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Razavizadeh Tabadkan Bibi Zohreh | JAJARMI MAHMOOD | VAKILI YAGHOOB

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Introduction: The present study has been performed for investigating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) on depression, rumination and perceived stress in women with type 2 diabetes. Methods: The research design was a semi-experimental study with unit-variable pre-test and post-test with control group. The sample consisted of 30 diabetic women the members of Public Sport Association of North Khorasan in 2017 were assigned to experimental (mindfulness-based cognitive therapy) and control group, randomly. The patients of experimental group to attended mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in the 8 sessions 120 minutes per week. Participants in the study responded to tools including Beck Depression Inventory-2nd edition, Ruminative Responses Scale and Perceived Stress Scale in pretest and posttest. Results: The results of Single-variable covariance analysis demonstrated that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy significantly decreased depression (P= 0. 0007), rumination (P= 0. 085) and perceived stress (P= 0. 0001) in experimental group in post-test and these changes were significant in the experimental group compared to the control group. Conclusions: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy decreased depression, ruminative and perceived stress in diabetic women.

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Introduction: Considering that in the past the cost of goods government organizations based on traditional systems run constantly one of the objectives of each organization, costing and provide quality services in the competitive environment is, therefore, of the cost of services for achieving this goal it is necessary that the main aim of the costs of the MRI Imam Ali Bojnoord by ABC was conducted in 1394. Methods: This study was applied and it was based on field activities to determine the cost of providing a service unit in the MRI Imam Ali Bojnoord in 1394 was calculated using Activity Based Costing. Results: It was determined that the cost of the MRI section of Imam Ali Hospital in 1394 is 7344580013 Rials, of which 36. 7% is equal to 2. 695. 505. 232 Rials related to manpower costs, 15. 5% equal to 1. 138. 478. 240 Rials Due to the cost of materials and consumables, 42. 4 percent, equivalent to 3. 112. 823. 741 Rials for depreciation and equipment costs, 5. 4 percent, equivalent to 397, 772, 800 Rials, refer to overhead costs, which resulted in the expense of a service unit in this section amounts to 796, 506 Rials and the difference of one income unit to 1, 014, 482 Rials, this section will earn $ 217, 976 per share for providing a service unit. Conclusions: Which is related to the cost of depreciation, with 42. 4 percent of the cost of the sector, recently, in our country, new units are being established because the cost of the equipment used is high, and so it is not possible to lose the expected part of the sector.

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Introduction: Anxiety before surgery can have a different effect on children and their families and affect the treatment process. Previous studies have shown that the use of non-medical techniques (watching cartoons and playing) has a beneficial effect on children's anxiety in comparison with pharmacological methods. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of two methods of playing and watching cartoons on reduction of child anxiety immediately before the onset of anesthesia. Methods: A semi-experimental study was conducted on three groups (cartoon watching, playing and control) in 90 children aged 3 to 6 years old who were candidates for Tansilectomy (30 patients each) at Vali-e-Asr Hospital in Birjand during the winter of 2013. The data were analyzed by Yale Anxiety Inventory before and after the intervention and analyzed by t-test, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Tukey and analysis of variance by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The mean of anxiety of the subjects before intervention was not significant in different groups (P = 0. 7) but after intervention (immediately before anesthesia), it was significant (P = 0. 02). The mean of anxiety before and after intervention in the play group was P = 0. 03, Cartoon, P = 0. 0001 and control P = 0. 1 respectively. Tukey's post hoc test for the difference between the groups indicated that the mean of anxiety was significantly lower in the cartoon group (P <0. 001). Conclusions: Playing and watching cartoons plays an effective role in controlling the anxiety of children before anesthesia. Therefore, it is recommended that the surgical and operating rooms of the children be provided with the conditions and facilities necessary for the implementation of these procedures.

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Introduction: One of the most common abnormalities of learning is dysgraphia, which refers to a serious defect in mechanical writing skills. Children with dysgraphia may not be able to perform the actions required to write or transfer information within the hearing or vision to exercise and poorly performing in cognitive skills such as organization, attention and memory. Evidence suggests that active memory plays a crucial role in learning and performing complex cognitive tasks, including writing. In addition, regular exercise is considered as a key indicator of improving cognitive performance of individuals. Learning written skills through enhanced motor skills, which affects performance, motor schema and information processing and improves cognitive processes such as memory. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of motor exercises on active memory, writing skill and motor efficiency in children with dysgraphia. Methods: The research is a pre-test and post-test with a control group. The study population included all 3rd to 5th grade male students with a dysgraphia that had been introduced to the center of learning disability due to issues in the formal education process for the teachers in the classroom, and the specialists of the organization identified these people as having a dysgraphia. In order to performance of research, 32 male students from 3rd to 5th grade students with dysgraphia were selected through available sampling. The Minnesota handwriting skill test was then used to accurately identify students with dysgraphia (handwriting test results are also recorded as pre-test), and the Ravens color intelligence test was taken from the students (IQ above 90). They were then randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Then, each group was evaluated using Lincoln-Oseretsky for measuring motor skills and Wechsler's numerical memory test for evaluation of active memory. The exercise program included aerobic exercises, which lasted for 3 consecutive sessions each week for 12 weeks, 45 minutes per week. The training program included 5 to 10 minutes of warming, 25 minutes of aerobic exercises (step by step, step 7, rhythmic play) and 5 minutes of cool down. 48 hours after the last training session in the same conditions with the control group. From all cases, the numerical memory test for active memory measurement and the Minnesota handwriting skill test were used to examine the skills of handwriting (writing) and the Linck-Ozeretsky motor efficiency test to measure motor efficiency. Results: The results confirmed the Covariance analysis was used to analyze the data (P≤ 0. 5). The results showed that after a rhythmic exercise period, the values of motor efficiency and active memory significantly increased, the findings also showed that rhythmic exercises had a positive effect on the skills of handwriting in students with dysgraphia. On the other hand, the results showed there is a significant relationship between active memory with scores of motor skills and writing skill. The results of handwriting regression analysis in terms of memory components and the Linck-Ozeretsky motor growth components showed that about 48 percent of the handwriting changes can be explained by the memory scores and the Linck-Ozersky growth test scores. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that motor skills may improve information processing and improve active memory and improve the writing scores in children with dysgraphia due to improving motor efficiency and motor – sensitive coordination. Using these exercises improves the coordination of the eyes and hands, motion sequences, physical schemas and information processing. Learning written skills is effective and feasible by performing reinforced motor skills that enhance the performance of the child. The use of such training can enhance learning and motor efficiency, improve the writing and improve the active memory of children with dysgraphia. These findings can be explained by the underlying mechanisms of brain plasticity. The hypothesis of human brain plasticity suggests that if the less active regions involved in the learning disorder are stimulated appropriately and repeatedly, these changes will remain stable due to changes that are supposed to be made in the structure of the neurons.

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jorkesh sara | NAZARI RASOOL

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Introduction: New considerations have been appeared because the number of elderlies has been increased. Since the disabilities of elderly period are become more prevalent as the age increases, in this situation the role of sport becomes more prominent for keeping the elderlies healthy and improving their social joy. Present study has been done in order to advance the elderly sport in Iran. Methods: This study has been done by the systematic grounded theory. These people are scholars and specialists in sport sciences, psychologists, social workers, sociologists, nurses, the managers of sanity offices, the Welfare Organization and the social council of municipality. The purposeful and theoretical sampling were selected for semi-structured interviews. Interviews continued until theoretical saturation. Data simultaneously collected data were analyzed using Strauss & Corbin. Data validation criteria recommended by Lincoln & Guba was confirmed. Results: The results show that 276 basic conceptual statements with 11 primary categories and 50 secondary categories in paradigm model form were identified. The paradigm model includes: causal conditions (3 category), central phenomena (7 categories), action strategy (2 categories), context (2 categories), intervening conditions (2 categories), and consequence (1 category). Conclusions: The integration of categories based on the interrelations between them about the elderly sport in Iran forms the paradigmatic model which this model reflects the model of involved managers in the elderly issues.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral therapy based on Beck’ s pattern on clinical syndrome and life satisfaction in patients with major depression Methods: This randomized clinical trial was performed on 24 patients with depression. Patients were randomly assigned into two groups of cognitive-behavioral therapy and control. Cognitivebehavioral therapy based on Beck’ s pattern was conducted in twelve nine-minute sessions twice a week, and the control group was not trained in any kind of training. Beck & Diener questionnaires were used respectively before, after and two months after the intervention to diagnose depression and life satisfaction. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS-21 software. Results: A total of 24 patient had inclusion criteria that twelve patient were randomly assigned to each group. The frequency of men in the treatment and control group was 50. 0% and 33. 3%, respectively. In related to depression and life satisfaction, the results of T-test showed a significant difference between the two groups after the intervention and two months later (P-value<0. 05). The results repeated measure showed that in the cognitive-behavioral group there is a significant relationship in related to depression and life satisfaction over time. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy has a positive effect on depression and life satisfaction in patients with major depression.

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Introduction: Acrolein is an important environmental, food and water pollutant that plays an important role in the development of several diseases. Resveratrol is a phenolic compound with antioxidant properties found in fruits such as grapes, berries and peanuts. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of resveratrol in preventing Acrolein-induced toxicity in isolated mitochondria from the rat liver. Methods: Rat liver mitochondria were isolated by differential centrifugation. Different concentrations of Acrolein (100 μ M to 2000 μ M) were used to obtain an IC50. Different concentrations of resveratrol (2. 5 μ M to 40 μ M) were then applied on mitochondria in the presence of Acrolein toxicity. Results: Acrolein IC50 was obtained via MTT assay as 400 μ M. No toxic effect was observed for resveratrol and in the presence of Acrolein, there was a significant reduction in mitochondrial survival even at high concentrations of resveratrol compared to the control group (P < 0. 001). Conclusions: The results of these study showed that resveratrol failed to exhibit a protective effect against acute Acrolein toxicity and just because a protective substance could be a marvelous antioxidant does not mean that it can prevent the mitochondrial damage resulted from any toxicant.

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Introduction: In recent years, food manufacturers have taken a lot of attention to the use of natural preservatives instead of chemical preservatives in their products, which has led consumers to prefer to use processed food without preservatives or even with natural preservatives. The aim of the present study was to investigate the antibacterial effect of ethanolic extract of Biebersteinia multifida on the growth of food-borne bacteria on white cheese. Methods: After the plant gathering, the ethanolic extract of plant prepared, after ensuring the milk is not microbial contamination, Bacterial inoculation, Calcium chloride, extract and Enzyme added to milks and divided to five groups (control negative, positive and treatment). Survey of growth rate of bacteria did in 60 days. Results: The results indicated that in the specimen containing the extract, the number of bacteria decreased throughout the study period compared to the non-extracting specimen. The most antibacterial effect of the extract was observed in removing or inhibiting bacterial growth in the first 24 hours. But over time, the antibacterial properties of the extract decreased and the number of developed bacteria increased. Conclusions: Despite the fact that the effect of inhibiting bacterial growth of the Biebersteinia multifida extract in the first 24 hours was positive, the observation of the instability of the effect of the extract of the cheese in the next stages of the experiment led to the growth of food-borne bacteria and could not be used as substitutes for chemical preservatives.

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Introduction: Social support is one of the factors influencing social well-being and successful aging. This study was conducted to determine the association between social support and social well-being of elderly people in Khorramabad. Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 462 community dwelling elderly people living in Khorramabad were selected from health centers using multistage random sampling. Perceived social support and social well-being were assessed using standard questionnaire through a faceto-face interview. The data were analyzed by the SPSS software version 20, using descriptive and analytical statistics including Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient, chi-square and independent t-test. Results: The findings showed that the older residents of the Khorramabad have relatively good social support and moderate social well-being. There was also a weak to moderate relationship between receiving social support of the family, friends and significant others with social well-being and its dimensions. But, there was no significant relationship between perceived social support and social solidarity. In addition, there was a significant relationship between age, education and living arrangements and some subscales of social support and social well-being. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate the relationship between social support and social well-being of the elderly. Enhancing family relationships, providing social participation conditions for the elderly at the national and local level are among the strategies for strengthening the social health of the elderly.

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Introduction: Free radicals are molecules that have unpaired electrons in their last layer. The excessive production of free radicals causes oxidative stress. Oxidative stress thus adversely alters proteins, DNA and oxidation of the membrane phospholipids. Methods: The cytotoxic effects of zinc oxide nanoparticle were evaluated using MTT (3-(4-5dimethylthiazol-2-yl) -2, 5-difenyltetrazolium bromide) assay against MCF7 cell line breast cancer cells. Also, the antioxidant properties of nanoparticles have been investigated using DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picyryl-hydrazyl) and ABTS (2, 2-Azino-bis (3-Ethyl benzothiazolin-6-sulfonic acid) procedure. Results: The obtain results showed that synthetized zinc oxide nanoparticles had an effective antioxidant properties in the DPPH and ABTS assay, which means that by increasing the nanoparticle concentration, the antioxidant property increased and its IC50 values was 1000 and 125µ g/ml respectively. The result of the MTT assay was indicated that by increasing nanoparticle concentrations, the viability of MCF7 cells was reduced and IC50 values was reported at 40µ g/ml. Conclusions: Our results shown that synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles have antioxidant properties and in low concentrations have cytotoxicity effects on cancer cells in compare to the normal cells, which makes this nanoparticle a suitable candidate for use in inhibiting cancer cells.

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Introduction: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is the most common complaint of referrals to the gynecology clinic. This study aimed to investigate and compere histopathological, findings in in patients with AUB witch refered to Kosar Hospital. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was performed in Kosar Hospital of Qazvin, on 887 cases of Abnormal Uterus Bleeding, that going under diagnostic curettage through2007-2016. All demographic, clinical, ultrasonographic and histopathological endometrial examination results were recorded in a checklist. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 19 using Chi-square or t-test. Results: The most common types of Abnormal Uterus Bleeding were menometrorrhagia (32. 7%) and then metrorrhagia (31%). Based ultrasonography result, endometrial thickness was 51% of patients in the reproductive range. The most pathologic pattern in these patients were endometrial; proliferative disorders (33. 6%), followed by secretive (15. 8%) and polyp (14. 9%). The relation between ultrasound and pathologic findings with age range and type of AUB, and ultrasound with pathologic findings were statistically significant (P <0. 05). Conclusions: Histopathological evaluation helps to provide clear information about the AUB and its causes and early diagnosis.

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Introduction: Abdominal pain and dyspepsia in the morning are a common and chronic problem in children which are commonly seen in school seasons. Given the high rate of morning abdominal pain, nausea and dyspepsia symptoms in children, their influence on the reaction of the parents, frequent visits to physicians, and impaired children's activities, this study had designed to evaluate and compare different dose of the ranitidine for treatment of nausea and abdominal pain in children 3 to 15 years old. Methods: In this interventional and randomized clinical trials, children with complaints of morning nausea and abdominal pain more than two weeks, were selected. Patients were randomly divided into two groups treated with single and two times per day of ranitidine. The two groups were matched for age and sex. Patients at the second and sixth weeks after treatment evaluated for symptoms. Data were analyzed with SPSS-18, and chi-square test. Results: 150 children enrolled in study. 29 were referred for morning nausea, 93 with morning abdominal pain and 28 with both problems. Of those who received a single dose of ranitidine, in 70. 7% symptoms improved and completely recovered in 29. 3%. In group receiving the drug twice per day, 100% achieved complete recovery. Study had shown that in longer duration of the disease, the response to treatment is decreasing. Conclusions: The results of this study emphasize the use of Ranitidine twice daily rather than single dose. Factors such as age, duration of disease and associated symptoms should be considered when adjusting the dose. Given the prevalence of morning abdominal pain in children and the invasiveness of endoscopy, the preferred method could be treatment with ranitidine and waiting for the response as an initial step for this problem.

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Introduction: The systemic vasculitis have varicose etiology that most of them are caused by autoimmune problems. One kind of systemic vas is caused by the plenty amount of cryoglubulin in blood. Case report: A 3 year old boy with cutaneous, joint, and CNS manifestations that is diagnosed with cryoglubolinemic vasculitis. Discussion: Cryoglubolinemic vasculitis with CNS involvement and bleeding is a rare condition especially in children.

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