction: There is a little information about the relation of temperament and character dimensions with response prohibition in student with conduct disorder symptom. Recent studies suggest that dimensions of temperament and character affect on response inhibition in children with conduct disorder symptoms. The purpose of the study was determining the relation of temperament and character dimensions on response inhibition in boys with conduct disorder symptoms.Method: The method of the research is correlation. Statistical population of the research was all the first grade middle school students of Kouhdasht city who were studying in the years 2002-2003. The research sample consisted of 90 students of first grade middle school which were selected from (N=1000) school students by the method of convenience sampling. The Temperament and Character Inventory dimensions, color test-Stroop word, structured clinical interview and the check list symptom SCL were used for data collection. The research data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regressions.Results: The results showed that the novelty seeking, damage abstain, reward dependence, persistence, collaboration, self-transcendence and self-direction have a significant relationship with response inhibition of students with conduct disorder (p<0.05).Discussion and Conclusion: The results show that temperament and character dimensions are related with response prohibition. The results also has important implication in the field of prevention, pathology and treatment of conduct disorder.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (25)
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Introductoin: This research has done with the purpose of analyzing the role of mother’s personality type, especially D type in the prediction of teen’s positive and negative attitude toward delinquency.Method: A sample of 100 people with their teenage children was selected with cluster sampling for this descriptive – correlation research from the mothers in Hamedan. Mothers completed Friedman and Rosenman, A and B personality type, Rahe and Soloman C personality type and Denollets type D personality scale questionnaire and their sons received questionnaire about their attitude toward delinquency. Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used for analyzing the data.Results: The results showed that there is a positive relation between mothers D personality type and the positive attitude of teens toward delinquency and negative relation between it and negative attitude of teens toward delinquency and no relation has been found between A,B & C personality type and positive or negative attitude toward delinquency. The results of the regression analyses indicated that D personality type determine 47% (b=0.47) of positive attitude toward delinquency variance and 23% (b=-0.23) of negative attitude toward delinquency variance.Discussion and conclusion: These results showed that sons of those mothers who have D personality type are more vulnerable against delinquency. Therefore, by informing the parents and setting the related actions for adjusting mother’s D personality we can prevent and control teen’s delinquency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (25)
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Introduction: Separation Anxiety in children is a disorder that has a negative impact on social adjustment and peer relations which predicting psychiatric disorders in adolescence. If separation anxiety is not treated in childhood, the person will face a lot of problems in adulthood. Therefore the objective of this study was the effectiveness of Modular cognitive-behavioral therapy (MCBT) on reducing the symptoms of separation anxiety in children which is an effective treatment for separation anxiety.Method: The design of the study was experimental, pre-test and post-test and follow up (two and three months) test with control group. Statistical population consisted of 388 preschool and first grade of primary school students in Qom that had separation anxiety symptoms while 76 students were selected as sample using multi-stage cluster sampling. Subjects were categorized randomly in two 33-students of 6 and 7 year old experimental and control groups. The experimental group received sessions of MCBT intervention. But no intervention was applied in control group. The Child Symptom Inventory (CSI) was used for data collection.Results: ANOVA with repeated measure showed a significant difference between experimental and control groups. The results also indicated that the effects of gender and age and interaction of treatment method and gender and age were significant.Discussion and conclusion: Results of the study showed the effectiveness of Modular cognitive-behavioral therapy (MCBT) on reducing the symptoms of separation anxiety in 6 and 7 year old girls and as this therapy is more effective for the boys, we recommend this protocol for them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (25)
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Introductoin: The aim of the current study was Comprsion of the effectiveness of two training programs of mindful motherhood and its customized version designed by the researcher on the quality of pregnant women's life.Method: The sample was consisted of 36 first delivery pregnant women (3 month pregnancy) referring to health centers and gynecologists in the city of Isfahan which participated voluntarily. They were assigned into two experimental groups and one control group randomly.  During the test one participant in the first experiment group and one in the second experimental group were excluded due to medical problems and the need for rest. One participant in control group was also excluded due to altered questionnaire, therefore, 33 individuals could terminate the training period. All participants responded to demographic and Health Related Quality of Life (SF36) questionnaires before and after the intervention. ANCOVA was used for analyzing the data.Results: The results showed that post test score of mothers Health Related Quality of Life (SF36) questionnaires and its five subscales (including physical performance, limited performance due to physical problems, fatigue or freshness, physical pain and general health) in the group of mindful motherhood which is based on the Islamic Iranian culture improved meaningfully in comparison with the other two groups.Discussion and Conclusion: As mindful motherhood training programs effect on the qualiy of pregnant women's life, health centers and related experts should pay attention to these types of psychological interventions in addition to general cares of pregnancy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (25)
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Introductoin: Adolescence is a critical period during human growth. According to McMaster model, Family functions such as problem solving, communication, roles, emotional involvement, cognitive participation and behavior control play an important role in this critical period. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of family function in depression and anxiety of teenagers.Method: In this correlation descriptive study, Statistical sample was consisted of 180 girl teenagers who were selected through cluster sampling. The girls were studying at first, second and third grade of high school. Demographic Information Form, McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), and Cattle anxiety scale were used for collecting data.Results: The finding of the study showed that teenagers with anxiety and depression report dysfunctional family functions in subscales such as problem solving, cognitive response, emotional involvement, and behavior control in comparison with healthy teenagers. The results of multivariate regression analysis indicated that the subscales of emotional involvement and behavior control play the most important role in predicting depression in teenagers (p<0.01).Discussion and conclusion: This study shows that anxiety and depression is related with dysfunctional family functioning of teenagers. Therefore, psychotherapist should be aware of this effect during the treatment teenagers with anxiety and depression, and emphasize on the relationship between the teenagers and their family.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (25)
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Introductoin: Obtaining identity is one of the major developmental challenges which prepare the teenager for entering the next stage of development. Therefore, it is important to identify the areas in which teenager Obtain identity or fail to face this challenge. This research was done based on the dimensions of attachment styles, schema domain, and self-differentiation to predict the identity styles.Method: For this purpose 300 high school boy students who were in third grade selected from high schools of Robat Karim city in 2012 by multi stage random cluster sampling. They were tested by identity styles inventory (ISI), Skowron differentiation of self-inventory (DSI), schema questionnaire and a short form of Young (YSQ-SF), Hazan and Shaver attachment scale Identity questionnaire. Research data were analyzed by multivariate regression and Pearson correlation test with the help of SPSS-17 software.Results: The results of current study showed that from predictive variables, the domains of disconnection and rejection, safe attachment, impaired autonomy and performance predict the information identity, and domains of directedness domains and fusion with others predict the normative identity style. Moreover, disconnection and rejection domain, safe attachment style and self I- position are the best predictors of diffuse-avoidant identity style. Finally self I- position and safe attachment style predict the Commitment identity.Discussion and Conclusion: According to results of the present study about successful gaining of identity there should be a special attention to the early environment of the child. Therefore most of the effects of child and parent relationship transfer into adolescence and adulthood.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introductoin: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of filial play therapy on social- emotional skills in 5 t0 6 year old preschool girls of Isfahan.Method: The design of the research was semi-experimental, pre-test, and post-test with control group. Statistical population was all of preschool girls of Isfahan in 2014-2015 academic year that 94 children replied to social- emotional questionnaire and 30 children were selected as sample using multi-stage random sampling who obtained lowest score in this questionnaire. Subjects were categorized in two 15-person experimental and control groups. Research tools was social-emotional skills screening questionnaire (translated by Miller, 1977). The mothers of experimental group participated in eight 2-hour sessions of filial play therapy intervention. Data were analyzed for statistical analysis of covariance test by using SPSS-17 software.Results: Results indicated that Filial play therapy in the post-test significantly increased social- emotional skills in preschool girls (p<0.05).Discussion and Conclusion: This research applied mainly for increasing the level of socio-emotional skills of children in training center and generally in the society. This method is proposed to specialists in the field of children because it can be used to reduce behavioral problems in children and enhance proper social behavior and control emotions in children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introductoin: Nowadays Facebook is known as one of the most prominent social networking sites. Several factors including the personality and individual motivations can be effective in manner and extent of using this social networking site by users.Method: This study was designed to investigate the role of users' personality and motivational factors in using Facebook. Participants were 540 members of the Facebook users who were selected as sample using voluntary sampling method. All subjects replied to electronic forms of NEO-Five Factor Inventory and motivation measurement questionnaire and performance of Facebook users Semnan. Data were analyzed by Canonical Correlation Method.Results: Results showed that the higher levels of neuroticism and low levels of conscientiousness more than interchangeable/group and communication functions were used. The higher levels of neuroticism and low levels of agreeableness were related to the higher levels of motivation of escape from reality and habit. The higher levels of self-expression, communicational motivations and escape from reality were related to communicational, interchangeable, group and news functions and getting information.Discussion and Conclusion: Motivation and personality characteristics of Iranian users can be raised as the predictive factors of their performances on Facebook.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introductoin: The main objective of theories of family therapy is focused on marital conflicts. Nevertheless marital conflicts still remains a complicated subject. Structural Family Therapy is a fundamental approach among family systemic theories that emphasize on creating a healthy organizational hierarchy in the family system. In system theory, conflict is considered as any dispute over the authority sources between the couples. Attribution styles and social well-being has attracted much attention in the family therapy researches.Method: The design of the research was quasi-experimental. A total of 25 females with severe marital conflict were selected as sample using simple random sampling and these subjects were categorized two experimental and control groups. The independent variable was Minuchin's structural family therapy. Research tools were marital conflict, attribution styles and social well-being which completed by subjects in the pretest-posttest and follow-up.Results: The results of Friedman test and repeated measures showed that Minuchin's structural family therapy approach effectively and significantly reduced marital conflict. It increased the social coherence which is one of the five subscales of social well-being and also increased significantly stability attribution style and CPCN attribution style (combined positive score minus combined negative score) in females.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introductoin: Self-regulated learning is a belief that indicates when and how a person learn. The purpose of present research was to investigate the relationship between self-regulated learning and parenting style as well as learning style in students and determine the role of parenting style and learning style in predicting self-regulated learning.Method: In this research, 313 female students were selected as sample using multi-stage cluster sampling. The subjects replied to all the items of Kolb's Learning Styles Inventory (KLSI), Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), and Self-Regulated Learning Interview Schedule (SRLIS) (Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1986). Data are analyzed by using Pearson correlation method and Stepwise Regression Model.Results: The results showed that authoritative parenting style predicts with self-regulated learning variance 0.05 and abstract conceptualization learning style predicts self-regulated learning variance 0.08. Accordingly, among the studied variables, authoritative parenting owns the greatest share in visualizing self-regulation learning.Discussion and Conclusion: The present research emphasizes learning style and parenting style in self-regulated learning process.

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Introduction: The purpose of this research was to investigate the structural model of the relationship between narcissistic personality and vulnerable attachment with bullying and psychological capital.Method: The design of the research was correlation and the statistical population was all of telecommunications company employees in Tehran while 345 employees were selected as sample using simple random sampling. Research tools included psychological capital questionnaire (Golparvar & Vaseghi, 2011), researcher made bullying questionnaire, vulnerable attachment styles questionnaire (Bifulco et al, 2006) and narcissistic personality inventory (Ames et al, 2003). Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling (SEM).Results: Results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that vulnerable attachment has direct and significant relationship with bullying and bullying along with narcissistic personality has direct and significant relationship with psychological capital. The results also showed that bullying is a complete mediator variable on the relationship between vulnerable attachments with psychological capital.Discussion and Conclusion: The results of this study showed that vulnerable attachment along with narcissistic personality and bullying can directly and indirectly undermines the psychological capital in humans.

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Introductoin: The purpose of present research was to design Existential anxiety questionnaire (death, freedom, loneliness and meaninglessness) and investigate its validity and reliability. The research design was exploratory study of instrumentation and validity assessment.Method: This research consisted of three stages. The first stage was to investigate the theoretical foundations and conceptual frameworks of existential anxiety. The second stage was to construct a Questionnaire for Existential Anxiety and evaluate its content validity and the third stage involved expanding validation and assessing reliability of questionnaire. To evaluate the validity and reliability, 505 employees and students of 5 Tehran universities were selected as sample using multi-stage cluster sampling. Research tools included Demoralization scale (translated by Naghiyayi and Bahmani, 2013) and Collett- Lester Death Anxiety scale (1990) that estimate concurrent and convergent validity and Existential Anxiety Questionnaire. All the subjects replied to two scales.Results: Findings showed that according to 10 expert opinions, Concurrent validity was. 0.95 by ICC and Concurrent validity and convergent validity was obtained 0.82 and 0.95, respectively. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Varimax factor rotation indicated Questionnaire theoretical structure consists of 4 factors that factors nominated according to theoretical base. Confirmatory factor analysis also indicated the goodness of fit for these factors.  Furthermore the Cronbach's alpha and test-retest reliability was 0.82 and 0.86, respectively.Discussion and Conclusion: It can be concluded that a standard Questionnaire with 29 items and 4 subscales is available for evaluating Existential Anxiety in Persian.

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Until the mid-twentieth century, it was thought that complaint of pain has physical or psychological origins. From this time onwards, a large number of researches analyzed the correctness of pain concept and gradually changed the concept of pain. Today, according to theoretical and research resources, regardless of its type, duration and severity, pain is conceptualized as a bio-psychosocial phenomenon that consists of emotional states and motivational, learning, brain circuits and neuroplasticity. The experience of pain in understanding of pain generally and in chronic pain specially is too important. Based on these findings there is no longer place for the old attitude that pain has physical or psychological origins. This article attempts to show the historical development of changing the concept pain over time.

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