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In order to investigate the effect of long-term application of Municipal Solid Waste Compostand chemical fertilizer on concentration of macro elements (N, P and K) in the soil and rice, an experiment was carried out as a randomized complete blocks design with three replications and 14 fertilizer treatments in 2014. Fertilizer treatments included the control (without fertilizer and organic fertilizer), fertilizer treatments (based on the soil analysis), and treatments of 15, 30 and 45 tons of municipal solid waste compost per hectare as simple form along with 1.4, 2.4 and 3.4 of chemical fertilizer. Results showed that 7-year application of municipal solid waste compost increased significantly the concentration of some macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in soil and rice grain compared with the control treatment (P<0.01). The highest concentration of macro elements in soil was obtained in 45 tons of municipal solid waste compost plus 75% fertilizer treatment, which showed 73.68% increase in nitrogen concentration, 230% increase in the concentration of phosphorus and 30.74% increase in potassium concentration in comparison to the control treatment. The highest concentration of potassium element in rice grain was obtained 45 tons in municipal solid waste compost plus 75% fertilizer treatment. The lowest concentration of macro elements was in soil and rice in the control treatment and chemical fertilizer. Finally, Municipal Solid waste compost can be combined for fertilizer to increase the concentration of some macro elements in soil and rice.

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Regarding to a few studies on odorant compounds of cut flowers, a pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of salicylic acid (0, 1.5 and 2.25 mM) and a-aminooxi-b-phenyl propionic acid (0, 1.5 and 3 mM) as promoter and specific inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase enzyme, respectively, on tuberose “double” basis on completely randomized design with four replications. According to the results, relative water content, cell membrane stability and vase life were significantly affected by foliar application (P<0.01). The a-aminooxi-b-phenyl propionic acid (3mM) and salicylic acid treatments (1.5 mM) increased the vase life about 68 and 34% compared with control. Post-harvest collection and analysis of tuberose floral scent was conucted using headspace system and GC-MS technique and 37 different compounds were detected. Methyl benzoate, benzyl benzoate, pentacosane and methyl salicylate were the most important odorant compounds of cut tuberose respectively. a-aminooxi-b-phenyl propionic acid treatment increased benzyl benzoate and pentacosane whereby decreased methyl benzoate and methyl salicylate amount, which were opposite to salicylic acid effect. Results showed that the Promoter and inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase enzyme activity increased and decreased total amount of cut tuberose scent, respectively.

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In order to study the effect of Oxadiargyl (Topstar) reduced dosages efficacy as a postemergence herbicide, on marketable yield, a field experiment factorial was performed besed on randomized complete block design with three replications and potato's cultivar called Agria in the Ardabil Alarog Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Station during 2013. Factores were Oxadiargyl dosages with seven levels (0 as weedy, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 Lit a.i/ha), and application time of Oxadiargyl at different potato growth stages, in three levels (Potato emergence, Stoloning and Potato tuber bulking) with weed free. Statistical analysis showed that 0.8 Lit a.i/ha Oxadiargyl reduced weed biomass 66.16% and it hadn’t significant with 0.6 Lit a.i/ha. Among application time of Oxadiargyl, potato emergence produced the maximum reduction percentage of weed biomass. The results showed that 0.8 Lit a.i/ha increased percent of medium tuber and total tuber yield 88.21 and 51.59%, respectively and decreased percent of small tuber 45.60 percent. According to the results, maximum percent of large tuber and marketable yield was 0.8 Lit a.i/ha at potato emergence stage.

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This research was conducted to study the effects of soil and foliar applications of humic acid on the growth and flowering characteristics and nutrient uptake of Rosa chinensis var. minima ‘Baby Masquerade’ as a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with two factors: four concentrations of humic acid (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg.l-1) and two application methods (drench and spray) with three replications and two observations in the research greenhouse of Urmia University in 2014-2015. The results indicated a significant effect of humic acid on the growth traits (such as fresh and dry weight of leaf and stem diameter), flowering characteristics (such as the number and diameter of buds and flower diameter) and nutrient uptake of Rosa chinensis var. minima ‘Baby Masquerade’. The results showed that soil application of 2000 mg l-1 humic acid caused to high absorption of nitrogen (8.425 µg/per pot) and iron (8.12476 µg/per pot) in the plant, but the absorption of Zn was not affected by the concentrations of humic acid. High Cu absorption was observed in 1000 mg l-1humic acid (46.342 µg/ pots). The absorption of Mn and K was high in 1000 mg l-1 HA. As a result, application of humic acid in plants caused to enhance some essential elements absorption and plants growth.

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In order to evaluate grain yield and fatty acids in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) oil as affected by intercropping with corn (Zea mays L.) and different nitrogen rates, an experiment was carried out during 2014-15 cropping season as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Rasht, Iran. Different rates of nitrogen fertilizer including 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg/ha as main plots and sole cropping of corn and peanut, rows of corn and peanut intercropping at ratio of 1: 1, 2: 1, 1: 2 and 2: 2 as sub plots, comprised the experimental factors. The highest corn grain yield (10540 kg/ha) was obtained under the interaction effect between 200 kg N/ha and C6 intercropping system by the ratio of 2: 2. The interaction effect between 100 kg N/ha and C5 intercropping system by the ratio of 1: 2 showed the greatest peanut grain yield (1786 kg/ha). By increment of nitrogen application, the rate of oleic acid decreased in peanut oil, but the content of linoleic acid enhanced. The highest ratio of oleic acid (27.31%) was observed under corn and peanut intercropping systems at the ratio of 2: 1. In general, nitrogen application up to 100 kg/ha and intercropping systems between corn and peanut at the ratio of 2: 1 could be recomendable to improve land equivalent ratio and enhancement of grain yield and peanut oil quality under the climatic condition of region.

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In order to determinate the optimum combination of barley with fenugreek in intercropping under cow manure levels, an experiment was conducted as split plot based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications at the research farm of Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Khouzestan during growing season of 2014-15. In this study, four manure levels (0, 12, 24 and 36 t.ha-1) were placed in the main plots, and eight levels of replacing and increasing ratios of intercropped cultures including 75% barley + 25% fenugreek, 50% barley + 50% fenugreek, 25% barley + 75% fenugreek, 100% barley + 16.6% fenugreek, 100% barley + 33.3% fenugreek, 100% barley + 50% fenugreek and pure cultures of both plant were placed in sub-plots. The results showed that the highest barley dry forage yield (2850 kg.h-1) was obtained from treatment of Sole barley by application of 36 ton.ha-1 manure, also the highest fenugreek dry forage yield (1633.33 kg.h-1) was obtained from treatment of Sole fenugreek by application of 24 ton.ha-1 manure. According to the highest System Productivity Index (SPI = 2933.29) from two treatment of 100% barley + 50% fenugreek and 100% barley + 33.3% fenugreek by application 36 ton.ha-1 manure, An increase of culture at  36 ton.ha-1 of manure was the best composition in the present experiment. Also the Land equivalent ratio and aggressivity index was obtained in increasing ratios of intercropped cultures and with application of 36 ton.ha-1 manure more than one. Therefore, in this study, barley and fenugreek were introduced two species compatible combinations of intercropping.

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This experiment was conducted to examine the effect of sowing date and different combinations of ajwain and isabgol intercropping on the grain yield, yield components, ajwain essential oil yield, weed control, and the mucilage percent of isabgol as split plot based on RCBD with three replications in Zabol University research farm in 2013. The main factors included two sowing dates of January 09 and February 08. The six additive cropping patterns including sole cropping of ajwain, sole cropping of isabgol, 25% isabgol + 100% ajwain, 50% isabgol + 100% ajwain, 75% isabgol + 100% ajwain, 100%  isabgol + 100% ajwain comprising subplot. The results revealed that delayed sowing led to significant increase in ajwain essential oil percentage, however, seed and biological yield, essential oil yield and 1000-seed weight of ajwain decreased by 12.31, 13.7, 0.5 and 35.1%, respectively. In addition, sowing delaying did not have significantly impact on grain and biological yield of isabgol. Intercropping patterns significantly reduced yield and yield components of both crops. The highest seed yield of ajwain (2309 kg.ha-1) and isabgol (539 kg.ha-1) were obtained in sole cropping. The lowest dry weight of weeds was obtained from the planting date of January and cropping pattern of 100% isabgol + 100% ajwain. The highest LER was observed in cropping patterns of 50 and 75 of isabgol + 100% ajwain, that it is indicated yield advantage in intercropping over monocropping.

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In order to evaluate the effect of integrated plant nutrient management, an experiment was conducted with different fertilizer treatments in a randomized complete block design with six treatments in five replicates (each replicate contains a date palm tree) in Abadan during 2010-13. Treatments were mineral fertilizer, 50% of mineral fertilizer + organic fertilizer, 25% of mineral fertilizer + organic fertilizer + organic sulfur, 25% of mineral fertilizer + organic fertilizer +  powdery sulfur, 25% of mineral fertilizer + organic fertilizer+ organic sulfur+ mulch, 25 mineral fertilizer + organic fertilizer + powdery sulfur +  mulch. The results showed that different fertilizer treatments had significant effect on the yield (P<0.01) and bunch weight (P<0.05) but there is no significant effect on fruit set, percentage of fruit falling, number, length and width of the spathe. Quantitative characteristics of fruits including fresh and dry weight, volume, length and diameter of fruit, weight, length and diameter of seed and pulp to seed ratio also qualitative characteristics of fruit include reducing sugar, total sugar, pH, titratable acidity, Brix, moisture, phosphorus and potassium had no significant effect.

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In order to evaluate the effect of different culture media on chemical and quantitative characteristics of Marigold, an experiment was conducted in completely randomized design with eight treatments and three replications in Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan) branch during the year of 2014. The treatments were including garden soil, garden soil + spent mushroom compost, garden soil + spent mushroom compost + rice bran, garden soil + spent mushroom compost + rice bran + manure, garden soil + rice bran, garden soil + rice bran + manure, garden soil + spent mushroom compost + manure, garden soil + manure. The results showed that increasing manure in various treatments enhanced carotenoids and anthocyanin in Marigold, so that the highest carotenoids and anthocyanin was observed in the combined treatment of manure, but adding rice bran and garden soil alone reduced carotenoids and anthocyanin in Marigold. The effect of the combined media (garden soil + spent mushroom compost + rice bran + manure) increased content of leaf flaveonoids, but absent of manure and mushroom compost significantly decreased them. The chemical compositions of Marigold were Delta-Cadinene, Gamma-Cadinene and Phthalic acid. The highest Delta-Cadinene obtained from spent mushroom compost + garden soil + manure medium.

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Energy efficiency is an important index for evaluating the sustainability of cropping systems. Therefore, the effect of supplemental irrigation on grain yield and energy efficiency of barley was evaluated under dry land farming system. The experiment had two treatments (with and without supplemental irrigation at flowering stage) and seven replications. Grain yield was evaluated by measuring grain yield, spike per unit area, grain per spike, 1000-grain weight, biological yield and harvest index. Energy efficiency of the system was evaluated by calculating input energy and output energy of the system used for measuring energy ratio and net output energy indices. Results indicated that supplemental irrigation at flowering stage, increased barley grain yield from 1523.56 to 2259.29 kg.ha-1 affected by grain number per spike, since 1000-grain weight and spike per unit area were not significantly affected by supplemental irrigation. Total energy input of barley dry land farming was 29812 MJ.ha-1. Supplemental irrigation was resulted in 683 MJ.ha-1 energy addition to cropping system. However, because of 48 percent increasing in grain yield resulted in 10819 MJ.ha-1 energy output of the system, which increased energy ratio and net output energy to 45 percent and 10133 MJ.ha-1, respectively. Therefore, a supplemental irrigation at flowering stage, addition to increasing of grain yield, can improve energy efficiency of barley dry land farming system.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of water potential and temperature on seed germination rate of lemon balm (Mellissa officinalis L.). The seeds were incubated in various temperatures of 20, 23, 25, 27, 30 and 32ºC and water potentials of 0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa in three replications. This study was conducted in Seed Laboratory, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran in Karaj in 2015. Data were analyzed using combined statistical design in a completely randomized design in several places. Segmented function was evaluated to describe cardinal temperatures. The base, optimum and ceiling temperatures of lemon balm were 17.30, 30.9 and 35ºC under optimum conditions of water potential, respectively. The base temperature increased gradually with decreasing water potential and increased to 21.25oC in -0.8 MPa water potential. The optimum temperature decreased to about 28°C by decreasing water potential to -0.6 MPa. Lemon balm seeds did not germinated in 5, 10, 15 and 35°C in any moisture levels. The R2 value of hydrothermal time model was 0.55. The hydrothermal value was 71.41 MPa oday and According to this model seed germination of lemon balm needs to 71.41 MPa oday. The results can be used for future studies on the seed biology and ecology of lemon balm.

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In order to study the effects of tillage systems and wheat residue levels on soil physical, chemical and biological characteristics a randomized complete block design arranged in split block with three replications was set in research farm of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2013-2014 growing season. Four different tillage systems (disk, mouldboard plough + disk, sweep plough + disk and chisel plough + disk) as vertical factor were employed in combination with five different crop residue applications (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent wheat residue) as horizontal factor. Due to soil sampling in April (2013), November (2013) and June (2014), data were analysed as split block in time. According to the results, the lowest total nitrogen (0.094%), available phosphorus (12.50 mg/kg) and organic carbon (0.52%) were observed when mouldboard plough was applied, while the highest values were obtained using chisel plough followed by disk. Irrespective of sampling time, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium as well as organic carbon significantly increased with increasing wheat residue application. Furthermore, crop residue application caused significant reduction in soil pH (up to 0.45 unit) and improved microbial biomass and activity (by 20.6%).

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Effect of complementary irrigation during reproductive growth stage on grain yield, percent and yield of oil and energy efficiency of rapeseed was evaluated in a dry land farming system. Experiment was conducted with three treatments (without complementary irrigation, one complementary irrigation during flowering and two complementary irrigations during flowering and grain filling periods) and three replications. Results indicated that silique number, grain number per silique, 1000-grain weight, biological yield, harvest index, percent and yield of oil were significantly (P£0.01) improved by complementary irrigation. One and two complementary irrigation improved grain yield by 56 and 91 percent, respectively. Oil percent increased by one and two complementary irrigation from 32.18 to 35.0 and 37.22 percent, suggesting the improvement of oil yield up to 43 and 75 percent, respectively. Total energy input of barley dry land farming was 29007 MJ.ha-1, where the height input energy was belong to fertilizer. Supplemental irrigations increased input energy of the system. However, 488 and 789 kg/ha increasing in grain yield of one and two complementary irrigations resulted in 10596 (56 percent) and 17121 (91 percent) MJ.ha-1 of energy output of the system, respectively, suggesting supplemental irrigation can improve energy efficiency of rapeseed dry land farming system.

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In order to preserving of button mushroom during storage, an experiment was carried out through a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design. In this research the effect of calcium ascorbate (0, 0.4 and 0.8 percent) and hot water treatment (45°C) was investigated on qualitative characteristics such as weight loss, firmness, vitamin C, total phenol, polyphenol oxidase activity (PPO) and color parameters. After treatment, mushrooms were kept at 1 ± 0.5°C and 90% relative humidity and then qualitative characteristics were evaluated after 0, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days. The results showed that calcium ascorbate associated with heat treatment had significant effects on weight loss, firmness, color parameters and PPO activity. The effect of time on all parameters in statistical level 1% and the interaction effect of treatment and time on weight loss, color parameters and PPO activity were significant. The best results in preserving mushroom quality appeared to be obtained from 0.8% calcium ascorbate with heat treatment.

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Potassium is a very important plant nutrient not only because of its large demand, but also because of its important physiological and biological functions in plant. Therefore, understanding of soil potassium status can lead to better use of potassium fertilizers. This study was done to evaluate 10 extractants for estimating available potassium for pistachio in 28 calcareous soils of Rafsanjan in a completely randomized design with three replications in greenhouse conditions in Vali-e-Asr university of Rafsanjan in 2014. Potassium was extracted by 1 M NH4OAc, 0.01 M CaCl2,2 M NaCl, 0.1 M HNO3, boiling 1 M HNO3, distilled water, 1M NaOAc, Mehlich1, Mehlich3 and DTPA-NH4HcO3.The results showed that extraction of K decreased in the order: boiling 1 M HNO3> 2 M NaCl > 1M NaOAc > Mehlich3> 1 M NH4OAc > 0.1 M HNO3> DTPA-NH4HcO3> Mehlich1> 0.01 M CaCl2> distilled water. 1M NaOAc was selected as the most suitable extractant for potassium in calcareous soils of Rafsanjan on its high correlation with leaf and shoot K concentration. Multiple regression equations indicated that potassium extracted from the soil dependent to different physical and chemical properties of soil such as amount of clay and cation exchange capacity.

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In order to understand the current status of apple orchards and their suitability to the organic principles, this research was conducted in 11 main apple growing sites in Urmia during 2008-2011. An analytical and descriptive research method was used to collect necessary data through interview, observations as well as by random distribution of questionnaires with 44 variables among 366 apple growers. Frequency distribution, correlation and multivariate analysis of variance was used for analysis of data. There were significant differences between and within sites in terms of all variables. Suitability of apple orchards to the organic principles was determined 30-80 percent in terms of membership in cooperatives, orchard area, second job, working time, tendency of growers to organic, orchard fertilization, access to river water, soil depth, pesticide usage and orchard floor management. Considering 91.8 percent of orchards located in plains as well as mismanagement of the apple orchards, especially in view of the severity of pruning and shoots over-growth and flood irrigation, the whole region showed lower suitability for organic production. A significant negative correlation (r=-0.12) was observed between education level and the tendency of growers towards organic production, indicating lack of organic educations among growers. Based on the results, production of organic apple in some elevated parts of the region is possible and its successfulness depends on supplementary studies in terms of defining standards, contraction with growers as well as continuous monitoring on the production and marketing process.

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In this study the pomological characteristics and antioxidant compounds of 13 genotypes of ber fruit collected from the Hormozgan province were evaluated. Ber fruits harvested at commercial maturity stage and their quantitative and qualitative characteristics were studied. The results showed that there is a significant difference between ber genotypes for these traits. The highest fruit and flesh weight, fruit diameter and fruit flesh percentage was related to genotype G3. The highest fruits and seeds were belonged to genotype G11. The level of total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and TSS/TA ratio were higher respectively in the G9, G3 and G10 genotypes than others. Biochemical measurement results showed that the total phenolics and flavonoids content and antioxidant capacity of fruits is the highest in the genotype G5, while the highest amount of vitamin C obtained from genotype G4. Amount of catechin and quercetin of flavonoids were maximum, respectively in the genotypes G3 and G10. Positive correlation was observed between the amount of antioxidant activity with vitamin C, total phenolics and flavonoids content of ber fruit genotypes. Overall, the results of this study demonstrated that sensory attributes in the G10 and quantitative properties and antioxidant compounds in G3 genotype were higher and ber could be cultivated as a fruit with high nutritional values in the appropriate areas.

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Conventional tillage systems have harmful effects on soil structure. To evaluate the performance of different methods of tillage on yield and growth characteristics of some autumn chickpea an experiment carried out in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications as split plot arrangement at the University of Tehran experimental farm in Karaj in 2012. In this study the effect of three conventional tillage, minimum tillage and no tillage were investigated on three chickpea cultivars yield included Arman, Hashem and ILC-482. Coincides with the planting of seeds, superphosphate fertilizer was added to the soil at the rate of 150 kg.h-1. The results of this study showed that the highest emergence percentage was related to conventional tillage, but since the pea plant is indeterminate, increasing the yield component like seeds per pod, number of pods per plant and seed weight in Hashem and Arman cultivars, led to better performance in minimum tillage compared with conventional tillage and no-till. Hashem and Arman cultivars hade the highest yield in tillage systems compared to other treatments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study was carried out to examine the effects of drought stress on cotton leaf characteristics and its yield during 2014. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse and field conditions at Garmsar agricultural research station. The experimental design was RCBD with 3 replications arranged in split plots. Main plots and subplots designated to water stress levels and genotypes, respectively. In greenhouse, water stress decreased RWC and Excised Leaf Water Loss (ELWL). RWC of genotypes No.221, Aria, Narabri, and Sepid was higher than the others. ELWL of Aria, K8801 and K8802 was more than other genotypes whichalso their RWC was higher. ELWL of Varamin and Sahel cultivars were the lowest. At field conditions, the effects of 9, 12, 18, 24 and 30 day irrigation intervals after first flower stage, on yields of these cultivars were studied. Nine days intervals increased the yield of Varamin, Khordad and K8801 but their difference was not statistically significant. At fourth and fifth irrigation intervals,the yield of all genotypes decreased. 18 days intervals lead to yield loss too, but, because of insignificant decrease and for efficient use of water, it can be recommended that after normal irrigation from planting to first flower, to irrigate of cotton at 18 day intervals. Extension of K8801 can reduce water use and may help to permanent production.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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By considering short shelf life time of nectarine fruit and the importance of postharvest physiology, In order to study the effect of nano-packaging with hot water treatment to maintain qualitative characterestics and increase the storage life of nectarines cv. ‘Sunglo‘ an experiment was carried out in 2014. The experiment was designed in a CRBD (completely randomized block design) based on factorial with three replications and fruits qualitative characterestics every 10 days, during 40 days storage with 0-1C0 temperature, 90-95 percent RH were measured. The results showed that nano-packaging caused to maintain the vitamin C, titratable acidity and total soluble solids, and also nano-packaging compared to conventional packaging on weight loss, color quality and increasing browning was not significant effect. The amount of pH was decreased during 30 days of storage, then was increased to 40 days. The peroxidase enzyme activity increased with time, but this process in nano-packaging less than control treatment. The flavor index and carotenoids increased with time, but this process was significant decrease in carotenoids during 40 days of storage. Decrease in fruit firmness over time within 30 days of treatment with nano-packaging is lower. The results showed that nano packaging can be a suitable method to increasing the shelf life and maintain quality of nectarine fruit cv. ‘Sunglo‘.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Planting of various crops in intercropping may change the amount of nutrients uptake by plants because of morphological and physiological differences in roots. In order to investigate the metal micronutrients uptake of the crops in cereals-legume intercropping a field experiment was performed in 2014-2015 in the College of Agriculture of Darab, Shiraz University. Treatments included 10 monoculture (wheat, barley, triticale, pea and bean with and without weeds) and 6 intercropping (wheat + pea, wheat + faba bean, barley + pea, barley + faba bean, triticale + pea and triticale + faba bean with weeds) which laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Results showed that the treatments had a significant effect on the uptake of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn by plants so that the highest content of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in cereals was obtained in weed-free monoculture triticale (353.2 ppm), barley+faba bean intercropping (20.18 ppm), wheat+faba bean intercropping (23.59 ppm) and weed-free wheat monoculture (28.22 ppm). The highest content of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn in legumes was obtained in wheat+faba bean intercropping (673.1 ppm), barley+pea intercropping (26.24 ppm), triticale+faba bean intercropping (28.33 ppm) and weed-free faba bean monoculture (32.26 ppm). The ranking of micronutrients uptake by crops and weeds was Fe˃Mn˃Zn.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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