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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Previous researches have provided contradictory results about continuing the studies of cognitive dysfunction following MTBI. This study was performed with aim to compare the cognitive condition in terms of attention power in two groups of healthy people and MTBI patients that one year has passed from their injury. Methods: In this causal-comparative study, which was conducted from February 2017 to October 2018, 48 (MTBI) male patients aging 30 to 55 years old who were admitted to the ICU in Shohadaye Haftome Tir Hospital were randomly selected as experimental group and 64 healthy men with similar age range were randomly selected as control group. Both groups which met all the inclusion criteria were tested with complex Stroop test. Results: The results of the study showed that the two groups had significant difference in the Congruent experiment time and incongruent experiment time in error level 5% (p<0. 05). Also, two groups had significant difference in the congruent non-responses, incongruent non-responses, congruent correct number, incongruent correct number, interference score, nonresponse sum and correct responses sum in error level 1% (p<0. 01). The results showed that MTBI patients have poorer performance in all subscales of stroop test compared to healthy people. Conclusion: Mild traumatic brain injury can disturb executive functions of the brain's prefrontal lobes after one year. Hence, it is suggested that it be considered in clinical and legal evaluations of the patients.

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Introduction: Evaluation of geographical distribution of physicians is essential to achieve social justice and reduce inequality. Therefore, this study was performed with aim to evaluate the distribution of physicians, general practitioners and specialist according to population and need adjustment indices in Khorasan Razavi province. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional and applied study. The population included the physicians, general practitioners and specialist of Khorasan Razavi province in 2006, 2011 and 2016. Sampling was not done. Data were extracted from the yearbooks of Statistical Center of Iran and Gini and Robin Hood indices based on population and need adjustment index were calculated in Stata 14 and Excel 2019 software. Results: The ratio of physician, specialist and general practitioners per 10000 population at the province in 2016 was 5. 08, 2. 12 and 1. 84, respectively, that despite high growth was lower than the average compared to previous years. Gini coefficient for physician, specialist and general practitioner per population in 2006 was 0. 38, 0. 13 and 0. 71, respectively, that decreased to 0. 24, 0. 06 and 0. 69, respectively in 2016. The distribution of physicians and specialist based on the need adjustment index was also more unequal than the population index. Conclusion: Inequality of physician, specialist and general practitioners per population decreased, so it is recommended to adopt long-term policies and programs to increase the number of physicians by increasing the quota in universities for long-term service in the province as well as recruiting physicians with the necessary incentives. Also, in short term, it is recommended to distribute specialist between cities of the province.

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Introduction: Anxiety means threats and insecurity that its source is not clear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on anxiety in Veterans and Disabled Athletes. Materials and Methods: This semi-experimental study was performed by two groups and pretest-posttest design. Twenty-four veterans and disabled who were the members of Board of Veterans and Disabled in Ahvaz city were selected by available sampling. First, all participants completed the Beck Anxiety and State-Competitive Anxiety questionnaire. Then, the participants were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Experimental group received tDCS intervention for three consecutive days. After the last intervention session, all participants again completed the Beck Anxiety and State-Competitive Anxiety questionnaire. ANCOVA test was used to compare post-test of two groups. Results: The results showed that tDCS intervention had a significant effect on general anxiety (p=0. 001) and state-competitive anxiety (p=0. 001), also anxiety level in experimental group was better than the sham group (p<0. 05). Conclusion: tDCS with Two-mA intensity during 3 sessions of 20 minutes can improve general anxiety and state-competitive anxiety in veterans and disabled athletes. Therefore, it is recommended that coaches, those involved, and veteran and disabled athletes use tDCS interventions on the days leading up to the competition to improve and control their anxiety.

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Introduction: Due to the significant use of vancomycin antibiotic in hospitals and the need for rational use of this antibiotic to prevent from antibiotic resistance, the present study was conducted with aim to evaluate the administration and pattern of vancomycin antibiotic use in Payambar-eAzam Hospital of Bandar Abbas. Methods: This retrospective descriptive study was performed in 2017. The patients who were treated with vancomycin during one year were selected by reviewing the information of patients admitted to Payambar-e-Azam Hospital of Bandar Abbas. Then, referring to the records of these patients in hospital medical records, the required information was extracted. Then, these information was reviewed by an infectious disease specialist according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Defined Daily Dose (DDD) guidelines. Results: In this study, 189 patients receiving vancomycin antibiotics in different wards of Payambar-e-Azam Hospital of Bandar Abbas were evaluated. Among them, 49 patients (25. 9%) received vancomycin in the first line of treatment. 170 patients (89. 9%) had used antibiotics based on experience and 19 (10%) based on antibiogram testing. Among the recipients of vancomycin, antibiotic use was defined based on defined daily dose (DDD) for 92 patients (48. 7%). Conclusion: In the present study, about half of the cases of vancomycin prescription was according to DDD guidelines, but most of the treatments are performed as experimental without considering the antibiogram and culture results.

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Introduction: This study was performed with aim to evaluate the efficacy of acceptance and commitment-based therapy (ACT) on the improvement of sleep quality in elderly people with chronic pain. Methods: This study was a semi-experimental (Pretest-posttest plan with unequal control group). The study population included all the elderly aged 65 years that 24 cases were selected by sampling method and then were randomly into two groups of experimental and control. McGill's Chronic Pain scale (1975) was used to measure chronic pain and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire (1993) was used to measure sleep quality. Treatment intervention was performed in 8 sessions of 90 minute on experimental group. After completion of the training program, post test was taken from both groups. One variate covariance analysis was used for data analysis. Results: Data analysis showed that acceptance and commitment-based therapy significantly improves sleep quality among elderly people with chronic pain (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The results indicate that acceptance and commitment-based therapy is effective on sleep quality in elderly people with chronic pain.

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Introduction: The incidence of multiple births has significantly increased in the world. Few studies have examined dietary patterns among twins. To the best of our knowledge, no study has been carried out in Iran. The aim of this study was to determine major dietary patterns of the same gender adult twins in Tehran. Materials and Methods: A total of 138 (69 pair) same gender twins participated in this study. The anthropometric characteristics and blood pressure were determined after completing the questionnaires of general information, International Physical Activity, food frequency and general health. Factor analysis was used to identify major dietary patterns. Association between general health and dietary patterns were estimated using logistic regression analysis. Results: Two major dietary patterns (mixed & western) were identified. There was a significant relationship between the mixed dietary pattern with the level of physical activity, diastolic blood pressure and chronic disease. People with a higher score of mixed dietary quartiles had a higher diastolic blood pressure and physical activity but less chronic disease than those with low score. Significant differences were observed in the distribution of western dietary pattern with gender, marital status, weight, body mass index, and age groups. By increasing the score of western dietary pattern, the percentage of men increased than woman and single individuals than married ones. Also, age, weight, and body mass index have an inverse relationship with western dietary pattern. Conclusion: Two major dietary patterns were identified among the same gender adult twins in Tehran. The identified dietary patterns had no association with general health in same gender adult twins, but further studies in this field are recommended

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Introduction: Scientometric studies are one of the most effective methods of scientific evaluation in databases. The aim of this study was to analyze the scientific products indexed in ISI based on h-index in 2013-2017 by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS). Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed with a functional approach and scientometrics method. The study population included all the articles of MUMS from Web of Science in 2013 to 2017. Data collection tool was observation. First, in the search section of the database and in the address field, the phrase (Mashhad Univ Med Sci) was searched in the desired period, and 4594 articles were found. Information was collected by subject, university or institution, year, authors, format of documents, journals, international participation and number of citations, hindex and other items and entered into Excel software. Then data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and frequency tables and relative frequency in the software. Results: The scientific products in ISI database during the studied years have been increasing, as indicated by the time interval. In 2015 and 2017, compared to previous years, had the most articles in pharmacology. Also, the number of citations in 2015 was very good compared to previous years, but in 2016 and 2017 it significantly dropped. Most of the high cited articles were published in the journals with high impact factor and most were in the form of international participation. Most of the internal collaborations articles were with Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Conclusion: The upward growth of articles indicates that the country's research outputs are in line with the country's sustainable development. Conducting similar researches can help to cause motivation at large level of the country and provide material and spiritual support to the country's medical universities.

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Introduction: Researches have shown that psychological dimensions play major role in the treatment of physical problems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment on self-care behaviors and follow-up of treatment in dialysis patients. Methods: The research method is quasi-experimental and the research design is pre-test post-test with experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the study consisted of all dialysis patients in the dialysis ward of Bu Ali Hospital in Marivan. The number of subjects in the experimental group was 15 and the control group was 15. The experimental group underwent 8 sessions of acceptance and commitment treatment and the control group did not receive any treatment. Data collection tools were Madanloo treatment adherence questionnaire and self-care ability questionnaire (SCAS). Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 24 using analysis of covariance. Results: The results showed that the difference between the mean scores of patients in the experimental group and the control group was due to the effect of the independent variable of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the variables of self-care, treatment diligence, willingness to participate in treatment, adherence to treatment, commitment to treatment and management in dialysis patients (P≤ 0. 001). However, due to the lack of significant differences between the mean scores of patients in the control and the experimental groups in the effect of independent variable, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is not effective on the ability to adapt to the disease and integrate therapy to life in dialysis patients (P≥ 0. 001). Conclusion: It seems that acceptance and commitment-based treatment approach is effective on self-care variables. However, it is suggested that more research be done in this field to increase the external credibility of the research.

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Introduction: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections, accounting for a significant proportion of hospital clients (about 30-40%). The emergence of resistance to cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole which were often used to treat general and nosocomial infections, delayed effective treatment of these diseases and subsequently resulted in increased infections and mortality of patients. Methods: In this study, 30 specimens of positive cultures of urinary tract infection which were referred to Imam Reza Hospital laboratory in Bojnourd were studied. The resistance and susceptibility of the isolates were determined by disc diffusion method. The presence of QnrA gen was assessed by molecular methods with specific primers. Results: The phenotypic resistance of isolates to nalidixic acid, levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin were 43. 33%, 26. 66% and 40%, respectively. Also, genotypic analysis of the isolates showed 6. 66% of the studied genes. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it can be said that resistance to antibiotics belonging to the fluoroquinolones is not yet widely high.

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Introduction: Neurological, metabolic and physical problems such as cardiovascular insufficiency are of the most important causes of deaths in children with Down syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate omega-3 intake along with eight weeks of swimming training on irisin and body composition in obese girls with Down syndrome. Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 18 girls with Down syndrome (12 ± 2 years and 22± 1. 3 kg / m2) were randomly divided into two groups of exercise training and exercise training + supplements. The subjects participated in twenty-four sessions of swimming training with an intensity of 45-65 percent maximal heart rate and consumption of 300 mg omega-3 capsule (exercise group + supplement) for 8 weeks. Blood samples were taken 24 hours before the first training session and 48 hours after the last training session. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. P≤ 0. 05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results showed that in the supplementation group, the levels of serum irisin and muscle mass significantly increased after 8 weeks (P <0. 05) and the amount of fat significantly decreased (P <0. 05). Conclusion: It seems that swimming training and omega-3 supplement in children with Down syndrome can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve many of their motor limitations by affecting body composition.

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Introduction: The present study was performed with aim to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) on increasing resilience and reducing headaches in patients with migraines. Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental study with pretestpost-test design and a control group. The statistical population included all patients with migraine referred to Shahid Dr. Lavasani Hospital in Tehran at 2018. 35 patients were selected by targeted sampling method and were randomly assigned to two groups of experimental and control. In both groups, patient resilience and headache were assessed through Connor and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire and Ahwaz Migraine Headache Questionnaire. The first group received mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in 8 sessions, but the second group did not receive any intervention. Then, in posttest, the resilience and headache of both groups were evaluated. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The results showed that cognitive therapy based on mindfulness was effective on patients' resilience and headache (P <0. 01). Conclusion: Due to the effectiveness of treatment, the use of different psychological therapies, including MBCT, as a complement to medical therapies is recommended for patients with migraines.

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Introduction: COVID19 was developed in late 2019 and is rapidly spreading across the globe, including Iran. The main programs offered are to prevent the spread of the disease based on personal hygiene and to observe behaviors such as social distance. Meanwhile, the knowledge of medical students about the disease and the behavior they offer against it is also important for people because of this pattern. In this study, the awareness, attitude and performance of medical students in Jahrom city against this disease have been studied. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, awareness, attitude and performance of 241 students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in relation to COVID 19 by designing a questionnaire consisting of areas of awareness, attitude and performance of people and the source of information and confidence (media) was measured for coronavirus. After confirming the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the online questionnaire was completed by individuals. Results: The mean score of students' awareness, attitude and performance of Corona virus was above average and was 73. 84, 79. 62 and 77. 97% (out of 100%), respectively. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between field of study, marital status, academic year and the number of family members and students' performance in coronary heart disease (p-value <0. 05). Conclusion: Given the importance of individual behavior in controlling the prevalence of COVID-19 disease, providing a tool for measuring the awareness, attitude and performance of people in the community, the questionnaire designed in this study can be used in future research. Also, medical students seem to have an acceptable insight into the disease as individuals who are at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus.

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Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a collection of the risk factors relevant to the cardiovascular diseases & diabetes and the number of patients who suffer the said syndrome increases every day. This study was performed with the aim of determining the effect of one educational plan based on the model-trans-theory(TTM) and in order to control the risk factors (Especially the Nutrition). Materials and Methods: This study applies the quasi-experimental research method and with the pre-exam & post-exam plan in the medicine control group and testifier so that a number of 75 individuals who were ill with the metabolic syndrome were included in a simple accidental form and in three groups of 25 individuals. The measuring tool applicable for a 24 hours questionnaire with the food mode and the meta-theory questionnaire of Marcus by which the behavior change stages and behavior process (SelfEfficiency & Decision Making Balance) were first assessed and then taught. Also the data registration sheet was used for gathering the data relevant to the waist size and circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (Hypertension), TG, HDL and FBS and the existence of at least three indexes was taken into consideration as a criterion for determining the metabolic syndrome. Educational intervention was performed in four sessions and for the test group and some required medicines were applied for the medical & testifier groups but without the educational intervention and after collecting the data and the results were obtained after 4 months of educational intervention. Ultimately the said data were analyzed by the independent, dependent T tests, co-variance and SPSS software. Results: Measuring the change stages structure and prior to the intervention showed that a high percentage of patients were in the preliminary stage (PreContemplation, Contemplation and Readiness) that more than %76/4 of test group individuals remained in the act and retention after the intervention stage. Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is one global crisis which threatens the health and economy of the most nations. Scientific evidence shows that a major part of the metabolic syndrome can be preventable and even curable (Treatable) through a change in mediating behaviors especially modifying diet and lifestyle.

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Introduction: Aerobic exercises along with the use of herbal supplements are an effective way to control the complications of diabetes. The aim of this study was to study the effect of Stevia Oral consumption and aerobic exercise on fat profile and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic men. Methods: In this study, 28 men with type 2 diabetes were selected for purposeful and randomly divided into 4 groups of 7, Including aerobic exercise group, stevia consumption group, aerobic exercise group + stevia consumption and control group were divided. The exercise protocol was conducted for 8 weeks and 3 sessions each week, each session being 20-45 minutes. The outcome data was analyzed using Dependent T-test and Analyze of Covariance. Result: There was a significant difference between the level of pre-test and post-test of HDL, LDL, cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, insulin resistance, insulin resistance and maximum oxygen in the two groups of aerobic exercise and aerobic exercise + Stevia supplements compared to the two groups of Stevia supplements and control (P≤ 0. 05) LDL, cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, triglyceride, insulin, Insulin resistance, decreased and HDL and maximal oxygen levels increased (P≤ 0. 05). Conclusions: According to research, aerobic exercise appears to decrease cholesterol, insulin resistance, fasting blood sugar and triglycerides, but intake stevia supplements has little effect on related variables.

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Introduction: Self-medication is an important health issue that its prevalence is increasing and threatens the health of various people in society, especially youngs. Therefore, this study was performed with aim to determine the frequency and causes of self-medication among paramedical students of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences (RUMS) in 2019. Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 296 paramedical students of RUMS. The subjects were selected by census method. Data were collected using a 28-item questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Chi-square, independent t-test and Fisher's exact test. Results: Prevalence of self-medication among paramedical students was 76. 4% and was increased during university education (p= 0. 002). The most common disease which led to self-medication was gastrointestinal disease (28. 7%), the most commen used drug was analgesic (61. 6%), and the most commonly used form of drug was tablet (67. 9%). The most common cause of self-medication was previous experience of drug use. Funding: This research was funded by Research Council of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. Conclusion: The results showed that the prevalence of self-medication was high among paramedical students of RUMS. It is suggested that continuous training programs be developed to reduce this misbehavior and its complications.

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Introduction: Divorce disrupts the family system, and some of the stressful factors associated with it cause changes in a person's individual and social structure, often leading to problems and tensions in women's lives that affect their mental health. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy on improving Alexithymia, individual-social adjustment and resilience women to divorce. Method: The research method was quasi-experimental and the research design was pre-test and post-test with a control group. Among all women at risk of divorce in districts 5 and 6 of Tehran in 2019, 30 were selected as available and were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (15 people) and control (15 people). The research instruments were Toronto alexithymia scale (Bagby, parker and tylor, 1994), individual-social adjustment California Questionnaire (Clark et al., 1953) and Resilience Questionnaire (Connor and Davidson, 2003). The procedure was such that after the pre-test, compassion-focused treatment was performed for the experimental group, and finally both two groups were performed. The findings were analyzed using SPSS software version 24 and multivariate analysis of covariance at a significance level of 0. 05. Results: The results of data analysis indicate that the interventions improved alexitamia, individual and social adjustment and resilience in the experimental group compared to the control group and this difference is statistically significant (p<0. 001). Conclusion: According to the research findings, it can be said that compassion-focused therapy is applicable to women at risk of divorce and is effective in improving alexitamia, individual-social adjustment, and resilience.

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Introduction: Patients with diabetes have a major problem with metabolic control; The aim of this study was to determine and compare the effectiveness of mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy on metabolic control (glycosylated hemoglobin and blood sugar) of type 2 diabetes patients. Materials and Methods: The research method was semi-experimental with pre-testpost-test design with control group and two-month follow-up test. 45 people from the community of people with type 2 diabetes were selected in the available method in the Diabetes Association of Tehran in 1398 and were randomly replaced in two experimental and control groups. The required findings were collected using medical experiments three times before, after, and follow-up tests and were analyzed using variance analysis with repeated measurements. Results: The results of repeated measurement analysis of variance showed that mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral interventions are effective in reducing blood sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetic patients (p <0. 001). Ben-Ferroni's test showed that the effect of mindfulness was significantly higher than the swimming-tbehavioral method (p <0. 001). Conclusion: Despite the methodological-behavioral effect on the metabolic control of diabetic patients, it is recommended to use mindfulness-based intervention for better control.

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Introduction: The incidence of chronic physical diseases such as Psoriasis causes psychological and physical traumas in the patients. Therefore the present study was conducted aiming to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral intervention on health promotion behaviors and psychological flexibility in autoimmune (psoriasis) patients. Methods: The present study was quasi-experimental with pretest, posttest, control group and two-month follow-up design. The statistical population of the study included autoimmune (psoriasis) patients in Tehran in autumn and winter of 2019-20. 30 autoimmune (psoriasis) patients were selected through non-random volunteer and purposeful sampling method and they were randomly accommodated into experimental and control groups (15 patients in the experimental and 15 in the control groups). The experimental group received ten ninety-minute sessions of cognitive-behavioral intervention during two and a-half months. The applied questionnaires in the current study included the questionnaire of health promotion behaviors (Walker et. al, 1987) and psychological flexibility questionnaire (Denis and Wanderwall, 2010). The data from the study were analyzed through repeated measurement ANOVA. Results: The results showed that the cognitive-behavioral intervention has been effective on health promotion behaviors and psychological flexibility of autoimmune (psoriasis) patients, as this therapy has succeeded in the improvement of health promotion behaviors and psychological flexibility in these patients. Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study it can be concluded that the cognitive-behavioral therapy can be used as an efficient therapy to improve health promotion behaviors and psychological flexibility in autoimmune (psoriasis) patients relying on following automatic thoughts to identify fundamental beliefs, training behavioral methods and cognitive errors and inefficient thoughts.

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Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic and recurrent disease that has an effect on the body, mental and quality of life of patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mindfulness based cognitive therapy on perceived stress and quality of life associated with the disease of women with psoriasis referring to Isfahan Dermatology Research Center. Methods: The research design was quasi-experimental using pre-test and post-test with control group and one-month follow-up. For this purpose, 30 patients who referred to the Dermatology and Cutaneous Leishmaniosis Research Center of Isfahan during 2017 were selected through convenience sampling and randomly assigned into experimental and control groups (each including 15 individuals). All participants responded to (IPQ), Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and Cohen Perceived Stress Scale in three stages, namely pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The experimental group attended in 8 focused therapies (Segal, Williams & Teasdale therapeutic package 2002) biweekly. Control group did not receive any intervention until the end of the follow-up phase. The data were analyzed by repeated measure analysis of variance. Results: The results revealed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy significantly reduces perceived stress and enhanced the disease-related quality of life in the experimental group compared with the control group(p<0. 001) Conclusion: According to the results of this study, which showed that while the effect of mindfulness-based therapy is significant for improving and reducing perceived stress and improving the quality of life associated with psoriasis, this treatment was also effective in the follow-up phase and its effect was continuous.

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Introduction: Today, executive dysfunction is one of the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of executive function training on the imagination and participation in play of children with autism. Materials and Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental. The statistical population included all children aged 7 to 12 years with autism referred to Omid Speech and Occupational Therapy Clinic in Semnan. Twenty girls with autism were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups, each assigned to 10 people. In conducting this research, Gersham and Elliott (1990) social skills questionnaire, teacher form and researcher-made imagination checklist were used. Educational interventions were performed in 16 sessions of 60 minutes on the experimental group. If the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis of covariance with control of pretest effect. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the control and experimental groups in the variables of imagination and participation in the game (p <0. 001). Also, training in executive functions had a significant effect on imagination and participation in the experimental group (p <0. 001). Conclusion: It seems that teaching executive functions improves the imagination and participation in play of children with autism and is effective as an educational intervention to improve communication skills in children with autism.

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Introduction: Research has shown that the behavior of patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects their performance in the family, school and community and leads to a negative reaction from others; Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy program for adolescents with ADHD on their interaction with their parents. Methods: The method of quasi-experimental research and pre-test and posttest research design was follow-up with control and experimental groups. The statistical population included all adolescents aged 18-12 years who were referred to a respiratory clinic in 1998 due to suspected ADHD. Thirty people who scored higher than cut in the CBCL test were selected in an accessible and targeted manner. Research tools included Child Behavior Inventory (CBCL), Fine et al. Parent-Child Relationship Assessment Questionnaire (PCRS). Findings were analyzed using SPSS software version 25 and analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test at a significance level of 0. 05. Results: The findings showed that the difference between pre-test and posttest in both parent experimental groups was significant (p <0. 001). Due to the difference in means, the scores from pre-test to post-test have decreased. The difference between pre-test and follow-up is also significant (p <0. 001). But there is no significant difference between the mean of post-test and follow-up of the two experimental groups (p> 0. 001). Conclusion: According to the research findings, it can be said that the special cognitive-behavioral program of adolescents has a beneficial effect on their interaction with their parents.

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Background & Objective: Gender socialization provides the grounds for social exclusion, psychological disorders, reduced quality of life and marital satisfaction for women; Therefore, it is important to study and treat these problems in housewives. The aim of the present study was to comparison effects of solution-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on psychological flexibility and marital satisfaction of housewives. Methods: The study was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population was housewives in Behbahan in the second half of 2019, who were selected by targeted sampling method, 45 eligible people were selected and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups and respond to ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale (Fowers & Olson, 1993) and sub-scale of Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (Bond et al., 2011). The control group waited and the group of solutionfocused therapy received the interventions during 8 sessions of 120 minutes and the group of acceptance and commitment therapy received the interventions during 12 sessions of 90 minutes; Then, at the end of the therapeutic interventions, the subjects of the experimental and control groups were evaluated by questionnaires. Data were analyzed by analysis of covariance and considering the significance level of p<0. 01 in SPSS24 software. Results: The results showed that solution-focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy had a significant effect on increasing psychological flexibility and marital satisfaction of housewives (p<0. 001). Comparing the effectiveness of these methods, it has been shown that the solution-focused therapy is more effective in increasing marital satisfaction (p<0. 001). There was no difference between these methods in increasing psychological flexibility (p>0. 05). Conclusion: In addition, these therapies can be used as effective therapies to improve the psychological flexibility and marital satisfaction of housewives; The priority of use in the treatment of marital problems is with the solutionfocused therapy.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the response of blood pressure and arterial stiffness to different high-intensity training methods. Materials and Methods: twenty-six prehypertensive men aged 25-45 years categorized in 4 groups: aerobic, resistance and combined exercise. Pre and post Blood pressure and arterial stiffness measurements were performed. Paired sample t-test was used to compare within-group and multivariate analysis of covariance (Mancova) test was used to compare between-group differences. Results: The results showed that diastolic blood pressure was significantly reduced in the aerobic group (P=0. 012) but was insignificant in the resistance group (P=0. 297) and combined (P=0. 102). Aerobic (P=0. 005) and combined exercise (P<0. 001) significantly reduced systolic blood pressure, but in the resistance group (P=0. 178) was not significant. Arterial stiffness of the aerobic (P=0. 001) and combined (P=0. 015) groups was significantly reduced but was not significant in the resistance group (P=0. 168). Between groups comparison showed that the diastolic blood pressure of the aerobic group experienced significance reduction than other groups. Also, post-test Systolic blood pressure in both aerobic and combined groups were significantly different from the resistance and control groups. In arterial stiffness, there was a significant difference between the aerobic group and control and resistance groups, as well as the combined and control groups. Conclusion: In general, aerobic exercise showed that it has beneficial effects on all variables, but in resistance training, little effect was seen. An important finding is that combined exercises, which are being increasingly popular these days, can have the same positive effects as aerobic exercise.

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Introduction: the students’ academic performance plays a dramatic role in the future of every country. Therefore, the present study was conducted aiming to explain the causal model of parenting styles and academic performance with the mediator role of academic buoyancy in high school students. Materials and Methods: the research method was descriptive in correlational and structural equations type. The statistical population included all male and female secondary high school students in the city of Fasa in academic year 2018-19 and their parents from whom 493 students (248 boys and 245 girls) were selected through multi-stage clustered random sampling method. Diana Baumrind’ s parenting style scale, NEO-EFI five factor personality scale, academic performance scale and academic buoyancy scale were used in order to collect data. The data analysis was done after collecting the questionnaires via Pearson correlation and structural equation methods. Results: the results of structural equations modeling revealed that the academic buoyancy plays a significant mediator role in the relationship between parenting styles and academic performance. Moreover, the offered causal model enjoys an acceptable goodness of fit. Conclusion: according to the findings of the present study, the parents’ parenting styles and academic buoyancy should be seriously paid attention to in the process of the students’ academic performance and success as effective variables on this process.

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Jalalian Fatemeh

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Introduction: Research has shown that physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, has a protective role against oxidative liver damage, reducing inflammation, injury and liver fibrosis, and a review of some studies shows the destructive effects of methylphenidate on some organs; Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effect of aerobic exercise and methylphenidate on the antioxidant indices of liver tissue in male Wistar rats with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Methods: The research method was laboratory. Thirty-six hyperactive male Wistar rats with mean and standard deviation of 186. 23± 7. 32 were divided into 3 groups of 9 rat: endurance training, methylphenidate consumption, endurance training + methylphenidate consumption and a group of 9 rat. The experimental groups practiced for 6 weeks, 5 days a week and 60 minutes a day. One-way analysis of variance test was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes in the control group compared to other groups (ADHD without exercise and without methylphenidate, ADHD + aerobic exercise, ADHD + methylphenidate, ADHD + methylphenidate + aerobic exercise). Had (P≤ 0. 001). Also, there is a significant difference between superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes of ADHD group without aerobic exercise and without methylphenidate consumption compared to other groups (control, ADHD + aerobic exercise, ADHD + methylphenidate consumption, ADHD + methylphenidate consumption + aerobic exercise) (P≤ 0. 001). But there was no significant difference between superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes in ADHD + aerobic exercise group with ADHD + methylphenidate group and also with ADHD + methylphenidate + aerobic exercise group (p≥ 0. 01). Conclusion: It seems that aerobic exercise can replace the use of methylphenidate in connection with superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes in male Wistar rats with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder.

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Introduction: Research has shown that herbs are more effective in treating diseases when used as an extract; The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of stevia extract and endurance training on liver enzymes in obese male Wistar rats. Methods: The research method was laboratory. Twenty-four male Wistar rats at 3 months of age were divided into control and experimental groups. The experimental group at 12 weeks of age was randomly divided into 4 groups: obese, exercise, stevia and exercise + stevia with mean age and standard deviation of 312. 75 ± 32. 25. A 5-treadmill was used for endurance training. The subjects' training program was 30 minutes per day for 8 weeks at a speed of 8 meters per minute. Dependent t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that endurance training and consumption of stevia extract and a combination of both had a significant effect on the weight of obese male Wistar rats (P≤ 0. 001). But there is no significant difference between the effectiveness of endurance training and consumption of stevia extract on liver enzymes in male Wistar rats (P≥ 0. 001). Conclusion: It seems that both exercise and consumption of stevia extract and the composition of these two have an effect on liver enzymes. It is suggested that more research be done in this regard for the external validity of the research.

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Introduction: Studies during the economic crisis of COVID-19 in relation to investment risk assessment in the field of research and development can be done based on different techniques in different time and place conditions. The development was based on the FMEA technique due to the COVID19economic crisis. Methods: The statistical population of this study was 21 experts in the automotive industry. A library information method was used to compile the background and a questionnaire was used to evaluate the research questions, the validity of which was confirmed by using the content validity ratio. In this research, which identifies and prioritizes attractive areas of the automotive industry, the FMEA method is used. Results: The results showed that by reviewing previous studies and interviewing experts, the risks related to the field of investment in this field in four sections: idea generation and design, initial and detailed evaluation stage, design and development stages, testing and approval stage Mass production and market introduction were classified. Conclusion: It seems that in the field of research and development, the risks related to the initial and detailed evaluation stage had more priority than the risks related to other stages.

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Introduction: Providing models related to market situation has always been of interest to researchers to be able to take control of the market, especially in times of crisis; Therefore, the purpose of this study was to design a model of factors affecting the promotion of the national brand image in regional markets in terms of products (goods) of the country of origin in the postcorona period. Methods: The research method is contextual (survey). The statistical population is managers and experts in the electricity industry, private sector contractors in the electricity industry, operators, manufacturers of electrical industry equipment, exporters and companies related to the business of supplying and selling related equipment. The sample size, considering the size of the community and the large number of members using the Morgan table, the sample number for 196 is considered. The sampling method in the qualitative part is judgmental (snowball) and saturated with the opinion of the researcher. A questionnaire and in-depth interviews were used to collect the information. The initial questionnaire to assess the validity and reliability was provided to experts, experts and experts (to a limited extent) and after ensuring the validity and reliability, the sample was provided. Structural equation modeling (SEM) method was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the GOF criterion for the fit of the overall model was calculated to be 0. 428, which indicates a very strong fit of the model. Conclusion: It seems that the presentation of the national brand model, given the current situation, can be effective in promoting the brand image in the post-corona era in order to advance economic goals.

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